
Thursday, July 28, 2022


I’ve said many times here on this blog that Carlos’ knowledge of Pop Culture is almost nil. I mean, the man thinks every single blond female singer is, as he calls her, Ma-dough-na, so this Carlos Tale is no real surprise.

The other night we were watching Jeopardy and the Final Jeopardy answer was;

“This female singer was first inducted to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as part of a group in 1997 but was also inducted as a solo artist in 2014.”

I instantly said:

“Stevie Nicks.”

Carlos begins to laugh, hard, and I ask why. In between snorts and guffaws, he says:

“They said female singer.”

It took me ten minutes to explain to him who Stevie Nicks is.

PS My answer was correct.

If you care about children’s lives at all, this should make you run to the polls and vote for pro-gun control candidates.

Thing 45 says he has a plan to deal with the homeless: open up large parcels of inexpensive land in the outer reaches of the city and put them in high quality tents.

Concentration camps.

Glenn Thompson, a Republican lawmaker from Pennsylvania joined the majority of his GOP colleagues in voting against a House bill that would codify federal protections for same-sex marriage.

Three days later he attended his gay son’s wedding and released a statement saying he and his wife “were thrilled to attend and celebrate their son’s marriage.”

You know, before it became illegal since that’s what Daddy wants.

I am always looking for the perfect corset to keep my girlish figure, and this one also comes with a hat! Win, win!

Being a musician, Carlos has a thing for commercial jingles, but being an Absentminded Professor type, he rarely remembers any words that go along with the jingle. The other morning an Ozempic commercial came on with their little jingle:

“♪ ♫ Oh-Oh-Oh-Ozempic♫ ♪”

 But Carlos sings:

“♪ ♫ Oh-Oh-Oh-Ocentric♫ ♪”

I explain to him that it’s Ozempic and not Ocentric, and he says:

“In my country it’s pronounced ‘centric.’”

I can’t win with that.

Since he's an idiot, GOP Congressman Matt Gaetz decided to steal a stance on pro-choice activists from Herschel Walker’s lump of fluff son at a rally over the weekend:

"Why is it that the women with the least likelihood of getting pregnant are the ones most worried about having abortions? Nobody wants to impregnate you if you look like a thumb … They're like five-two, 350 pounds and they're like, 'give me my abortions or I'll get up and march and protest.'”

I know, pig. The next week he was confronted by a reporter who asked if he was worried that his comments might offend anyone, and this tool replied:

“Be offended.”

I don’t think Matt Gaetz knows the power of women because most of the women he deals with are underage girls he meets as a sex trafficker.

PS  While the House overwhelmingly passed a bipartisan bill to support human trafficking victims by a vote of 401-20, Matt Gaetz, currently under federal investigation for the alleged sex trafficking of a 17-year-old girl, was a ‘No’.

I recently attended a funeral here in Smallville and during the service I asked the widow if I could say a word; she agreed, so I stood up and said:


I sat back down, she looked at me, smiled, and said:

“Thanks. That means a lot.”

Could have happened.

Oops, it appears Little Madison Cawthorn has no money to repay the supporters who donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to his reelection efforts even though he is required by law to refund the donations.

The campaign claims the money has already been spent … on trips to Chick-Fil-A, Papa’s Beer, high-end cigar shops, vacations in Florida and hundreds of thousands of dollars in consulting and fundraising fees Cawthorn paid to his friend and campaign manager, Blake Harp.

No mention of the money Madison spent on women’s lingerie for his cruise vacations.

Cayman Cardiff is a fitness model, actor and model, personal trainer and premed Student and also a hot hunk of homosexual himbo. So, Would You Hit It?


  1. Hahahahaha
    Oh, dear. Hahahahaha that tweet made my day because that would be awesome. Especially if televised.
    Cayman? CAYMAN?? Of course with that body and face...
    And what corset? Was he wearing a corset? Oh.
    As for Matty, he's going to get his soon. Oh, he is. He's such a thumb with a tie. Every time I see him I see Butthead. Why is it that the most unattractive men always talk about other people's attractiveness?
    And Carlos is fab. Yeah. You cannot argue with that.


    1. I'd like to see Thing 45 in an orange jumpsuit shuffling down a ramp ............ into Hell!
      Cayman can look pretty and he can look rough, and I like both.
      Matt Gaetz can literally fuck all the way off.
      Carlos is pretty fabulous.

  2. Colour me thick [or even a limey], but why does Mad Hawthorn have to pay back his donors?

    1. From what i i=understand the donations were given for a run in the General Election and since he lost his Primary, he cannot keep that money.

    2. Does that mean that der Trumpenfuhrer's donations that he is not using for the stated purpose have to be paid back?

  3. Stevie Nicks! That's hilarious. Dave also knows nothing about pop culture. It makes for some very interesting conversations.

    Did you see that one of the women Matt Gaetz targeted with a nasty tweet after making that comment struck back at him on Twitter? I saw it here but I'm sure it's elsewhere too:

    1. Carlos' lack of pop culture knowledge, tied in with his 'I don't care' attitude about it, really makes me laugh.
      I did read about that girl. Good on her!

  4. Oh, Carlos! I mentioned Stevie Nicks yesterday... a Fleetwood Mac song played on a show we were watching. SG asked, “Who?” I’ve never heard of Ozempic but SG would probably pronounce it like Carlos. Because he’s from South Dakota.

    Plethora. I could imagine you saying that. Very profound.

    Madison Hawthorn should sit on Matt Gaetz’s face ... and smother him. Then Hawthorn should get a fatal STD as a result. And I still feel guilty for writing these things. But not guilty enough anymore.

    Cayman Cardiff has his moments. I’d hit it for the name alone.

    1. Thing is, whenever we hear a Fleet wood Mac song or a Stevie single, I always tell Carlos, "Oh listen to Stevie." He did, but apparently he wasn't listening to me???
      I am profound. I have a cornucopia of words in my head ... or is it voices?
      Cayman Cardiff sounds like an island I'd love to be shipwrecked on.

    2. SG listens to me the way Carlos listens to you. Words, voices, what’s the difference? I’d plant my flag in Cayman Cardiff.

  5. Bob, Thank you for your blog. It has become a part of my mornings for the last couple months. Enjoy the variety of items presented. The architectural buildings are very interesting. I live around 10 miles from Frank Lloyd Wrights masterpiece Falling Waters. Please keep you the great work and thank you again for your role in making my days more pleasant.

    Hooter (Dennis K. Geary)
    I collect owl memorability and my home is Owls Rest.

    1. Thanks for the comment and the compliment, and for stopping by.
      Glad I can help in whatever way that is.

  6. LOL @ Tweet of the Day! And GROAN @ your plethora joke!

  7. (Carlos) (Tuxedo)
    I get the country pronunciations.
    One time a gal called me up about
    a meeting I was to go to and we both
    blurted out, "You're Canadian, aren't you?"
    xoxo :-)

    1. If Carlos mispronounces any word, he will say, "In my country we say ...."

  8. You know i would rock that fashion look!!!!!! Beyond sexy.

    The first Carlos tidbit had me almost spray my coffee.

    And how in hell does the asshole Republican live with himself with his son? I'd be livid if that was my father.

    1. I can see you in that look!
      Carlos thought he had me and it was joy when I told him he didn't!
      How dare you vote against same-sex marriage and then say you're happy to see your son marry. He clearly only gives a fuck about his own family and no one else.

  9. aussieguy1:08 PM

    I snorted reading about Stevie! OMG - what about Glenn Close, Michael Lerned…😎 Maddie & Gaetz together? Only if they’re sitting on MTG & Boebert! Cayman? 👍

    1. Carlos loves Glenn Close and has never said a word about her masculine name!
      Cayman does float my boat.

  10. Anonymous2:04 PM

    I’m having an awful time commenting. Trying to use my phone and even though I am signed in to blogger into my Google account this is the message I get colon“Unable to sign in to comment. Please check your browser configurations to allow sign-in. Learn more. You can still comment anonymously, or with name and URL.” I can’t even do that. I am so technologically challenged. This is Frank. Reluctant rebel. Reluctant everything. I’m with Carlos. I have absolutely no interest in pop culture which is why when you post something about celebrities or wannabe celebrities I never bother reading. Sorry. As far as commercials, I can see the same commercial 1000 times and often have no clue what they’re trying to sell! Mainly because I just tune out. Oh well.

    1. I wish I could help you comment, but nothing's changed on my blog and no one else seems to have the problem. I'll look again but ...

  11. After all of this, I just want to hug the stuffing out of Carlos!
    I can see Mads in that outfit. It needs a feather boa, lacy gloves and stiletto heels though. I'm trying to picture you wearing it. Maybe red? My mind has gone clean off the tracks.
    No personal trainers!

    1. Carlos loves stuffing hugs.
      You need to be Maddie's stylist ... or personal trainer?

  12. A couple of things:

    *Carlos is a doll.

    *Who isn't a personal trainer.

    *Please quit the waxing and plucking. A little maintenance is fine.

    *I am so depressed with how the US treats its homeless. I read a story this week of three grown adults who live in a van. Everyone works except the husband due to a work injury and cancer. They were kicked out of their home in the Jersey area because of the increasing resents. Is this dignity? Is this compassion? The US has no safety net for those in need. I hear reports on NPR that it is hard to climb out of that hole once you are in it. Robert Reich -- solid advice on all things economics - -- addresses the recent interest rate hike. How much money does these people need while the American people are pushed further and further down the economic ladder.

    *Don't get me started on Matt and Madison.

    *The outfit. Love a snatched waist. Just give me a light breezy cover and stilettoes and I am set. See you on the catwalk.

    1. A couple of answers:
      Yes, he is.
      Isn't everyone?
      Carlos and I had a huge discussion about this when I read that piece. So many people are a paycheck away from being homeless, not to mention people with mental illnesses. America sucks at that problem.
      Matt and Madison can both FOAD.
      Sounds like a new outfit in your future.

    2. Thanks for your response. What has me more alarmed about the homeless is when I see young people. Folks that are in their 20's. How are they going to climb out. Yes, there are is a spectrum of issues with the homeless. From drug use to mental illness. Hear me out, I do not believe ALL are on drugs and or have mental illnesses. That is painting a too broad of a brush. I truly believe that every society has to take care of those less than. We will always have folks who need a lift up. I lived in Germany for many years and I can say this, I would rather be poor, homeless in Germany than America. I am not saying they are handing out checks but they have the human compassion thing figured out. They know how to invest in their citizenry.

  13. Carlos is a gem, Bob. Please thank him for making me chuckle once again. The homeless idea by Nacho is another "wonderful" out of sight, out of mind" proposal that does nothing to solve the problem but now they don't have to look at it. I watched an interesting video about how Finland solved its homeless problem but it would not work here because there isn't profit for corporations involved. Whoops. Sorry for the soapbox. Take care.

    1. I will let him know he makes you laugh because he thinks it's enough that he makes me laugh.
      Hide the homeless. Problem solved. Asshat. Take out your soapbox any time!

  14. Carlos is so much fun. And I loved your Plethora joke. Wishing you the very best.

    As to the rest of this nonsense. I don't know how these hypocrites live with themselves. I mean, I departmentalize my life, but not to the degree where there's an evil side and try to put a good face on it side. Terrible people make successful politicians? I don't get it. Kizzes.

    1. The best thing is that Carlos doesn't see the humor

  15. I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but Glenn Thompson looks as thick as pigshit. Mind you, I must be thick too because I have no idea what "perp" means.

    1. Thompson is that kind of hypocritical POS that says what my family does is okay, but I'll vote against your family doing the same thing.
      Perp walk is when the police make the criminal, the perpetrator, walk in front of reporters and cameras.

  16. Anonymous7:33 PM

    When I see we're going to have us some Carlos, I already start smiling in anticipation. In a good way! He's just adorable! We were in Portland, OR 2 weeks ago and couldn't believe the homeless situation there. It's so sad .. what to do .. what can we do .. oh, I know, vote!

    1. Yeah, that was me again .. Brigitta (unbelievable)

    2. Carlos does make life amusing and fun and interesting every single day!

  17. Stevie Nicks! That was hysterical! Gaetz doesn't care; he'll run before he steps foot in a jail. Madison? That man is dumber than Gaetz. And Cayman Cardiff? Now, that's a silly question.

    1. Carlos seriously thought he had me!

  18. Carlos is not alone, I wouldn't know Stevie Nicks if I sat next to him on a plane.

  19. Ha ha, Stevie Nicks. That's probably why I love your husband too!


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