
Monday, April 04, 2022

They're Everywhere ... April 4, 2022

These really are the easiest posts to compile, because, literally, they're everywhere ... but that's what makes it so frightening.


Karen Mueller, a Chippewa Falls attorney who is a key player in a movement to take the impossible step of decertifying the 2020 election, is running for Attorney General on a platform of using the office to prosecute doctors who did not administer the anti-parasite drug ivermectin to dying COVID-19 patients.

That’s all. Except, please note, her name is Karen.


Last week Doug Ducey, Arizona’s GOPQANON governor, signed a series of bills that will outlaw abortion after 15 weeks if the US Supreme Court allows it, prohibit gender confirmation surgery for minors and ban transgender girls from playing on girls’ sports teams.

He also signed a bill requiring voters to prove their citizenship to vote in a presidential election.

If you’re a woman, or you’re an LGBTQ+ ally, or you simply believe you have a right to live your own life, vote this motherfucker out of office.


GOP Congressman Pete Sessions appeared on a far-right podcast where he embraced the “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory.

The replacement theory is a conspiracy espoused by white nationalists who claim Democrats want to fundamentally transform American by “replacing” the white population through a combination of immigration and asymmetric birthrates.

Well, I’m not saying  the Democrats want to replace all white people, but I’d like to see almost every single white Republican replaced.


After a televised debate, GOP state Senator Bruce Bostelman cited a debunked rumor that schools are placing litter boxes in school:

“They meow and they bark and they interact with their teachers in this fashion. And now schools are wanting to put litter boxes in the schools for these children to use. How is this sanitary?”

Bostelman has since apologized for being an ill-informed fuckwit.


The Utah GOP-controlled Legislature voted to override Governor Spencer Cox’s veto of a controversial bill that would bar transgender girls from participating in school sports matching their gender identities.

The House voted 56-18 in favor of the override, with all Democrats and two Republicans—Representatives Robert Spendlove and Mike Winder—voting against the anti-trans measure. The Senate voted 21-8 to override the veto, with all Democrats and two Republicans—Todd Weiller and Daniel Thatcher—voting against hate.

That means in the entire Utah statehouse, just four Republicans stand against hate.


GOPQANON Governor Ron DeSantis signed legislation that would impose School Board term limit requirements statewide and also offer parents and others a mechanism to purge texts they don’t like from the classroom.

The bill will require school districts to list all library and instructional materials in use in an online database, with a multi-step review process before adoption, including a mandatory public hearing and a “reasonable” opportunity for public comment.

If only there was a mechanism in place for the people of Flori-duh to see that their governor is an out-of-control fearmongering, anti-LGBTQ+ racist and could remove him from office.



Idaho has become the first state to enact a law modeled after a Texas statute, banning abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy and allowing the law to be enforced through civil lawsuits to avoid constitutional court challenges.

GOP Governor Brad Little signed law the measure that allows people who would have been family members to sue a doctor who performs an abortion after cardiac activity is detected in an embryo. :Little says he stands with “Idahoans who seek to protect the lives of preborn babies.”

Little, however, has done little, to protect children once they’re out of the womb.

And this, for a change, we can end this post with something good …

US District Judge Mark Walker has struck down portions of a Florida election law, saying that the state’s GOP-led government was using subtle tactics to suppress Black voters.

Wait. What? Suppress Black voters?

The law tightened rules on mailed ballots, drop boxes and other popular election methods, and those changes made it difficult for Black voters who, overall, have more socioeconomic disadvantages than white voters.

Get educated and save yourselves from The Stupids.



  1. I never thought it was possible for a state to surpass the most stupid and lunacy bills into law or hairbrained ideas...but Flori-duh did it.

    I don't know how people live there; Id go nuts by now with the insane bullshit that goes on. I don't even have a desire to visit.

  2. You'd think a legal training would cover enough to make a lawyer realise that, while they know some law (but not all), they have NOT studied medicine. Surely law schools are meant to ensure that those who graduate are at least intelligent.

  3. I'm surprised my state didn't make the list

  4. Yup, don't have to look very
    hard for topics. We once lived
    in Idaho - a loooong time ago.
    Have family there now.
    xoxo :-)

  5. Somebody told me that Roe VS Wade was sacred in this country. I laughed. I wish I hadn't because the state of things is so fucked up right now.
    These MoFos need to be voted out. Really. What is it gonna take for people to do something?


    P.S. gay rights are next.

  6. You will notice how prominent white conservatives appear in this post. That in itself, says a lot.

  7. "I see dumb people" sums it up, sweetpea. I just hope folks remember to VOTE in every single damn election from now on! xoxo

  8. I am surprised that you did not refer to Alaska in your list - specifically Sarah Palin's intention to run for Congress if she can get the nod. Palin says that the far left has taken over America and it is her duty to join the fightback. I believe she was probably thinking about people like you Bob. Better get a Palin alarm installed or a Rottweiler called Brutus.

  9. I always think it's a mistake to chalk these bills up to stupidity. But for a few who are truly stupid, I think these politicians are playing a ground game and don't buy into what they are saying. I think these politicians are giving their base exactly what they want: a sense that the world as they want it to be is being created. And so, these pols play to the fears and discomfort of their constituents who believe the world--God's creation--is being corrupted by the liberals. Meanwhile, they are distracted from the issues that directly affect their lives, believing that banning books and restricting rights actually impact their lives.

    I live in a blue state and I just watch these bills being passed while wondering, "Where are the democrats in these states?" And then I remember gerrymandered districts and how that cards are stacked in favor of the republicans. We need a Hercules to wash out the stable that houses the current political system. In the meantime, VOTE!


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