
Thursday, June 30, 2022


This is the boys sharing a carrier as we visited the vet last week for their blood tests. Both are aging—Tuxedo is 17 or 18, maybe even 19, while Max is 16 or 17—and have kidney issues that required a special diet.

The blood work came back and Tuxedo’s numbers are very good; he’s active and east and drinks and pees and sleeps … it’s a cat’s life you know, but MaxGoldberg …

Max’s numbers went way up. Max doesn’t like the special diet, nor did he like the medication that was added to his food. Max isn’t doing well, and as our vet told us, we should just make him comfortable and let him do whatever he wants. The other night he slept with his head tucked under my chin and my arms wrapped around him. Carlos and I realized that Max is the only cat we’ve had since he was a kitten, and so we will do whatever makes Max happy and comfortable and loved until Max decides his next steps.

He’s a good boy, he’s a loved boy, and isn’t that all that matters?

I think Tuxedo should join Liz and Adam is running the January 6th hearings, because he ain’t playing either.

Former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified this week that Thing 45 was so incensed that then-Attorney General William Barr dismissed claims of widespread election fraud that he threw his lunch at the wall in the West Wing dining room.

Picture Joan Crawford in a really bad wig and a fat suit. Hutchinson says she walked into the dining room and:

“I first noticed there was ketchup dripping down the wall, and there was a shattered porcelain plate.”

She wasn’t too upset because, as she added, there were “several times throughout my tenure with the chief of staff that I was aware of him either throwing dishes or flipping the tablecloth” like he’s a Real Housewife from New Jersey?

l was looking for a new summer look and stumbled upon this one but wonder if I need to carry a mini-mower with me.

And how do I water it?

Fourth of July is this weekend, a time when we celebrate America’s battle for freedom, and remind ourselves of how free we … Oh, wait, never mind. I think I’ll sit this holiday out since it’s been decided women aren’t free in this country.

Last week Carlos had a meeting with DHEC at a new Puerto Rican restaurant called ‘a Fuego’ in Columbia. A few days later he took me to it, because he said it was so good, and he was not wrong. He showed me a menu, with all sorts of good things on  it, but one name leapt out at me: Mofongo.

I haven’t had mofongo since we lived in Miami. It’s made from mashed green plantains—so it’s more savory than sweet—and has garlic and herbs mixed in it.

Delicioso; as were the Empanadas. We’re going back for lunch after a doctor’s appointment on Friday.

Rudy Giuliani says the ALLEGED assault he suffered during a campaign appearance on behalf of his son at a Staten Island ShopRite should result in the ALLEGED assailant being prosecuted:

“This has to stop!”

The former Mayor of New York insisted that he “could have been killed” by the slap on the back had he fallen, and says his shoulder is still hurt and that he had trouble sleeping Sunday night as a result.

Perhaps some alcohol, Rudy? You’re going to need it because that ShopRite worker, Daniel Gill, walked free from court after his charges were downgraded.

If you’ve seen the video you’ll understand why Rudy Karen Giuliani’s assault was seen as more of a slap on the back.

It was barely twenty years ago, after 9/11 that Giuliani was dubbed America’s Mayor and now he’s become Thing 45’s Whipping Boy and America’s Drunk Uncle.

Sachin Bhatt was born in the Midwest to Middle Eastern parents and is an actor, singer, and opera singer, but that’s neither here nor there. I have two questions: Would You Hit It? And Would You Hit It Hairy or Smooth? Or Both??


  1. thinking about you both and your max- we just lost our mocha to old age and possible cancer- she was between 14-18, not really sure as she was a 'senior' cat when we took her in. <3

    1. Max has had a good long life, but it's still hard to think of him leaving us.
      Always hard to lose a pet!

  2. (Max) (Tuxedo)
    Enjoy your lunch on Friday.
    xoxo :-)

    1. Thanks, and the boys say Thanks, too!

  3. Sorry to hear about MaxGoldberg. We love them for as long as we can and long after they leave our lives. Your cats are very beautiful.

    That intern/assistant... wow. But there are people already lining up to say it never happened.

    If Guiliani is our drunk uncle, let's disown him.

    Sachin is lovely.

    Take care, my dear. Kizzes. Wishing you and Carlos great peace.

    1. We have had so many leave us and it's never easy. But it's been a while so this hurt feels new.
      Thanks Upton!

  4. Did you see that that stupid twazzock Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said ”We will make sure that when a kid is in the womb, they’re as safe as they are in a classroom”. These people are so arrogant in their stupidity.

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for Max Goldberg and Wolfie will cross his paws.

    1. Sarah Huckleberry is as dumb as her Daddy. What an out-of-touch fool.
      Thanks for the thoughts on Max. He's a sweet boy.

  5. I know you and Carlos will give Max all the pampering in the world!

    1. Oh he is much loved, and much love for us.

  6. Just love Max as long as you can and keep getting that love back. That’s a long life.
    Tuxedo for President.
    I need that Chia Pet Suit.
    Yes, it’s again the time of year when I wonder what would have happened had the USofA followed Canada’s lead.
    Rudy? We’ve all seen the video, asshole.
    Sachin Bhatt? However it “arrives” (I was going to say “comes” but thought better of it).

    I’d be at A Fuego all the time. That looks so good!

    1. Carlos and I were both shocked to remember that Max came to us as a kitten from a neighbor who didn't want him. Our other cats were young, but grown, when we rescued them.
      Sachin; any which way you can!

  7. Oh, no! Poor Max!
    But as you say, the idea is to keep him happy. Something similar is happening with one of the wyphe's dogs: she's probably 18-19 and boy does she love her chicken. I indulge her because why not.
    Now, if Sachin could take me to that Puerto Rican restaurant, I'd make sure that everything else works. Mofongo is DELISH.
    And you knew Cheeto was gonna deny the petty shit but not that he attempted a coup. Important things, you know.


    1. Yep, we are keeping Max happy and making sure the other cats do the same. It's quite funny, because I was holding Tuxedo and started telling him Max wasn't doing good and told Tuxedo to go check on him. Tuxedo jumped out of my lap, walked to Max, and began grooming him. They know!
      Sachin and Mofongo? Oy., what a dream!

  8. I'm sorry Max's numbers aren't better. Aging pets -- well, what can I say. It is what it is.

    I sometimes wonder how fashion models can keep a straight (so to speak) face.

    I watched the Giuliani video and to even call that any kind of assault is ridiculous. The guy barely touched him.

    1. Yes, we love them and care for them, while they do the same for us.
      Yeah, that coat ... what's the point? And then the shoes!
      It's just sad hearing Rudy talk about it, and then actually seeing it, and then laughing at the drunken fool.

  9. Nothing that fat fuck does is surprises me. He is such a tastless...tacky slob. Appalling and still blows my mind he was a president.

    It's sad news about MaxGoldberg...he looks younger than Tuxedo. But at least you can make him happy.

    It is funny how Rudy was once America's mayor...but MAYOR PETE is far better!!!!! Rudy and Trump deserve each other...pair of rude slobs.

    1. Yeah, Max will be a wait and see, but for now he's doing okay.
      Rudy and Pete; goddess, one a smart compassionate thoughtful common sense man, and the other a pandering drunk liar with hair dye running down his face.

  10. I think I read that a corpse has more rights than a women these days. Absolutely terrifying and horrific what these ass hats are doing to the country. Glad Tuxedo is still going strong and I hope Max continues to hang in there and enjoying life. They are in great hands with you and Carlos. Take care.

    1. I think you're right about a corpse, sad to say.
      Max does enjoy life, but kidney disease is a bad one for cats, so we'll keep watching him and loving him and letting him watch and love us!

  11. Terrill2:26 PM

    I’m so sorry to read about Max. We’ve lost two cats to kidney disease. We have since changed Vets and when our Chloé’s blood work started showing signs of kidney disease the new Vet started her on 25 mg of Calcitriol twice a week. It’s been almost two years and her the lab values improved then stabilized. BTW - Chloé hates the kidney diet food and has never stayed on it more than a couple days. The Vet told me she has had cats on Calcitriol for years were as those on kidney diet only last around a year. Wish we had known about it earlier.

    1. Tuxedo likes the Science Diet k/d food, but Max hates it. I'll ask our vet about Calcitriol; thanks for the tip!

  12. Take care of Max!! Yes!! He can do what he damn well pleases. He has no fucks left to give.

    I would hit it-hairy. I like fur. A little trim to keep the weeds down OK! But this shaved smoothed as a baby's bottom? Not so much.

    Love Puerto Rican food. I went to Key West years ago and the local food was out of this world. There was a restaurant in DC-Barracks Row-that had great Puerto Rican food. But a side note-the picture of the meal does not look appetizing. Looks almost prison food like. Now I know it tasted fabulous.


    1. You're right about Max; it's his choice and we're here to make sure he's okay and loved.
      I kinda like Sachin both ways, though hairy is hot.
      Oh, it was delicious as hell, that food.

  13. Thing 45 probably thinks he "never met the woman" because he doesn't look at faces but at lady bits, trying to decide whether to grab or not. And I'm stealing that ketchup, wall, plate.

    1. It's his standard reply for anyone who speaks against him: He doesn't know them, but also doesn't like them.

  14. I am so sorry to hear about Max. It is so hard to watch a pet age. I loved Tuxedo's comment about Trump. Very apropos.

    1. It's funny that they both have the same issues, and Tuxedo is good about eating his new food, while Max hates it. I think, like people, some want to fight, and some want to go. But he's still here and still a good boy so ...

  15. Thanks for reminding me of the amusing time that Odious Giuliani had hair dye running down his face. What was the point of the hair dye? It couldn't alter the fact that he was an ugly old has-been as he remains to this day. Trump's presidency and its bitter aftermath have stolen away the shared joyfulness of July 4ths gone by. What's the point of the fireworks any more?

    1. Short answer about Rudy's dye job: he's delusional.

      I'll save fireworks for the day Thing 45 is goner from our landscape.

  16. Interestingly enough, I too had a ginger cat named Max who lived to be 21. Max Sullivan, in my books is named after him. I understand Trump scores better at the plate toss than he does on the golf course. Rudy? Everybody who saw that clip is laughing their asses off. Yes, Cassidy was right there, she heard a lot, probably much more than we've been told. And I'd hit the hairy.

  17. I'm too old to be interested in hitting anybody, but I'd prefer the hairy over the smooth.

    1. I might to be the meat in a Hairy Smooth sammich??

      We have a call into the vet about Calcitriol.

  18. Good idea to check about the Calcitriol. My elderly neighbour recently lost a cat to kidney failure, she didn't realise the tuna he loved so much was Tuna in Brine for human consumption. Far too salty for cats. I found out when she gave me all the left over cat food, don't have the heart to tell her it was her fault.
    I hope your Max has a few good years left still.

  19. Love the cats, you give them the best life possible, even if they do look like a couple of frat boys the morning after sleeping one off in the local lock up.

    1. They do look a little criminal, don't they?

  20. Skepticat6:06 PM

    I've had two cats with kidney issues, neither of whom would touch the expensive kidney diet food. However, subcutaneous Ringer's lactate fluids act like dialysis, and I've kept both of them alive for years administering fluids each day. One lived to 19 before succumbing to cancer, and my current cat (only 11) developed renal problems after an infection but has numbers that are almost back to normal. It does involve inserting a needle under the skin of the scruff, which some people are hesitant about, though it doesn't faze the cats. Please talk to your vet about it, and if you don't want to administer the fluids yourself, you probably can get a neighbor or a vet tech to do it. I wish I were close enough to help; it's easy--and a lifesaver. Please give both fabulous felines an extra scritch for me.

    1. One of the cats happily eats the kidney diet, and his numbers are very good. The other doesn't like it at all, and his numbers are bad. We will try a couple of other things, but we are not going to make him do anything he doesn't want to do.


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