
Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Funny Papers

Adam Zyglis, Ed Hall, Ted Littleford, RJ Matson, Darrin BellBarry Blitt, Ann Telnaes, Michael de Adder, David Horsey, Tim Campbell, Mike Luckovich,


  1. They all hit home, but the domino effect cartoon says a lot.
    This RW extremist SCOTUS will likely continue to roll back rights if they are allowed to.
    Sad days in this country . . . VOTE the bums out before it's too late.

  2. The Thomas gavels - a nice way to draw collusion. The domino effect is quite telling since this conservative court is mostly Catholic, and since each of the 4 male judges only have 2 children each, Thomas has one, but none with Ginni. is good proof they, themselves, have no problem using contraceptives.

  3. The last one. Although I'm not optimistic.

  4. These are, sadly, right on the money.

  5. I like especially the last one about voting. However, there is the problem in those Republican dominated states where they have gerrymandered control of their state legislatures. I'm not sure how you overcome that. But still vote. It's your right. Meanwhile, work to reestablish balance in your state.

  6. Sad and scary toons this morning.

  7. How sad. I only hope that the rest of the dominos don't fall. I still vote blue, but I'm getting tired of donating to elections and not getting results. Us Dems better start flexing more and get more action quick.

  8. I plan to vote as I have since I came of voting age in EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ELECTION until I die. Fuck the GOP and anyone who supports them! xoxo

  9. Those specialty gavels are appropriate.

  10. Our country is dangerously close to falling into fascism

  11. GOP: Grand Old Party? Or Gutless Old Perverts afraid of change and progress?


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