
Friday, June 24, 2022

I Didn't Say It

Jerrod Carmichael, out comedian, on Dave Chappelle’s nonstop attacks on the transgender community as “jokes”:

“Look, I get it. Everybody’s got to create a bogeyman to sell tickets. But it’s not true. Who’s getting canceled for what they’ve said? What does that mean, that people are mad on Twitter? Everybody’s fine. These grown men are fine. I think, a lot of times, people who offer nothing truthful or meaningful about themselves then complain about society at large and create this boogeyman. It’s like, listen, that’s the most urgent thing in your life? God bless you. I’m tired of hearing it. Chappelle, do you know what comes up when you Google your name, bro? That’s the legacy? Your legacy is a bunch of opinions on trans shit? It’s an odd hill to die on. And it’s like, hey, bro. Who the fuck are you? Who do you fuck? What do you like to do? Childish jokes aside, who the fuck are you? It’s just kind of played. But he’s choosing to die on the hill. So, all right, let him.”

Chappelle has drawn controversy for his anti-transgender comments and continues to make anti-trans jokes. During a Netflix is a Joke event Chappelle was tackled onstage by a young man who said he was “triggered” by Chappelle’s routine. After being attacked, Chappelle declared that the assailant was a trans man.

That was a lie. Chappelle has made a career of bashing our trans brothers and sisters and complains about being cancelled and yet he’s made millions with his “humor.”

I’ll stand with Jerrod.


Ken Paxton, Texas Attorney General, speaking for all Republicans about mass shootings:

“If I lost one of my children I’d be pretty devastated, especially in a way that is so senseless and seemingly has no purpose. I would just have to say, if I had the opportunity to talk to the people I’d have to say, look, there’s always a plan. I believe God always has a plan. Life is short no matter what it is. And certainly, we’re not going to make sense of, you know, a young child being shot and killed way before their life expectancy.”

So, God wanted your kid’s body obliterated with bullets while at school because “there’s a plan”? Howsabout God’s plan—and yes, I am being facetious about “god”—to make you asshats wake up and do something about guns in this country before more innocent children are slaughtered.

Maybe your God is trying to get your attention but you’re making too much money from the NRA to take Her call.


Amy Kremer, chair of Women for America First and organizer of Thing 45’s Insurrection, has changed her mind:

“[Thing 45] is disconnected from the base. It’s time for those of us in the movement to get back to basics, back to our first principles. We were here long before [Thing 45] came along, and we’re going to be here long afterward.”

Nice, Amy, but you goose-stepped along with the traitor before during and after January 6, so excuse me if I don’t find you traitor adjacent.


Kellyanne Conway, the Cryptkeeper for Thing 45, smacking down Jared Kushner in her new book:

“There was no subject he considered beyond his expertise. Criminal justice reform. Middle East peace. The southern and northern borders. Veterans and opioids. Big Tech and small business. If Martian attacks had come across the radar, he would have happily added them to his ever-bulging portfolio. He’d have made sure you knew he’d exiled the Martians to Uranus and insisted he did not care who got credit for it. He misread the Constitution in one crucial respect, thinking that all power not given to the federal government was reserved to him.

Kellyanne sounds a little miffed that Jared had more sway with the bloated traitor than she did.

Kellyanne can, as always, fuck off.



  1. Kellyanne is a famewhore and an enabler. She can indeed fuck right off.
    The Repug reasoning is bullshit, of course. But it fits them.
    Carmichael is right (his special is fantastic, btw) about Chapelle and his transphobia disguised as 'jokes'. When you have to scrap the bottom of the barrel for a joke, you know it's time to look for something else to do...


    1. I love love love really truly off-color humor, but when it smacks of hate and is targeted at a severely disenfranchised community, then there is no room for laughter.

  2. My daughter died in a car accident and it was NOT in anyone's fucking plan! Don't let me near that criminal Paxton because if he said that to me I would not be able to restrain myself, although it was 14 years ago this week that she died.

    1. Believe me, if it was one of his children he wouldn't be spouting this nonsense. He's a typical Republican pig.

  3. Jerrod is right about Chappelle, who's spoiled himself into believing his sense of humor is universal, it ain't. Ken will always spit out the horse shit he thinks Evangelicals will eat up. Amy? Lost. As for Kellyanne? She's describing so many people in the Trump administration you almost need a program to tell them apart.

    1. Sadly, Chappelle is making money off anti-trans "humor" so he'll keep doing it, but as Jerrod said, 'If that's the hill he wants to die on ...'

  4. (Jerrod Carmichael)
    xoxo :-)

    1. Glad he's using his voice like this.

  5. I've said it elsewhere and I'm saying it here: It's time to defund the security for these politicians. Let them live in the same world we live in where guns are everywhere and no one's life is sacred, God's Plan or not.

    1. If you believe in God, Her plan is love, and this kind of, 'Oh well, your kids got slaughtered, but it's God's plan' bullshit is vile.

  6. Bob, I thought that by now you would be tearing into The Supreme Court ruling on abortion and The January 6th hearings. Perhaps you are still processing it all before your anger and despair burst forth like a torrent in the next few days.

    1. Oh I have something to say. Stay tuned.

  7. A dark day for America today

  8. Jerrold was the saving grace today. I'm crushed, sweetpea. I woke to great news from my daughter about something else and then she side, but I can't share it today because of what happened with SCOTUS. My day went from elation to sadness and then anger. It's becoming more and more difficult to be hopeful, darling. xoxo

    1. Sorry to hear you're having a bad day. Sending all kinds of positive thoughts your way.

    2. You are a light in the darkness, love.

    3. I try, but as you said, today's not the best day. Still, I have hope ....

  9. I’ll stand with Jerrod. As for the rest... I hope they all end up being part of “god’s plan,” too.


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