
Thursday, April 14, 2022


Carlos is part of a group that works with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control [DHEC] and they are trying to promote healthcare and HIV testing for the Hispanic community throughout the state. Every year DHEC hosts a meeting of diverse groups to discuss HIV/AIDS, and this year, Carlos’ group, Orgullo y Salud [Pride and Health] will be featured. Carlos has been asked to speak at the convention and as he was telling me, he said:

“All these years on the sidelines and now I’m the star.”

“Sweetie, you aren’t the star, you’re a participant in a panel discussion.”

“Where I’m the star.”

“Where everyone gets a chance—”


I’m gonna have to hire a team to maneuver his big fat head through the room that day.

Kay Ivey is your typical ReTHUGlican, suddenly finding her ”voice” after more than a year of not uttering a word.

The Brooklyn Public Library [BPL] is fighting back against book banning and censorship in the US by launching a program called Books UnBanned, that allows 13- to 21-year-olds to apply for a free library eCard, regardless of where they live.

The eCard, good for one year, provides access to 350,000 e-books, 200,000 audiobooks and 100 databases, according to BPL.

Cancel that, GOP.

Voter Fraud Mark Meadows has been removed from North Carolina’s voter rolls while the State Bureau of Investigation continues a probe into allegations that Meadows and his wife committed election fraud.

I personally think they need to be fined and stricken from voting in this country.

Marjorie Taylor Greene makes all kinds of excuses for the January 6 Insurrection … It was antifa … It was Black Lives Matter … It was the FBI … and she even voted  against the formation of the January 6 Commission, but her latest attempt to change the narrative is the most idiotic:

“The American people are fed up with this over-dramatization of a riot that happened here at the Capitol one time. They are sick and tired of January 6—it’s over, OK?”

She said this to a reporter and was so mad at the way he “twisted” her words that she posted video of what she actually said, which is exactly what the reporter said she told him.

There was only one insurrection, y’all, so let’s stop talking about it, investigating it, jailing the perpetrators and move on.

I've got another way to liven up a party; walk up to  someone you don’t know and say:

“I want you to know that I have no problem with you being here.”

And then walk away.

Now for some good news … Dancing With The Stars is leaving network TV and going over to Disney+ so it will now cost you $7.99 a month to host Tyra Banks make a fool of herself.

Seriously, will people pay to watch Banks look like a Dilophosaurus from Jurassic Park?

Arizona GOPQanon Congressman Paul Gosar was listed as a “special guest” at a white nationalist American Populist Union at an event on April 20, a favored date among Nazis and racists because it’s Hitler’s birthday. But Gosar’s campaign says he isn’t attending the event and doesn’t know how he was listed as a guest of honor.

Huh; funny then that Paul, white nationalist, promoted his scheduled appearance on social media.

The GOP thinks the public is as dumb as the GOP.

As if you’d need another reason to vote Democrat, last week Republicans in Congress objected to Democrat Senator Maggie Hassan’s bill to temporarily suspend the gas tax to lower the price of gasoline.

The GOP objected because they favor corporations over people and because they can continue the lie the President Biden is responsible for higher gas prices.

What’s this? Another Republican committing voter fraud like Mark Meadows?

Matt Mowers, a former Thing 45 administration official and candidate for Congress in New Hampshire, actually voted twice in the 2016 primary election.

Mowers cast an absentee ballot in New Hampshire’s 2016 primary, while serving as campaign director for Chris Christie, and four months later, when Christie’s campaign failed, Mowers cast another ballot in New Jersey.

The GOP is the party of voter fraud.

Michael Salvatore Sinatra is a beefy, hairy, openly gay male model who only wears underwear and jocks, which doesn’t really matter because the question is Would You Hit It?


  1. Star (Carlos) (Tuxedo)
    xoxo :-)

  2. I thought you knew, once a star, always a star!

    Republican voter fraud is everywhere, isn't it? I did give a hearty ho, ho! over the Meadows drop. And Matt's excuse isn't going anywhere, either.

    MTG is getting so desperate... perhaps she might be looking at some time in lock-up.

  3. Hooray for Books Unbanned from Brooklyn public library

  4. Huzzah for the Brooklyn Public Library and its brilliant idea! Well done! Take THAT, book banners and haters!

  5. Ivey says that the 2020 election was "stolen" but of course can present no evidence whatsoever to back up this outlandish and oft-repeated claim. Ivey participated in a blackface skit while at Auburn University, for which she later apologised. Co-incidentally she was born and raised in Camden! (Not Camden SC but Camden AL)

  6. Enjoy that time in the sunshine, Carlos.
    And good luck to him as well.
    I would absolutely dread something like that and I don't mind hanging out on the sidelines. Especially because I can find a good place to hide.
    I love that idea by the Brooklyn Public Library.

  7. You'll have to henceforth refer to Carlos as "Carlos the Star", put a red carpet set up by the door for his return from the convention.

  8. Hey if Gosar can be a "special guest", I would have no problem with Carlos being a real star!

  9. You know Carlos is right. Right? RIGHT?
    Tuxedo, darling!
    And why are people surprised the Repugs are pieces of shit liars? It's endemic at this point. And Marge Three Names? See You Next Tuesday.
    Beefy, hairy and gay? And looks like that? In underwear? Yes? Please?
    And Zelenskyy MUST send Vlad this map. He MUST. Vlad would have a cow. I mean another cow.


  10. I saw a republican blaming the fbi for jan 6 today. The party of personal responsibility my ass

  11. @TDM
    Yes, Carlos is a star!!!
    So is Tuxedo!

    I guess I’m just stunned that the party that wants to change all voting requirements because they fear fraud is the party committing the fraud.

    I love that library!!

    Every time the right tries to censor a book or ban it, it becomes more successful, but they haven’t figured that out yet!

    Ivey is an old time Southern White Sheet Wearing racist. No question.

    @Mr. Shife
    Carlos loves the spotlight. Me? Not so much.
    I hope more libraries follow the lead of BPL.

    You’ll have me create a monster????

    I love your thought process, and I agree!

    Yes :::sigh::: Carlos is almost always right.
    As is Tuxedo.
    Marge? I can’t. She’s like the Madison Cawthorn of Lauren Boeberts.
    And, yes, a model who looks like that and hates wearing clothes? Send him over …
    That map makes me smile

    It’s the ‘It was anybody but us’ lie.

  12. That last tweet... sad. Really sad.

    Sinatra.... if he wore that jock strap? I'd paint his toenails. I do like his black fur. Grrr.

    Mowers? Huh. Well... will wonders ever cease being so expected?

    The whole gas thing is such a joke and the media won't report the real story because of who pays their salaries.

    Gosar is a racist? A white supremacist? From Arizona? Will wonders never cease being so expected?

    Tyra just wants someone to notice her. Like the little girl in the back of the class with her skirt pulled over her head so the boys can look at her panties.

    Your chuckle... I did. OUT LOUD. I am so using that in real life... I have a conservative catholic cousin in mind.

    MTG - is her two minutes up yet? I want her azz cooked but good.

    Meadows. Should be behind bars.

    BPL - cool move. And how perfect, because how are the GOP gonna stop that... what a bunch of tools.

    Wow. "The American people are fed up with this over-dramatization of a stolen election that never happened that one time. They are sick and tired of hearing about how Biden stole the election —it’s over, OK?" (You can quote me on that.)

    Hee hee. Carlos is THE STAR, honey. You better hope he has room for you in his entourage!


  13. @upton
    Sad for Vlad.
    Yeah, Sinatra rocked the jock.
    Mowers and Meadows. GOP fraudsters caught at it.
    The GOP always blames Dems for high gas, but when a GOP is in office, suddenly it’s not an issue.
    Gosar. Fuck him … or better yet, don’t.
    Tyra. Cannot stand her.
    I also want to use that Chuckle.
    I want all libraries to follow the BPL move.
    Remember how the GOP told us to “get over” Hillary and yet here they are, 18 months in and still crying and lying.
    I AM Carlos’ entourage!

  14. Wow. I never appreciated Sinatra until today. He makes me croon.

  15. @Mitchell
    And Mitchell for the win!!!!!

  16. Carlos is THE STAR. How Fun!

  17. You should know by now that Carlos is a STAR and we are just living in HIS world!! From my MPH perspective, I am happy to know that Carlos is working on spreading the news about HIV/AIDS. There is still a higher prevalence of HIV/AIDS in minority communities.

    Yes, I would hit it. TWICE on a Sunday.


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