
Monday, August 08, 2022

A Cat Tale: Houdini and Phoenix

Who says cats are “just” animals? After MaxGoldberg passed Tuxedo was especially hard hit. The first few days he would sit in the living staring down the hallway waiting for Max to come out for breakfast. Now, he sits on the couch in the sunroom after eating, also waiting for Max because that’s where the two of them took their morning naps. It breaks my heart to see him so sad, and, like people, I know he’ll come out of it, but he’s still grieving, so I needed this cat tale today.

A cat called Houdini was found hung up on a fence by the Humane Society of Mason County in Washington. Once they set him free, the volunteers realized that his vision was quite poor due to an infection which required surgery. Houdini made it through the surgery but was left blind. The volunteers then brought an orange tabby, Phoenix, in to meet Houdini, and the two have bonded, with Phoenix becoming Houdini’s seeing eye cat.

Katherine Johnson, Humane Society of Mason County president, said Houdini and Phoenix, about 3 months old, have bonded, and said they will be adopted out as a pair so that they can stay together … as they should.

Sometimes I wish people treated each other the way animals treat one another.

SIDENOTE: Carlos calls me his Seeing Eye Bob.



  1. So sweet!
    Allergies keep us from enjoying cats.
    But the girls have a cat over on the coast.
    So she is my grand-cat.
    xoxo :-)

    1. All of the ones we've had through the years have all been so special and sweet.

  2. aussieguy4:28 PM


    We have a blind Schnauzer who follows me around the house. This story warmed my heart.

    1. We could learn a lot from these two cats!

  3. Seeing Eye Bob! That's so cute!

    1. It's one of my many titles.

  4. "Seeing Eye Bob" -- very clever! And what an adorable cat story. I hope Houdini and Phoenix find a wonderful Forever Home together.

  5. This made me tear up Bob, but in a good way.

    And by the way...animals are far more superior to humans. They can get along and bond when they need too. Hence why they are amaze me. Thanks for sharing this story.

    1. I agree; we can learn so much.

  6. Lovely story, sweetpea! xoxo

  7. I join you in wishing people would treat each other better. just as the many different breeds are all Dogs or Cats, so the many different humans are all People.

  8. We should all have a good of a life, as my sister german shepherd

  9. I do love these animal stories. Wish there were more people like that, Seeing Eye Bob.

    1. That's a name I wear proudly!

  10. That poor cat. Glad it has a happy ending... sort of. I just wish the world took better care of all we're given. Human beings make poor stewards.

  11. Awww
    Now I wanna pet a kitty. And I'm allergic!



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