
Friday, July 08, 2022

I Didn't Say It

Liz Cheney, saying the Justice Department should not avoid prosecuting Thing 45 in relation to the Insurrection he started:

“I think it’s a much graver constitutional threat if a president can engage in these kinds of activities, and the majority of the president’s party looks away; or we as a country decide we’re not actually going to take our constitutional obligations seriously. I think that’s a much, a much more serious threat. I really believe we have to make these decisions, as difficult as it is, apart from politics. We really have to think about these from the perspective of: What does it mean for the country?”

That’s what’s called putting your country over your party, though too many in the GOP thinks it best to hitch their wagons to a racist rapist traitor because they’re scared on him.


Laura Ingraham, the Eva Braun of Fox News, on the cause of that mass shooting in Illinois:

“Indications are that Robert Crimo was a regular pot user. Now, one look at him and to the untrained eye he looks like a complete psychotic, if you’ve ever seen anyone looking like him. What can regular pot use trigger in young men in particular? Psychosis and other violent personality changes. These are the eyes of some of the mass killers who have reportedly been regular pot users. Look at them. Those in politics and in the media who devote their time and energy to fear mongering on fake issues while covering up the truth about the growing scourge of violent psychosis in our young people, they have to be called out. They have to be defeated.”

I’m not a fan of pot, but from what I understand, it kinda makes you lazy and lethargic and hungry, not a person who has daddy cosign so he can buy a slew of assault weapons and climb onto a rooftop.

Again, Laura Ingraham is a pandering, fearmongering, asshat.


Fred Upton, Michigan’s GOP Representative, on those cowards who stood with Thing 45:

“What disappoints me the most is that here we are a year and a half later [and] we’re now just getting other Republicans within the former administration to tell what they thought, what they saw happen. Where were they a year and a half ago when then of us voted our conscience and decided to cast the vote that we did? They should have helped us, in my view, back in January when we cast that vote. None of the ten of us regretted our vote that we cast. None of us would have changed our vote that we cast.”

Upton’s “ten of us” refers to the ten GOP House members who voted for Thing 45’s second impeachment. In April, Upton announced that he will not seek reelection.

Why not stay and fight for the GOP, Upton, rather than turn tail and run? Seems the party is made up of all kinds of cowards.


Tucker Carlson, the Little Prince of TV dinners of Fox News, on the cause of that mass shooting in Illinois:

“So, why didn’t anyone raise an alarm? Well, maybe because he didn’t stand out. Maybe because there are a lot of young men in America who suddenly look and act a lot like this guy. And of course, they’re angry. They know that their lives will not be better than their parents.’ They’ll be worse. That’s all but guaranteed. They know that. They’re not that stupid. And yet the authorities in their lives—mostly women—never stop lecturing them about their so-called privilege. ‘You’re male, you’re privileged!’ “Imagine that. Try to imagine an unhealthier, unhappier life than that. So, a lot of young men in America are going nuts. Are you surprised?”

And that’s another reason we can let women have autonomy over the bodies and their healthcare choices, because they’re raising murderers.

It’s women!!!! It’s women!!!


Geoff Duncan, Georgia’s Republican Lt. Governor, on getting death threats after speaking out about Thing 45:

“There was an interesting timeline that started to happen, a pattern is a better way to put it. So I would go on TV, I would speak the truth and within minutes [Thing 45] would send a tweet out that would say something derogatory or inflammatory. And within minutes after that, me or my wife would start to get threats which would show up on our phone. I mean bloodcurdling threats from the most awful sounding individuals. And deep meaning, that they know things about you and your family. They intentionally were trying scare us and intimidate us.”

This isn’t a president, or even a human being, it’s a child throwing a tantrum and rallying his little band of red hat wearing traitors and bullies to come after you.

Best way to end them? Never let Thing 45 near public office again.


Greg Gutfeld, the tiny angry little man on Fox News, on the cause of that mass shooting in Illinois:

“Just look at people shooting for the sake of shooting. It’s always influenced by the previous attack. So if you thought that you could decrease these attacks by 30%, 40%, 50% why wouldn’t you do it? Why wouldn’t you do it? The media could do that. We could just report the facts, be one and done and leave, instead of giving just nonstop coverage. The media, remember, they can decide not to cover something. Hunter’s laptop: they were easy with that. Border chaos: they don’t cover that. The riots after George Floyd, mostly peaceful: they didn’t cover that. Look at the Akron shooting. They said that they covered the 60 shots from the police but not the fact that the guy shot first. So they know how to not cover things. So it’s time that we look at this stuff and decide enough is enough. If we, the press, can decrease these shootings by 30%, why the hell don’t we?”

Maybe you should suggest that to your bosses, Tiny, and take the first step. I mean, if these other quotes are any indication, your own network went on a rampage talking about the story endlessly. Clean your own house, little man, before coming for any others.

Oh, and if Americans stopped watching the liars and racists and loons and angry little men on Fox News, it will stop.

Let’s try that.


Mitt Romney, GOP Senator from Utah, on Biden and this latest version of America:

“President Joe Biden is a genuinely good man, but he has yet been unable to break through our national malady of denial, deceit, and distrust. A return of [Thing 45] would feed the sickness, probably rendering it incurable. Congress is particularly disappointing: Our elected officials put a finger in the wind more frequently than they show backbone against it. Too often, Washington demonstrates the maxim that for evil to thrive only requires good men to do nothing. I hope for a president who can rise above the din to unite us behind the truth. Several contenders with experience and smarts stand in the wings; we intently watch to see if they also possess the requisite character and ability to bring the nation together in confronting our common reality. While we wait, leadership must come from fathers and mothers, teachers and nurses, priests and rabbis, businessmen and businesswomen, journalists and pundits.”

Nice to see Mitt taking the GOP goose-steppers to task, but howsabout a little more anger and disgust at their pandering? Howsabout campaigning with and for those candidates who will do better for America and leave Thing 45 to wither and die like a piece of rotten fruit in the Florida sun?

I mean, as long as Mitt doesn’t think he should run.



  1. Yes, it's all the fault of women, POC, gays and anyone else who expects to be treated equally. They're all picking on those unfortunate young white men and making them crazy! Who could possibly blame them for going on mass shooting rampages? Gimme a break!

    1. It's just insane that these so-called educated men and women, simply because they work for Fox, have to spout such nonsense. And more insane that anyone buys it.

  2. Is Mittsy referring to Death deSantis or Dead Eyed Cruz when he says good men stand in the wings ready to take on the challenge? Or does he refer to himself, a limp and boneless piece of work who probably never had a spine.

    1. Oh I am sure he is not referring to those two fools.

  3. Fox's take on mass shootings? it's the pot, it's the women, and if you ignore them, they'll stop. Well, Republicans have been ignoring them for years, and they never, ever listen to women, so Ingraham must be right, it's the pot. Upton's probably worried about the death threats. And Mitt? He wants to run for president again.

    1. It's also abortion, as one of them said. It's anything and everything except responsible, sensible gun control.

  4. Hello Bob,

    I just can't read the statements from the GOP folks on their take on the ills of the world. It is just infuriating. They will spin, gaslight, lie, twist-you get the point-to obtain a logical reasoning in their minds.

    If I am off base let me know. In the UK Boris J. was Thing45 as one could get. The party-Tory-that brought him to power said oh hell no. Let's get him out of here before he brings us all down. The party had many resignations. And finally the writing was on the wall and the man stepped down. Well, it was a soft resignation and he will stay on until a replacement is found. Hell the party was even going to get-no fucks to give-The Queen involved. That's just like saying if you don't behave I am going to tell your mother. And we all know what that means.

    The point is, compared to our system we have no Republicans standing up for a our democracy. Yea, Liz C. and Adam K. are a shinning light of a few who are BUT don't trust them for a second. Their voting/policy records are deplorable. Maybe this is an end to a means. The Republican party is jus enabling the bullshit that is taking place in our country. They are going along to get along. They are not blind. Their silence is agreement/acceptance in the goings on. They are just trying to take more power and bring the citizenry back to 1960-maybe further back.

    I encourage all who read this to not be complacent. Speak up!! Demonstrate-peaceable! Flood your representatives at every point with calls and letters. And most importantly VOTE-up and down the ballot AND at every election in your state and county has.

    We must do better for a better future.

    Have a great Friday and weekend.


  5. Replies
    1. While I loathe her politics, the fact that she stands against this GOP of Loons makes me smile.

  6. We need more people like Liz...on both sides of their party....but still put their country and states needs before party....but those on the far right and far left don't want to work together.....and that will doom our country.

  7. "The Eva Braun of Fox News" -- LOL! She's talking REEFER MADNESS, just like those old alarmist movies from the 1950s. The guy obviously had much deeper issues than merely smoking pot.

    1. I just cannot believe they say these things with a straight face, but then I guess Fox News pays the most for the most idiotic spin.

  8. Is Geoff Duncan Superman? He certainly looks like him! What is the opposite of Superman? Whatever it is, that's Trump!

    1. Geoff is kind of attractive, except for that whole Republican thing. You know what they about the party you keep ....

  9. Who would’ve thought Liz Cheney would be someone I could admire. We have definitely stepped through the looking glass.

    1. To be fair, I admire her for this but her politics are a completely different story.


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