
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The GOP Is Desperate For A Win So ... Cheat

Isn’t it funny how the GOP keeps talking about how they are not trying to make voting harder for people, and then they come right out and doe exactly that?

For months, the GOP, under the leadership of the traitorous racist rapist, Thing 45, has been putting new restrictions in place making it harder for people of color to vote, and now they are trying to make it harder for another color to cast a ballot: the Blues.

Thing 45 has endorsed a legislative effort to end crossover voting in Wyoming. The bill would end same-day party affiliation change in Wyoming to prevent Democrats from voting in Republican primaries because the GOP fears that Democrats will turn out en masse to vote for Liz Cheney.

Yes. If successful, the bill would become effective almost immediately, in time for the 2022 primary and general elections, when Liz Cheney is up for reelection against the Thing 45-endorsed candidate Harriet Hageman.

The GOP meddling in elections is how they try to win, not by running a fair campaign and letting the people of Wyoming choose. But I guess their anti-choice stance goes for the ballot box, too.


  1. Funnily enough (or not so funny) the same thing is happening here. Our tiny village is about 1/2 mile from the nearest town and we use the infrastructure here. All our relationships are with either the town or Oxford. We are to be moved from our current constituency into the Henley constituency which is about 30 miles away and we have nothing in common. We have transport problems here which are of no interest to the rich voters of Henley; we have poverty problems and an army base nearby, none of which will interest the Henley MP one iota. There is no logic in the change, but when has that ever bothered bureaucracy?

  2. They would argue that the Democrats are cheating by switching parties in the first place. It just goes on and on and on. But I agree with your thesis -- the Republican strategy is always to make it harder for people to vote, which is despicable.

  3. Sadly, Pennsylvania has no crossover voting in primaries, and never has, which is why our legislature has so many Cracker Jack Crazies.

  4. Well, they've effectively killed off a great swath of their Base of Voters who were Ride or Die for them enough to actually Die for them during the Pandemic. Every Anti-Vaxxer I know is a ReTrumplican and devoted to the Lunatic Fringe Movement, however outrageous and mebbe becoz it's so outrageous... some are still alive but by dumb luck only. The GOP has morphed into something so disturbing that it defies all logic and would never, ever win a fair and free Election again, they know it and I have to think they rely on Vlad a lot to run some interference in our Elections because surely the whole World can see how impotent and corrupted our Govt. has become... so neutering the effectiveness of America has become an International Sport of our Adversaries.

  5. Makes my head spin!
    xoxo :-)

  6. Whether a person is a Dem or a Repub... Liberal or conservative...if people don't see what they are blatantly doing and don't vote them out, then they can't be for democracy. And evidently take one of the few civil duties we have left extremely lightly.

  7. I wonder if it’s time for the OED to redefine democracy.

  8. @Helen
    The GOP is scared sh*tless that Democrats will vote for Liz Cheney because she’s an anti-Thing 45’er, and not about to aid and abet criminals, so they will cheat to make sure that doesn’t happen.
    That’s the way they think they win: cheating.

    In Wyoming, unlike other states, in the primaries you can vote either party so they fear a Democratic sweep FOR Cheney.
    In South Carolina, Blue can only vote for Blue in primaries, and Reds for Reds. In the General election you can vote either.
    So it’s just a GOP cheat.

    SC doesn’t have crossover primaries either and I wonder if we did if it would make a difference?

    Off-topic, but I saw a meme today that said, “The more anti-vaxxers, the less anti-vaxxers.”
    Funny, cuz it’s true.

    And spin and spin ….

    As we saw in 2020, when Democrats vote, Democrats win, and if we don’t vote than Thing 45er’s a DeSantis and Abbott and Cawthorn and Greene and Boebert and that ilk win.

    I fear it’s getting close.

  9. The repugs are going all out on voter suppression and gerrymandering. It's the only strategies that they have left. After Cheeto, they're the party of cheating.


  10. Hypocrisy on parade. What a world.


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