
Friday, October 28, 2022

I Didn't Say It ... With Pete Bookends

Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of Transportation, calling out Republicans for never proposing solutions to the problems they complain about:

“Many congressional Republicans take stances that seem to be more about the problem than about the solution. Even the things that they talk about the most often; immigration, inflation, I mean of all the things that congressional Republicans have proposed, policy wise, can anybody name the top five things that they’ve suggested to fight inflation? Can anyone name three? How about one? They voted No on the inflation reduction act that was about lowering prices for Americans, and I would have loved nothing more than to have a debate between the Democratic Inflation Reduction Act and the Republican Inflation Reduction Act on [floor of the House] and Senate and argued over which one was better, but there was only one and it was ours, and luckily it passed.”

First, Pete is the Poster Hottie for common sense talk, and we need more of this.

Second, I love me some Twitter and every day I see Republicans whining about the border and inflation and the ALLEGED climate change hoax and yet they offer not one solution.

They do, however, rally to keep drag queens out of libraries, people from saying ‘Gay,’ and teachers from teaching children actual US history.


Lindsey Graham, South Carolina’s GOP Senator and current reigning Miss Hissy Fit 2022, says the GOP cannot be racist because it nominated Herschel Walker for Senate:

"They're beating all our guys up. But what is it about this guy? He changes the entire narrative of the left. We're a party of racists, Sean. Me and you are racist. The Republican Party is racist. Well what happens when the Republican Party elects and nominates Herschel Walker, an African-American, Black, Heisman Trophy winner, right, Olympian. It destroys the whole narrative. [Michigan Republican House candidate] John James. [South Carolina Junior Senator] Tim Scott. Herschel Walker. Everybody in San Francisco is gonna jump off a bridge [if Walker is elected].”

My first thought is that Miss Lindsey could only come up with four People of Color in his two, two of whom aren’t holding public office right now, and how that smacks of that old, ‘I can’t be a racist, I have Black friends.’

Ma’am, all due respect, your party has a race problem.


Liz Cheney, responding to Mitch McTurtle after he criticized her for speaking out against Thing 45:

“Obviously, the idea that we could simply ignore [Thing 45] and the threat would go away is clearly wrong, and I think that, you know, Leader McConnell and Leader McCarthy obviously have taken slightly different approaches to [Thing 45]. Leader McCarthy is embracing him. Leader McConnell has thought we can ignore him and go forward as a party without him continuing to have power and authority. That’s clearly not the case, and my view from the beginning has been, you know, we have to, as a party, reject insurrection; we have to reject what he stands for. I don’t think this is an issue about which you can make a political calculation. I think it matters too much.”

I need Liz to take McTurtle to the shed for a whipping.


Ralph Norman, South Carolina GOP Representative, on who is running the country … because Joe Biden isn’t … and what he’ll do about it:

“We’ll subpoena as many people as we can. We gonna hopefully have consequences starting with Mayorkas, Wray with the FBI. I mean, a whole host of things. The whole administration is a rogue administration and I guess we all know Joe Biden is not running this country. There is a cabal of unelected elitists who are running this country. Probably Barack Obama is involved. Probably Eric Holder and—but who knows? We know it’s not Biden.”

Odd that

Norman mentions just two people who are part of some cabal running this country and both are People of Color, which goes against what Miss Hissy Fit just spewed. 

Ralph Norman also “joked” that Ruth Bader Ginsburg was so old, she was “groped by Abraham Lincoln;" he produced a loaded handgun and set it on the table during a meeting with gun control activists Moms Demand Action; he voted against certifying the 2020 election, against gold medals for Capitol Police officers, and against the creation of the Juneteenth holiday.

Best of all, Crazy Ralph was among the GOP representatives who sued Pelosi over the House face mask mandate; the very next day he became sick with … something.


Michael Elizabeth Pence, joining Ted ‘Rafael’ Cruz as being the last Republican to ever be considered presidential material:

“The radical left believes that the freedom of religion is the freedom from religion. But it’s nothing the American founders ever thought of—or generations of Americans fought to defend. You know, I said today here in Houston that the source of our nation’s greatness has always been our faith in God, our freedom, and our vast natural resources. And the good news is, that after four years of the Trump-Pence administration, I’m confident that we have a pro-religious freedom majority on the Supreme Court of the United States. And I’m confident that come Election Day, November the 8th, you’re gonna see that freedom majority around the country turn out and vote pro-freedom majorities in the House, and in the Senate, and in statehouses around the country.”

Oh Mike, you delusional fuck. We are a land of many faiths and no faiths and that’s what we were built upon and, yes, it is what our men and women in the military has fought for.

The sad thing is that your God, the white blue-eyed icon in the sky, is looking down at you and hearing what you say and She is not amused.

Even that fly on your head knows you’re wrong.


Pete Buttigieg, again … sue me, thinks it’s a positive thing that GOP opponents to the infrastructure bill, are first in line when the funding comes to the communities they serve:

“It is striking that people went to the floor of the House or Senate and said, ‘No, this infrastructure funding should not happen’ and then they can’t wait to be there when that funding is coming to their district. But there’s nothing better than seeing a skeptic become a convert. I call it the sincerest form of flattery if someone was against your policy and then when it’s actually benefitting people who live in their communities they can’t hug you close enough. And I’ll say this, I mean politics aside, the people who live in those communities shouldn’t be punished because their senator or their house member said no to this funding. We’re gonna serve everybody equally. I’d like to think that’s how we think about things.”

This again goes back to the GOP whining, and then holding out their hands for the cash and trying to take credit for things like infrastructure.

They lie, nearly every time their lips move.



  1. They all need a good horse whipping (except Mayor Pete, of course!)

    1. I'd spare Liz, too, and hope she whips McConnell but good.

    Miss Lindsey had a black person in his house, once. The only solution Republicans have to any problem is banning what they think creates the problem. Pete makes me excited about our party the way Barack Obama did.



    1. Oh Miss Lindsey. Just resign from politics and come out already.
      And I agree about Pete and Obama; there is a sense of decency in both men, which is rare.

  3. Pete is now an icon. Love the fact that you chose a picture of a fly sitting on shit, rather than one of Mike Pence. As for Lyndsey? I believe he's really more concerned about whether he can wear a stripped frock in jail, rather than racism.

    1. I thought the fly more rational than Michael Elizabeth.
      Lindsey is a pig, through and through, and a racist one at that. "Look at me! I'm sittin' next to a Black man!"

  4. (Pete Buttigieg)
    xoxo :-)

    1. Yes. Especially that phot that I call Hot Pete cuz I'm shallow like that.

  5. Whenever Pete speaks I am in awe. He so clearly cuts through the bullshit and the obfuscation and gets right to the point and always with a superbly ethical resolution to the issues. If there were any chance he could be president I would rejoyce.

    1. I'm with you. It's common sense speak and we need it.

  6. Oh Miss. Lindsey. It would be Sean. You and I not "Sean. Me and you". Either learn English and how to speak it or go back where you came from.

    And Pete Buttigieg in 2024 and I can die a happy man.

    1. Miss Lindsey continues to sink lower and lower in my estimation and I never regarded her highly at all before.
      I do need to see Pete as President. Luckily, though I knew he wouldn't get the nomination, he was on our ballot in 2020 for president and I gleefully voted for a smart, sensible gay man as president. And I'll do it again!

  7. I've had enough of this nonsense. I say we just put mayor Pete in as president right now! I like the bookends. I ignored all the filth in between well except for Liz. She seems to be the only one that has the balls and courage to nail Trump's ass to the wall.

    1. I didn't want to tarnish Pete with the filth but I was stunned at the blatant racism of both Miss Lindsey and Ralphie Boy.

    2. When I have been doing my campaign volunteering....everyone giggles that I still wear my Mayor Pete for President tee shirt. Just a subtle hint........

    3. We should all get that shirt!

  8. Go Buttigieg! He is the best.

    It's amazing to me how many (racist) people still think Barack Obama is in charge. It's absurd and paranoid.

    I'll add Ralph Norman to my privately-kept list of awful people.

    1. I think saying that about Obama feeds into that Fear The Black man racist trope the GOP likes to spread.

  9. Oh, Lady G likes Black people. Especially if they are male, young and hung. On top of her.
    Pete makes me hot. So smart.
    The Repugs are deeper and deeper int othe QAnon hole. When Li Cheney of all people is the voice of reason...Damn.


    1. The difference between an out gay man who speaks competently and simply and clearly and that of a self-loathing racist asshat queer is stunning.

  10. What about Italy where the majority of the country are believers in a god? Their leader is a nouveau fascist, however much she denies it. What about Iran where the majority of the citizens are good Moslems? In Iran they kill innocent children in the streets for daring to protest against the hijab? In Russia, where there are plenty of believers, the Patriarch is a multi-millionaire and his underlings bless missiles so they can kill innocent children jut because they have a different language and history. Plenty of countries have religious citizens but that doesn't necessarily make them good. Look at Margarine, she's full of religion but hardly someone you'd want to introduce to your family.

    1. I am sorry to say that most of the people I meet, or are in office, who spend a great deal of time talking about god [little g] and their faith, are not really religious or faithful.

  11. krayolakris12:31 PM

    Sounds like Norman is taking speech lessons from Herschel. Word salad anyone? They’re all a bunch of tossers and I cannot wait for a Pete to be Prez.

    1. I put Ralphie and Aunt PittyPat in the same post so people would better understand the ignorance that happens in South Carolina.

  12. Pence said, "The source of our nation’s greatness has always been our faith in God". That is ridiculous. Where is the evidence for God's existence? The source of America's greatness has always been Coca Cola.

    1. But also, whose God? And what about those who don't believe? There must be room for ALL beliefs.

  13. I love Peter and your using him as bookends to the insanity that is the GOP is spot on! I have to admit the only good thing in SC is Charleston and only to visit not live in! Oh, and the golf courses, they're lovely! xoxo

    1. I meant "Pete" - Peter was my Daddy's name.

    2. I will say that Chasten, Pete's husband, calls him Peter, so it's an acceptable name!

  14. aussieguy11:25 PM

    Pete is one of a very few bright spots we Hoosiers can point to with pride. Such down-to-earth, no BS integrity. Unlike piece-of-shit Pence, who was in danger of losing his re-election bid for governor before holding hands with the Orange Moron. And good golly Miss Molly, does every quote from Limp-sey involve people jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge?

    1. I think Miss Lindsey is missing his incognito days in the Castro.

  15. If intelligence and integrity were requirements to lead this country, we'd have a capital filled with Pete Buttigiegs. Sadly, we have people like Lindsay and Hershel.

  16. Pete Buttigieg sounds like a decent sensible man.


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