
Tuesday, March 08, 2022

They're Everywhere ... Part Sept

These really are the easiest posts to compile, because, well, they’re everywhere …


During a Senate video call with Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Saturday, GOP Senators Marco Rubio and Steve Daines shared screenshots of the Zoom chat to their social media, despite being told not to do so due to concerns about the Ukrainian president’s safety.

These two fools put the man in danger by revealing his location.

This is what passes for leadership in  this country.




On Friday, the Walt Disney Company responded to calls for action over the Florida House passing the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill that would limit what classrooms can teach about sexual orientation and gender. Disney representatives sidestepped the bill itself  and instead recommitted itself more broadly to LGBTQ+ rights and then claimed its “inspiring content” is action enough.

Yes, cartoons and Gay Day more than make up for the silencing of the LGBTQ+ community.


The Great Trucker Convoy is making its way to DC to demand an end to all Covid-19 mandates and restrictions.

All those mandates and restrictions should be up by the time the MAGAt Convoy arrives, but go ahead, Red Hats., protest something that’s over while spending upwards of $5.00 or more a gallon for gas on your cross-country road trip to nowhere.


During a debate over anti-abortion legislation, GOP Representative Danny Bentley falsely said RU-486, or Mifepristone, a pill taken to induce abortion, was developed during World War II and was called Zyklon B, the gas that killed millions of Jews in the Holocaust. He also claimed that “the person who developed (it) was a Jew” and that Jewish women have a lower incidence of cervical cancer because “they only have one sex partner.”

This is what happens when you let men decide the healthcare choices for women.


Last week, when the House passed a resolution night to declare support for Ukraine’s sovereignty, only three votes were in opposition, all of them … guess what … from Republicans, Thomas Massie of Kentucky, Paul Gosar of Arizona, and Matt Rosendale of Montana.

The good news is that the resolution passed near-unanimously with a 426-3 vote.

Also of note is that when a House vote came up for the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act of 2022, which would designate lynching—extrajudicial killings typically committed against Black Americans, particularly during the Jim Crow era—as a federal hate crime the three Republicans who voted against that bill Thomas Massie of Kentucky, Chip Roy of Texas, and Andrew Clyde of Georgia.

Voted against making lynching a Hate Crime.



Republican Chip Roy is back again because he is concerned, y’all! He says innocent people are dying needlessly because a tyrannical government has grossly overstepped its bounds, and freedom and democracy are under attack and … wait for it … it’s all Dr. Anthony Fauci’s fault.

Appearing on Fox News Roy, an anti-vaxxing loon, used his time not to discuss the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but to peddle his conspiracy theory that the government is failing to report deaths caused by the Covid-19 vaccine.

Roy has no numbers to claim, no science to prove his wacknut theory, but he’ll say it because MAGAts will buy it.

Herd Stupidity.


GOP Governor Greg Gianforte—who once assaulted a reporter for asking him a policy question—killed a mountain lion on public land after it had been cornered in a tree for hours by hounds while he made his way from a different site.

What a man; he has dogs chase a gorgeous animal up a tree so he can get in car and drive over and shoot it to prove he’s so macho. Little bitch. I need a mountain lion to drive Gianforte up a tree, or the Montana electorate to drive him out of office.


A few weeks back, in this very space, we talked about GOP Texas QAnon nutjub Bianca Gracia announcing to the world that God had told her she would win her election, and if Texans failed to elect her they were "going to have to deal with it with the Lord."

Cut to last week and Gracia received 7.5% of the votes.

Even God took a look at her and went, ‘Nah.’

Get educated and save yourselves from The Stupids.


  1. I came across this piece of rubbish on the internet; "QAnon and anti-vaccine contingents within the groups have seized on a false conspiracy theory that the war is a cover for a military operation backed by former President Donald Trump in Ukraine. The conspiracy theory, which is baseless and has roots in QAnon mythology, alleges that Trump and Putin are secretly working together to stop bioweapons from being made by Dr. Anthony Fauci in Ukraine and that shelling in Ukraine has targeted the secret laboratories". People who believe this kind of trash will believe anything which is why the Repugnant party is likely to win in 2022.

  2. Why would Rubio and Daines demonstrate foresight and consideration? They're Republicans.

    Disney World gets a big tax right off, need I say anything more?

    I understand Ricky Schroeder is driving aimlessly around the Washington Beltway without understanding he's missing every exit.

  3. He'll honey child....this post could be every day...twice. Like you said it's like shooting fish in a barrel with these dipshits. Soon we will have them heckling and hating themselves.

  4. Even God took a look at her and went,'Nah'.
    coffee spitting time!
    xoxo :-)

  5. You are the best way to read about what's happening in our crazyass corner of the world, sweetpea! xoxo

    (I'm still trying to add you to my blogroll, but it ain't happening! I am distressed!)

  6. @Helen
    As I have long said, QAnons and MAGAts are dumb; they will believe anything.

    Rubio is now trying to spin it that he didn’t get that message until he was already in the meeting, but it begs the question: why you gotta put everything on social media you twit?
    I guess Disney got hit hard from the public and their employees and they are taking a stand against Don’t Say Gay now.
    Ricky. That Silver Spoon got shoved up his ass.

    Even I don’t have the patience to take on the stupid EVERY day!!!

    Well, that’s what I believe God said …

    I like to keep up with the lunatic fringe because they never fail to surprise me; scare me, yes, surprise me, no.
    I added you to mine, and I had to go to Layout and then pick the blogroll spot, and then put in the URL to your blog, type in the name of your blog, and then his save, and then it asks to save it again.

  7. Thanks heavens someone else has had issues with the blog roll. I have tried to add to mine and remove no avail and finally said fuck it.

  8. Wow. This is a lot to chew one.

    First... F Disney. What a bunch of jerks. It's the equivalent of saying but I can't be racist... my maid is black.

    Gianforte should be charged with animal abuse and prosecuted. He should be censored. Creeps like him make me hate humans... especially privileged white men.

    Chip Roy... where are the people calling him out? No, those in a position to say something say nothing... and this kind of garbage goes unchecked. It's an outrage. As is all the stuff Danny Bentley said. He should be censored. Someone should say something... someone with a voice.... it's sick.

    I hope Rubio gets what's coming to him. I despise his smug mug. He's just a better looking version of Ted Cruz.

    Thanks for the feed. I rely on you, you know :)

  9. Crazy and ugly at almost every turn!

  10. The Repugs have become the party of everything that's ugly in this country. They've always been pretty shitty, but seriously... After Agolf Twittler things have just gotten worse.


  11. Can I retreat, go back to bed, resign from the human race, ?

  12. It's interesting why so many Morons gravitate to the same Morons to Elect... it's as if the more outrageous, dangerous and stupid a candidate is, the more the low information sort clamber on board their Crazy Train. Perhaps they all have a Death Wish?

  13. A truly mind-boggling lineup! I gotta do some reading and see how those dirtbags justify voting against making lynching a hate crime!


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