
Monday, August 29, 2022

And So It Begins ...

Last year, at a sporting event in Utah—the kind of event as well as the competitors name have not been released and you’ll see why—one competitor utterly outshone the rest of the field in a girls’ state-level competition.

And suddenly, because it’s all the rage, you know, the  parents of the competitors who placed second and third—AKA  the losers—filed a complaint with the Utah High School Activities Association calling into question the gender of the winner.

You know, because it was actually a boy who beat their precious darlings in the event because no “girl” could ever be better.

Still, David Spatafore, the Utah High School Activities Association’s [UHSAA] legislative representative, addressing the Utah Legislature’s Education Interim Committee said the association—without informing the student or family members about the inquiry—asked the student’s school to investigate.

The school examined the student’s enrollment records and found that, all the way back to the records from the student’s kindergarten, that the student was female.

Spatafore would not reveal the sport, the classification of play nor the school the student attended, but did say the association has received other complaints, some saying that the “female athlete doesn’t look feminine enough.”

Utah passed its own anti-trans hate bill in the 2022 General Session. The legislation, sponsored by Republican … because, of course … Representative Kera Birkeland bans transgender girls from competing in girls’ sports.

And apparently any girl who bests the darlings of bigots in a high school sporting event is immediately questioned about being a “real” girl when in fact, those little darlings simply aren’t as good.

Still, though nothing came of it in this case, hate is winning in Utah. And this is the future of this country in this time of hate; a young girl who is better at sports than other young girl’s will instantly have her identity and her gender questioned.

Ah America ….



  1. Maybe they were seeing a future Olympic athlete?
    I was once on a sports team with a fellow who
    went to the Olympics a couple years away - and
    Oh!My!Gawd! he was amazing as a teenager.

    1. Just the fact that their daughters lost and so the winner must be trans is a disgusting thing to say and do.

  2. This is what comes of policing women's and girls' bodies. Outrageous.

  3. Appalling. Republicans are all about individual freedom until they somehow get the idea that you're not "normal," and then they want to persecute the hell out of you.

  4. Replies
    1. The fact that the loser's parents were so indignant that the association wen tall the way back to kindergarten? Sick.

  5. It's like Arthur Miller's "The Crucible" all over again but this time alleged witchcraft has been replaced with gender.

  6. They got mad when the transboy whooped ass at female wrestling in Texas, forcing him to play against his wishes

    They just hate trans people

    1. Hate, ignorance, and fear all wrapped up in a bigot ball.

  7. aussieguy5:37 PM

    If only Utah was the only state doing this...just shows how fucked up this country is becoming, and the Orange Moron only emboldened the Rethuglicans to pursue their twisted, perverted agenda.

    1. It's a sick thing to be teaching young people.

  8. This shit makes me stabby.
    The level of entitlement, the pettiness, the fuckery, the blatant stupidity...


  9. Wow... what an ugly story... on so many levels. Think of the message learned by those girls who placed second and third? Privilege much? Icky business, that.

    1. The parents are setting an ugly example for their children, and an ugly precedence for other bigoted parents.

  10. I'm waiting for the dirt to leak out so that child's parents can sue the hell out everyone involved in this travesty.

    1. I'd hate to see the rabid right go after that girl because she's an innocent, completely.

  11. Sweet Mary Sunshine! The phrase "Going to Hell in a handbasket" comes to mind, sweetpea. xoxo

  12. Shakes head in dismay.

    1. I just cannot fathom uttering the phrase 'My kid lost, so that girl must be trans.'


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