
Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Meme Dump


  1. Ohhh sooooo good!
    I think that the MAGAts being upset about Cheeto being treated as a criminal tells us that they fear they'd be treated the same. Because they're just like HIM: corrupt, thin skinned, stupid.
    I would love it to be Melanoma who called the FBI though. That bitch is gonna play a good one on Mayonnaise Voldemort. Mark my words.


  2. Primo stuff, Bobulah!

  3. I still don't believe he'll ever be brought to justice, no jail time BUT the meme about no one thinking he'd be prez is giving me a glimmer of hope.

  4. Alas I can't share the glee. How many times have I thought 'this is it; the deck of cards will fall now" only to see it stand stronger than ever.

  5. I did like the panicking conservatives, since they're terrified America's going to find out about all of the lies and deceit's .

  6. Yes, all those boxes must get in
    the way. Now they just have to
    remove _______ from the place.
    xoxo :-)

  7. I showed Dave the second one, and he said, "And if it's ketchup, it's Trump!"

    I also love the one about Melania trying to decorate. That gave me a good laugh.

    (I love them all honestly.)

  8. Trump flew down to Mar-a-Lago far too often during his presidency. Sometimes it was every weekend. He should have been perusing the papers where they were safe and sound - in Washington, specifically The White House. The FBI were doing their job. Shame Trump couldn't do his.

  9. aussieguy9:49 PM

    Gotcha on the crayon, makeup & coke — and if it’s a Sharpie, it’s the rotund Orange buffoon. And I agree, they were all super.

  10. "I can't decorate with all these boxes sitting around, come and get them" smart move on her part.

  11. Half of me and half of me!

  12. Wouldn't be lovely to see the orange ogre do a perp walk in a onesie the same shade as his skin?

  13. I'm late reading this (I mean, it is Friday), but sweetpea, this will make my move into the weekend all that more glorious! xoxo


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