
Monday, July 25, 2022

Good News To Start The Week: Bo Jackson

I remember when he was a big shot athlete and all the ‘Bo knows’ commercials, but this is better than any ad or athletic accomplishment.

It has been revealed that former sports superstar Bo Jackson  helped pay for the funerals of the 19 children and two teachers killed in the Uvalde school massacre in May. Jackson, whose rare success in both the NFL and Major League Baseball made him one of the greatest athletes of all time, said he felt compelled to support the victims' families after the loss of so many children:

"I don't know if it's because I'm getting old, [but] it's just not right for parents to bury their kids. It's just not right. I know every family there probably works their butts off just to do what they do. ... The last thing they needed was to shell out thousands of dollars for something that never should have happened."

Jackson felt a personal connection to Uvalde after it became a regular stop for him, for a bite to eat or the grab groceries, before driving further west to visit a friend's ranch.

It was that familiarity with Uvalde, and the people he'd met on those stops, that touched him deeply after hearing the news of the shooting, and three days after the attack, Jackson and a friend went to Uvalde, briefly met with Governor Greg Abbott and presented a check for $170,000 with an offer to pay for all funeral expenses. Jackson declined to name the friend who went with him and also contributed to the donation.

"Uvalde is a town that sticks in your mind. Just the name. I don't know a soul there. It just touched me."

Jackson said he followed news coverage of the funerals, but he declined to say if he has been in direct contact with any of the families.

"I don't want to turn this into anything [but] what it is. I was just trying [with the donation] to put a little sunshine in someone's cloud, a very dark cloud. [Still] the last thing you want to hear is there's an active shooter in your child's school. It's happening everywhere now. It's the children. ... It's the children. ... It's the children. If it doesn't bother you, something's wrong with you."

Bo knows compassion.

Of note:  Greg Abbott didn’t to attend a single funeral.


  1. You'd think that being disabled would give Ghastly Abbott some empathy for the plight of others. But maybe he feels so sorry for himself he has no time to care for the suffering of others. In his place I'd have attended each and every funeral and would have dragged the police involved before me to enable real answers to be given to the families, not Repugnant hornswoggle.

    1. Abbott is a pig. Short and simple.

  2. So nice!
    There ARE still good, compassionate people around us. That was an incredible gesture.
    Greg Abbot is a ghoul.


    1. I wouldn't have trusted Abbott with the money, though.

  3. Good for Bo! But I hope he didn't present the check to Greg Abbott. In that case, who knows where it went.

  4. Maybe it's the cynic in me, but I would've found someone a bit more trustworthy to hand the check to. I remember all of those Bo commercials. I know nothing of sports, but I always thought that Mr. Jackson was hot. His compassion is remarkable.

    1. That's just what I said to Six!!!
      I'd find someone else to take my donation.
      Yeah, he's hot.

  5. I agree with Deedles ... Bo should have set up an account at a local bank or credit union that only the funeral homes and the families could access! Someone needs to see what Ab-butt has done with the money!!

  6. Bravo to Bo but yes, audit Abbott's disbursement of the cheque.

    1. Hopefully, there was a fund that Abbott gave the $$$$ to.

  7. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Mensch move on Jackson's part, but as for Abbott's handling the money? What's that they say, trust but verify?

  8. Abbott has no spine, seriously, I mean just look at him. 😎😎😎

    1. He's a vile disgusting pig and I'd push him down a flight of stairs given the chance.
      Yeah, I said it.

  9. I saw this story in the news and realized I hadn't thought about Bo in a long time. Bo knows he'll stay in my heart now.


    1. Compassion is one thing missing in the world today. Bo knows.

  10. aussieguy9:53 PM

    I’d be at your side helping to propel the asshat down the steps. And by proclaiming publicly that the money was presented to Guvnor Asshat, Bo was practically daring him not to do the honorable thing. Talk about opposite sides of a coin…

    1. I don't like to be mean but Abbott is the worst and will hopefully be voted from office.

  11. I've never heard of Bo Jackson but now I know he is a very nice man, respectful and kind.


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