
Friday, August 26, 2022

I Didn't Say It

Caitlyn Jenner, who believes “biological boys who are trans” should be banned from participating in sports as their gender identity, now says there’s one exception to that rule:

“I’ve been very consistent with how I’ve tried to approach this, transgender athletes. It really depends on the sport. Every sport is different. Obviously, we saw with Lia Thomas [University of Pennsylvania swimmer], she had gone through male puberty, bigger cardiovascular system, it just wasn’t fair. Golf is a totally different game. It is a game of touch and feel. It is about your ability around the green, to get the ball out of the bunker. [Golfer Hailey Davidson’]s playing within the rules.”

There’s another difference between swimming and golf: Jenner participates in women’s golf tournaments herself, and if she kept her stance on banning trans women from sports then she would find herself banned. Caitlyn Jenner is a self-loathing hypocrite; banning trans women is fine for any sport in which Jenner chooses not to participate, but she’ll find any exception to the rule for the games she plays.

She can kindly fuck all the way off.


Jared Kushner, proving he’s as delusional as his father-in-law:

“For the last year, the one thing I’ve tried to put a priority on since leaving the White House is to getting some exercise in. My generation is, hopefully with the advances in science, the first generation that’s going to live forever or the last generation that’s going to die. So we need to keep ourselves in pretty good shape.”

Oh, I do think Kushner will be around forever, because he’s clearly a mannequin, and plastic can last for eons.


Mike Turner, GOP congressman and Thing 45 whipping boy, on those classified documents stolen from the White House and taken to Mar-a-Lago:

“Certainly we all know that every former president has access to their documents. That’s how they write their memoirs. They don’t have, you know, great recall of everything that occurred in their administration. And we don’t know that they were classified. We know according to the FBI documents that they were identified as marked classified.”

They may have “access” to them, but they cannot take them with them when they are run out of office., No other president has done this, but the GOP thinks it’s okay because when their Traitorous Hair Furor  does it.


Liz Cheney, on Kevin McCarthy:

“My views about Kevin McCarthy are very clear. The Speaker of the House is the second in line for the presidency. It requires somebody who understands and recognizes their duty, their oath, their obligation and he’s been completely unfaithful to the Constitution and demonstrated a total lack of understanding of the significance and the importance of the role of Speaker, so I don’t believe he should be Speaker of the House. And I think that’s been very clear.”

Snap. Even losing her election, Liz Cheney will still take on the goose-steppers in the GOP.



  1. Oh, Liz has no fucks to give. Same amounts of fucks I give for Jenner's opinion, btw. Or any Repug's opinion.
    And you mean to tell me that Jared is ALIVE? He's got all the range of a Real Doll.


    1. Caitlyn irked me most this week, sh*tting on her own community.

  2. Jenner is a stain on all Trans people. Someone must have told Kushner that vampires live forever. Republicans have painted themselves into a corner with Trump, and it's too later to turn against him, and Cheney's going to use a power sprayer to finish the job.

    1. Caitlyn just riles me, because she doesn't even see her own hypocrisy.

  3. Yes, Caitlyn Jenner is being extremely self-serving, as always.

  4. Poor delusional Jared. The latest headline is his boasting that No. 45 is reading his book. We all know 45 can't read.

    1. I said the same thing about Thing 45 when I read that Jared quote!

  5. Hmmm, golf, eh? Not a clue as, thankfully, I
    don't play it!
    xoxo :-)

    1. Caitlyn is a vile human being.

  6. A few quick thoughts:

    *Caitlyn-Know your facts dear on how biological transition works before you display your ignorance.

    * Jared-Dear, the more you speak the more we are not buying what your selling-gaslighting. We hardly heard a peep from you during the grifting-still doing so-and I alone can fix anything years in the White House. Now you are everywhere like chalk on a blackboard. Sit down. You're embarrassing yourself.

    *Mike T.-The Big Fat Orange One and his disablers have spun so many reasons WHY he was in possession of said documents. Yes, he can have access to them. One has to make special arrangements to review them for books to write, speeches...One does not OWN them. They are the American peoples'. Now when does The Big Fat Orange One read or write. A picture book maybe.

    *Liz C.-Bless her dear heart for her valiant efforts to save our democracy. BUT don't get it twisted. Liz has voted with The Big Fat Orange One 92% plus of the time . And seeing Dick cut a commercial for her triggers political trauma and seeing our troops die for a sham, endless war.

    Have a great weekend and treat our Carlos as a princess that he is.

    PS-I have not seen any postings on Tim and Heidi's Making The Cut. To me they have stripped some of the soul out of the show.

    1. I agree with you.
      We don't do streaming so we have never seen Making The Cut.
      Carlos will ALWAYS be the princess.

  7. How many top secret documents do you need to scribble "Naughty Donny has a tantrum?

  8. I've said it before and I'll say it again -- I can't believe I'm agreeing with Liz Cheney!

    Did Jared Kushner really say that?! What the heck is up with that guy? Plastic or not, that's insanity.

    1. Of course, this j6 stuff is the only thing I've ever agreed with Cheney about, and yes Kushner said that, though I'm sure he doesn't know what it means..

  9. “the first generation that’s going to live forever or the last generation that’s going to die” What the hell does that even mean?!?

    Every time I agree with Liz Cheney, I feel like I’ve entered an alternate universe.

    1. Kush is as illiterate as daddy-in-law, and I feel the same as you about Liz!

  10. I wonder what Kushner is smoking or ingesting that is giving him a Methuslian complex!

    1. He's as delusional as THAT whole family.

  11. What a bunch of sourpusses!

    1. Well, except Liz ... for now.

    2. Okay, sourpuss adjacent.

    3. Yeah, I'll give you that one.

  12. I agree with Deedles!!!! And lock them in the room of no escape. Jenner needs to just sit in her quilting bee and stay quiet.

    1. Caitlyn needs to move along and never speak publicly again because no one wants to hear her, but her.

  13. aussieguy6:31 PM

    Caitlyn should be forced to read all of the stupid shit that has gushed from her mouth over the years. What a self-serving, entitled nitwit. If I never heard another word from her, I would be truly blessed. Jared — words fail me. Didn’t want to listen to him when he “served” and NOTHING he says now is worth a damn. And I am so sick of the moron’s followers making excuses for him; he is no different & should not expect (or demand) separate rules for him. The only one worth listening to is Liz, as long as she makes it her top priority to expose the emperor. I agree, her past actions supporting him cause one to pause.

    1. I don't think Caitlyn even understands the trash she spews.
      I disagree with Liz on EVERYTHING but J6!

  14. What does Kushner mean by "since leaving The White House"? He wasn't in the ****ing White House! He was just the fawning son-in-law of the guy who was meant to reside there but spent too much time at his Mar-a-Lago temple of bad taste riffling through top secret documents for spurious reasons.

    1. Well, he did work there, along with his wife, and made billions from it.

    2. I don't think the word "work" is the right one for what Kushner did in The White House.

  15. My grandmother told me, it is better to remain silent and have them think you are a fool, than to speak and confirm it.

  16. Every time i think we've turned the corner and thoughtful, intelligent people are coming forth, these fucking idiots open their pie holes and far too many folks applaud them. OK, I will give Liz Cheny a pass because of her current stand on country over party (it surprises me no end), but the rest of this line-up can can go suck eggs. xoxo


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