
Tuesday, February 08, 2022

This Bitch: Ronna McDaniel

Ronna McDaniel, the chair of the Republican National Committee called out the New York Times last week after the newspaper quoted her accurately:

“This story from the New York Times is completely false. It’s not journalism, it’s the worst type of baseless political propaganda.”

Yes, they quoted what she said, and she wants a retraction.

The story in question is about the RNC’s censure of Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, over their presence on the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. The censure resolution issued by the RNC accused the two of:

“[P]articipating in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse.”

In fact. That’s the very language Ronna McDaniel This Bitch herself used in a statement; here are her exact words:

“Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger crossed a line. They chose to join Nancy Pelosi in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens who engaged in legitimate political discourse that had nothing to do with violence at the Capitol.”

Any fool who believes that busting into a federal building through broken windows and busted doors, trashing and stealing private property, defecating on walls, crying out to “Hang Mike Pence” and screaming for Nancy Pelosi’s blood is “legitimate political discourse” does not understand the meaning of the words she said, and then demanded that the New York Times  retract.

PS On the heels of this asshatted move by McDaniel, the GOP celebrated Black History Month by touting the “record number of Black Republicans running for office and winning at all levels” both “local and federal office.” The number of Black Republicans running? Forty.

That’s less than one candidate per state. In fact, the numbers show that there are over 500,000 local and federal elected positions in the US, with 537 being President, Vice President, and all members of Congress, another 7,000 state legislators nationwide, 50 governors and over 493,000 local elected officials.

Touting forty of those as Black Republicans means that the GOP is fine with .008% of all elected positions being held by Black people.

This Bitch and That Party.

Vote Blue.


  1. Ronna Romney McDaniel is an utter hypocrite; mind you, being hypocritical is now an art form in the Repugnant party. Because her uncle Mittsy was out of favour with the Orange Turd, she fortuitously lost her middle name. And things went downhill from there. Denying something she said is just par for the course for Repugnant idiots.

  2. Does she have one too many brain cells to qualify for Moron Monday? That's all I got. *SIGH*

  3. The woman sounds horrible with her moral values all tangled up like fishing line. We have some right wing politicians like that in England too. Truth doesn't seem to matter any more.

  4. .008%!!!
    good grief!!!
    xoxo :-)

  5. It’s so appropriate that she was named after a clown.

  6. That "legitimate political discourse" comment went over like a lead balloon on social media, unfortunately for fat Rona, you can't take back what so many have recorded you saying. Trump's water carrier, was just one of the many comments.

  7. She is the best thing that has ever happened to the GOP. So incompetent. Such a bald-faced liar. So devious, but right out in the open where we can all see it. Yes... the GOP's true colors all wrapped up in one delusional, empty-headed, myopic, misinformed mouthpiece. I wish they all would behave exactly like she does... and Cruz. Just lie. And keep lying about lying. The lesson here? The GOP have zero credibility and could care less. Integrity left the room long ago.

  8. "ordinary citizens"?

    The bitch isn't playing with a full deck.

  9. *BARF*
    She's a Repug, what's surprising here?
    Legitimate Political Discourse my ass. The GQP is a joke.


  10. Beyond words some days

  11. The Republicans have been trying hard to walk back that "legitimate political discourse" wording. They disavowed it almost immediately after issuing the statement, and now today even ol' Mitch McConnell is calling Jan. 6 an insurrection.

  12. Republicans really are finding out that rock bottom has a basement

  13. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Proud to be a Gay Republican. I see what the Democrats have done to this Country and how they have brainwashed The Gay Community. Democrats can’t even see the corruption and incompetence of the current administration. I’m convinced where Gay Democrats are concerned, you really can’t change Stupid.

  14. @Anon
    You must get all sorts of warm fuzzies belonging to a party that is still trying to take away your rights to equality, that it making it illegal to discuss being gay in Florida schools.
    Lucky you.


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