
Friday, August 19, 2022

I Didn't Say It

Steve Schmidt, public affairs strategist, letting the MAGAts and Proud Boys and Oathkeepers and the other crazies know where we stand:

“I am not afraid of any of these people. I will not be afraid of these people. The whole fetid lot of liars, weirdoes, loons, militias, religious nuts, fascists and conspiracy theorists, all of them need to understand something. The rest of us are holding the line and we aren’t taking one more fucking step backwards to accommodate their insanity. Not one. The exhausted majority is what I’m a part of. It’s got Republicans, Democrats, independents, new voters and new citizens. It’s made up of people of all faiths, creeds, religions and no religion at all. It is common sense based and we are sick of the bull shit and will not allow a belligerent minority to hijack our country, our families, our kids, our faiths, our communities, our unity, our liberty, our bodies and our future. Never.”

Always keep in mind that no matter how loud the MAGAts are, there are fewer of them than there are Democrats and Independents and Republicans who were never for Thing 45 or have since become anti-Thing.

They’re loud, they’re obnoxious, they’re racist, dumb, and slightly insane, but they aren’t the majority.


Eric _____, on Fox News, lying:

“Last night, I had an argument between two people in a restaurant who were trying to buy Lara and I dinner to apologize for what the United States government has done to our family. I mean, you wouldn’t believe the energy out there. I’ve been through all of these firestorms over the year. I’ve never seen America more mad than it is right now. People get this for what it is, Sean. You know, they’ve removed the wool from people’s eyes and people know exactly what’s going on. They’re targeting [Thing 45], they’re targeting his family, they’re targeting everybody around him.”

Yeah, that totally happened.

Let’s be clear, Eric is the one who stole money from a children’s charities.

Let’s be clear, if someone offered to buy Eric and Lara, his keeper, a dinner, they would take a photo together and display it all over social media, but, like his father, he thinks we’re dumb enough to believe anything he says because, in fact, he is that stupid.


Marjorie Taylor Greene, giving Lauren Boebert a run for her money as the dumbest member of Congress, on solar and wind energy:

“Thank god for air conditioning. Let’s talk about refrigerators. I personally like my refrigerator. I know you all like yours. What about washing machines and dryers? Lord please God don’t make me scrub clothes in a bucket and have to hang them out on a line when we switch over to wind turbines and solar panels. I’m gonna be really pissed off about that. I mean, how absurd is this? I like the lights on. I wanna stay up later at night. I don’t wanna have to go to bed when the sun sets. It’s so silly! I mean, all of this is insane.”

For the love of the goddess Georgia, I know you’re a Red State, but do you have to be stupid state as well?


Sean Hannity, once again kissing the ring of the former Traitor In Chief:

“What do you think the next thing that happens here is, do you think that they would try and indict the former president in the hopes of convicting him and having him in jail at the time of the next election to prevent him from running? Because a conviction by the way, constitutionally, would not prevent him from running for office. You know, this code that is being cited by Marc Elias and all these other people negates the very enumerated qualifications in the Constitution, and the specific requirements for somebody not to be eligible to run, and that would be impeachment and conviction. It doesn’t mention anything about being, you know, maybe not following every single dotted i and crossed t in the Presidential Records Act of the National Archives Act.”

I guess if that happens and Thing 45 is reelected he won’t live at the White House but the Big House?

Yeah, that’s a good look Sean.


Chris Swecker, former assistant director of the FBI, on the raid at Mar-a-Lago:

“These are heavyweight statutes. The first statute is basically the espionage statute. It talks about things that he may have done with the documents that would result in injury to this country and … he did these things willfully. That is serious enough that is a ten-year penalty if he’s convicted. Now, the third statute, which is the obstruction-related statute, carries as 20-year penalty and it alleges that he somehow impeded an ongoing matter, which could have been the grand jury investigation of what we now know is an espionage case. So this is a much more serious case than just possession of classified documents.”

This isn’t just some work papers he took home with him; these are classified documents that he stole,  quite possibly to sell to a foreign nation for big money or use as extortion in case anyone turned against him.



Donald Norcross, a fourth-term Democrat Congressman from New Jersey, on codifying marriage equality into Federal law:

“I woke up this morning, got ready to come over to the Capitol, and as I often do, I glanced over to pictures of my family. And I glanced to a picture of my nine-month-old grandson. Couldn’t be happier about the newest addition to my family. I couldn’t be prouder of the two people who brought him into the world: my daughter Corey and her wife, Hedya. When my daughter told me she wanted to get married, I told her what every good parent should tell her: that if this is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, I couldn’t be happier for you. And as I stood at their wedding … I knew it was only made possible because of a recent Supreme Court decision. And today… that same court has opened the door to dismantling families like mine. Splitting this little guy’s family apart, potentially. We can’t let that happen …. I don’t speak about the religious beliefs of my colleagues, but I have to ask: What God would fault in this baby and his two mommies? There is nothing wrong with this. This is pure love. It’s what we all should aspire to. And with that, I encourage my colleagues to vote ‘yes’ so we are equal in all states.”

The legislation passed 267-157, a tally that includes most of the Democratic caucus plus 47 Republicans. The bill’s prospects are unclear in the Senate where at least 10 GOP votes are needed to break a filibuster and get the legislation to President Joe Biden’s desk.

But do not stand for reversal. We will not go back.



  1. Schmidt his the nail on the head, and that minority group is not going to take it well when America tells them shut their damns mouths. Hannity painted himself into the same corner Trump's in, tough shit. I've already wasted enough words on Greene. And that marriage bill will hit the Senate sometime in early February.

    1. Cast a goddamned vote. Everybody.

  2. This post was a great! I loved the last quote from Donald Norcross. And Marjorie Taylor Green? I keep asking myself how she was elected in the first place.

    1. The age-old question: who in their right mind cast a vote for That Woman.

  3. You know that Marjorie three names is a dumb see you next Tuesday. And so are her constituents. Nothing new.
    And yes, the MAGAts are a loud minority but the majority needs to VOTE them out.
    That bill's future in the senate is a little iffy. Fingers crossed.


    1. My fingers are crossed!

  4. (Donald Norcross)
    xoxo :-)

    1. Some sanity amongst the loons.

  5. Does Margarine truly believe that solar and wind power will be incapable of running her tumble dryer and her fridge? Or will the green energy just refuse to enter Margarine's house on the grounds of her complete and utter stupidity?

    1. She simply parrots Thing 45's old tropes.

  6. Interesting mixture today, Bob.

    1. The Good, The Bad and The Unbelievably Stupid.

  7. aussieguy2:58 PM

    Oh. My. Head. It's so maddening to know that the stupid comments just won't stop. It's literally a bottomless pit of plain old fuckery. As everyone (with a brain) says, "cast a god-damned BLUE vote!"

    1. We need to vote, always and ever, to stop this lunacy.

  8. I don't think Eric Trump can tell the truth

    1. Like his father he thinks whatever dribbles out of his yap is truth.

  9. Two things as we enter the weekend: 1. There are MORE of us than those dumb feral idiots, and 2. I am so glad we left Georgia when we did! Have a great weekend, sweetpea! xoxo

    1. Point 1: YASSSSSSSSSSS!
      Point 2: Georgia. Seriously.

  10. So much stupidity, so little time.

    1. C'mon, there were a couple of bright spots! 😁

  11. How refreshing to read some oases of true sanity (Schmidt, Swecker & Norcross) amongst the daily cacophony of hardly credible absurdities designed for cretins to swallow which, of course, they do with gusto. Makes me re-believe that just plain common sense must and will come out top in forthcoming elections (even despite the crazy gerrymanderings), drowning out any isolated triumphs by the lunatic fringe. So I'm NOT giving up hope - at least not yet!

    1. There are more Democrats than MAGAts, and when you throw in Republicans and Independents that don't follow Thing 45 like sheep, the MAGAts, while loud, are clearly outnumbered.

  12. It's amazing how truth can be twisted. Trump purloined secret documents that belong to the nation. He should be hanging his head in shame but instead he and his brainwashed supporters try to turn an obvious negative into an outrage in which he, the perpetrator of wrongdoing, becomes an innocent victim. It is flabbergasting.

    1. This is how pathological liars and perpetual victims and narcissists react. And when all three conditions exist in the same person .....

  13. Anyone stupid enough to buy Eric Trump dinner deserves to lose that money.

    It's amazing how Trump and his minions can turn anything into persecution. He's got the biggest victim complex I've ever seen, even though he brings it on himself by doing illegal, stupid and traitorous things. Don't want to be a victim? Then act like a responsible adult!

  14. Steve Schmidt, my hero.
    Thank you, Bob, for including this - Steve has been AWOL on my radar lately, so I was thrilled to read!


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