
Friday, October 21, 2022

I Didn't Say It

Joe Scarborough, Morning Joe host, taking on Steve Scalise as an outright liar saying Nancy Pelosi didn’t do enough to protect the capital on January 6 when he was in the room with her:

“You know, I’m just a dumb country lawyer, but they asked the question after Steve Scalise had known the answer. So he said, ‘That’s a great question, why won’t they answer whether Nancy Pelosi called the National [Guard]. This is so terrible and they won’t answer.’ He was in the room; he was in the room where it happened … I’m serious about this, I couldn’t imagine in a million years holding a press conference as a member of Congress … being that cynical, lying through my teeth on an issue—on any issue, but especially an issue of this importance. And even if for some reason I had fallen off a scooter the day before and I was dizzy, there would have literally been 12 people on my staff grabbing me saying, ‘You can’t do that, go back into your office, you need to tell them you’re not going to do this.' I don’t understand. All the barriers that were up when you and I were there, all the rules that were in place, just rules of common decency, not going out and lying through your teeth, my God, on issues this important.”

Steve Scalise has no balls and no spine; he will simply tow the party line always and look like a fool and liar while he does it.


Marjorie Taylor Greene—or as Uptonking calls her, Empty G—claimed during a recent debate that she’s a victim of the January 6 attack:

“You cannot accuse me of insurrection. I was a victim of the January 6 riot just as much as any other member of Congress. That was the third day I had on the job. I had nothing to do with what happened there that day, and I will not have you accuse me of that.”

And yet she asked Thing 45 for a pardon on her third day in office. Why, Marge? Greene, a conspiracy theorist who has spoken at white nationalist event’s, has sympathized with the rioters, calling them “political prisoners,” and visited some in what she called the “patriots wing” of the District of Columbia Jail.

Doesn’t sound like a victim, sounds like a traitorous insurrectionist bitch.


Sean Hannity, telling Senate nominee Don Bolduc, and others in the GOP, to refuse to answer the abortion question:

“As a US Senator, based on the Dobbs decision, you will have no say on [abortion] at all whatsoever. But they’ve tried to drag you, you know, into that discussion. Your personal beliefs are your personal beliefs, but it’s going to be the people of every state that will decide through their locally elected representatives, the state representatives, not through you. I think the media needs this answer going forward: ‘I’ve answered that question a thousand times. That’s a decision that will be decided by the state. Next question, please.’ And move on. Because that’s what the media does. They do the bidding for the Democrats and they ask their questions.”

Wrong again, Sean. The Senate works for We The People, and we have a right to know where they stand on every issue, and if they choose not to answer then vote them out of office.

See, Sean, you moron, if Biden tries to codify a woman’s right to choose into law,  then Senators like Don Bolduc, will have to vote on it and we have the right to know where they stand. 


Marco Rubio, Florida’s favorite foam party boy and Republican, at a debate with Val Demings, on drop boxes:

“That’s a method of voting that doesn’t advantage one group or another. There’s danger involved in drop boxes. People need to think about it. Okay, imagine someone decides, ‘Oh there’s a drop box I’m just going to put some explosive in it and blow it up and burn all of those ballots.’ And now those votes don’t count at all.”

Hey Little Marco? You sound like a child who has no idea what’s going on. And you’re trying to spread fear and conspiracies in case you lose the election.

Small man, Marco, small man.


Evan McMullin, an independent running for the US Senate against incumbent Mike Lee in Utah, tying his opponent to The Big Lie:

“You said the president should listen to legal quack Sydney Powell, ‘Please make time for her, let her in,’ you told the White House chief of staff. You told the president that you were working overtime—14 hours a day, I think you said—to unravel this for him, to keep a president who had been voted out of office according to the will of the people in power despite the will of the people. Senator Lee, it is a betrayal of the American republic. You were there to stand up for our constitution, but when the barbarians were at the gate you were happy to let them in.”

Lee is a coward who wants to ride the coattails of a traitor back into office. Good on McMullin for calling him out.


Jamie Lee Curtis, actor and mother of a trans daughter, on the current anti-transgender climate in the US:

“I have a trans daughter. There are threats against her life, just her existence as a human being. There are people that want to annihilate her and people like her. The level of hatred, as if we haven’t learned from fascism, as if we haven’t learned what the result of that is: the extermination of human beings. That is terrifying. So Jamie Lee Curtis is scared and you should be too. And Jamie Lee Curtis has a voice and she’s trying to use it, and you should too. And that’s how we change things.”

Stand up, speak up, and vote. Otherwise you’re doing nothing to stop the hate and are, in fact, goose-stepping right along with it.



  1. Boy with the exception of the last two what a bag of mixed nuts. And is it just me but every time I see a picture of one of them they always look batshit crazy? And yet people still vote for them.

  2. There is terrible fear in the Republican party; they may have gambled unwisely. They thought chaining themselves to Trump was a sure thing... and it was, the wrong thing.

    1. And yet many are still tied to him ...

  3. As usual the gop is off in the ozone.
    xoxo :-)

  4. There are so many weirdos in the Repugnant party I find it difficult to believe that anyone in their right mind would look at someone like Margarine and think yup, that is the politician for me.

    1. Well, as we now know, watching the GOP rally around Herschel Walker, it isn't about smarts, it's about butts in seats to take control.

  5. Hello Bob ,

    Yes, John Schneider-Dukes of Hazards-is a little off kilter as Keven S.

    1. Wow, what an effing little snowflake he is.

  6. MTG should be in prison

  7. I think Scalise needs to be given copies of the photos of him in the room with Pelosi and the videos of her asking everyone and God for help that day!! The rest of the loons shown need to be thrown under the jail for their behaviors! Jamie Lee Curtis is MAGNIFICENT and I am just so damn happy she's alive and using her platform for all of us. xoxo

    1. I think Scalise would say that isn't him in the video.

  8. Sounds like everything continues to be cool and easy-going in American politics. Hey dude - have another toke on this joint! Far out man!

    1. Yeah, it's still a mess here, and over there, too, it appears. Must be a global thing??

    2. All is well in China. The sweet sound of a bamboo flute can be heard drifting over the paddy fields.

  9. At least today there are Evan McMullin and Jamie Lee Curtis. Otherwise, I’d want to shove the rest of them in a drop box with a bomb.


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