
Friday, February 25, 2022

I Didn't Say It

John Kelly, former Chief of Staff for Thing 45, on his former boss’ praise of Putin:

“Disbelief. [Putin’s] a tyrant. He’s a murderer. He has attacked an innocent country whose only crime is that they want to be free and democratic and they’re working in that direction and have been working in that direction. Yes. Tyrants are smart. They know what they’re doing. But that’s—I can’t imagine why someone would look at what’s happening there and see it anything other than a criminal act. I don’t get it."

You’d think he’d know, after spending so much time as a Thing 45 sycophant.


Tucker Carlson, Fox News fuck, on Putin and Russia, and proving himself to be an iditol and a traitor:

“Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Has he shipped every middle-class job in my town to Russia? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked my business and kept me indoors for two years? Is he teaching my children to embrace racial discrimination? Is he making fentanyl? Is he trying to snuff out Christianity? Does he eat dogs? These are fair questions, and the answer to all of them is no. Vladimir Putin didn’t do any of that.”

Let’s break it down: racists like Putin don’t call other racists racist, they call them comrade.

Putin won’t Tucker fired if he ever disagrees with him, he’ll just have him murdered as he’s done before.

Every middle-class job in America has gone to Russia? Luckily, Tucker, who is heir to the Swanson TV dinner fortune, wouldn’t know a middle-class job if it bitch-slapped him.

Tucker forgets it was his hero, his idol, who bungled a pandemic that kept people locked up and out of work for two years.

Tucker doesn’t want lily white children to learn about POC because then they’ll see what the racism in people like Ticker, at Fox News and in the GOP.

And I’m still waiting to see Democrats come for Bibles. Perhaps after they come for all the guns?

Tucker Carlson is a pandering one-percenter trying to come off like he cares about America when all he cares about is stroking his ego and his microdick … an affliction he shares with Putin and Thing 45.


Lara _____, as dumb as her husband, accusing Trudeau of deploying the police in a “Gestapo-like” manner, cuz when all else fails, break out the Nazi comparisons:

“It is tyranny, what you [saw] happening in Canada. And let me tell you something. When you think of a tyrannical government, you often think of places like North Korea. [This] is how it starts. They start chipping away, one by one at your freedoms until you don’t even realize they’re gone. It is a really dangerous game they’re playing up there in Canada.”

Funny, that the majority of Canadians favor the vaccine and the mandates except for a few MAGAty truckers, eh, Lara? I’d beg you to get your facts straight, but you couldn’t tell a fact from a lie if your life, and your husband’s inheritance, depended on it.


Neil Cavuto, Fox Business host returning to the air after a five-week absence:

“I’m back. I did get COVID again—but a far, far more serious strand, what doctors call ‘COVID pneumonia.’ It landed me in intensive care for quite a while and it really was touch-and-go. Some of you who wanted to put me out of your misery darn near got what you wished for. Sorry to disappoint you. But no, the vaccine didn’t cause that. That grassy knoll theory has come up a lot. My very compromised immune system did. Because I’ve had cancer and right now I have multiple sclerosis, I’m among the vulnerable three percent or so of the population that cannot sustain the full benefits of a vaccine. But let me be clear, doctors say had I not been vaccinated at all, I wouldn’t be here.”

Good on him for speaking out, but … big surprise … he received all sorts of hate mail for pushing the vaccine because … MAGAts and Fox.


Kenosha Murderer—I won’t say his name—threatening to sue Whoopi Goldberg and a whole “list” of other celebrities and politicians for calling him a murderer:

“We’re gonna be holding them accountable. I want to hold them accountable for what they did to me ’cause I don’t want to see anybody have to go through what I did. We’re going to hold everybody who lied about me accountable, such as everybody who lied and called me a white supremacist. They’re all going to be held accountable. And we’re going to handle them in a courtroom.”

Oh Killer, you stupid little murderous racist. Ever heard of Free Speech? You should check it out while you still have a few minutes of your Fifteen left.

And let’s be clear, murderer, you were not found innocent, you were found not guilty and that is not the same thing. You took the lives of human beings, and that makes you a murderer.

Buh-bye killer.


Kerry Washington, actor, honoring one of my heroes, Rosa Parks, during Black History Month.

“A lot of people think that Rosa’s activism started with her refusing to give up her seat on the bus, but she lived a life of activism long before that. Fighting, boycotting, marching, and even working as an investigator for the NAACP, advocating against sexual assaults on Black women. It was Rosa Park’s act of civil disobedience on that bus that sparked a revolution. She took that seat in order to take a stand. That seat on the bus was her fighting stance—and so we continue the fight today, in whatever way we can! Let’s ask ourselves, what can we do! Sit. Stand. March. Make calls. Volunteer. Talk to your family and friends. Do whatever you can and however you can. Rosa taught us that. And we are forever grateful. It was an honor to honor her.”

In a world of Tucker Carlson’s and Lara _____s and Kenosha Murderers, be a Rosa Parks.

Stand up and speak up and act up.



  1. Adolf Putrid is evil and a murderer; his illegal orders should not be obeyed, but sadly the Russian military is in thrall to him. All the Ukrainians killed in this "peacekeeping operation" should be seen as the heroes they were for defending their democratic country.

    Meanwhile Putrid threatens the world with a nuclear holocaust even as his troops are increasing radiation levels at Chernobyl. Lets hope the prevailing winds blow northwards.

  2. We are living in a farce. When and how will the curtain come down?

  3. Rosa Parks is a nice palate cleanser. On the shallow side (I just can't be serious today) I want Kerry Washington's lips! I have a big enough face for them.

  4. Kelly should not be stunned, he knows the dictators Trump courted.

    I thought you knew, Carlson is Putin's payroll.

    Lara Trump = bottled blonde = what else needs to be said?

    Whiney Boy's going to get his ass racked over the coals in court.

  5. (Rosa Parks) (Kerry Washington)
    xoxo :-)

  6. Ship Carlson and Lil Lara right on over to Moscow so they can live their dream.

  7. "MAGAty" -- good adjective!

  8. What!!!!!!!!!! "Tucker, who is heir to the Swanson TV dinner fortune?"

    I had no idea about that. That explains a lot. Cheap and tasteless shit.

  9. Does John Kelly have something to sell?? We all know how The Orange One would respond. Vlad has the Pee Tapes and money, so...

    Fucker Carlson is a Russian asset.

    Cavuto: hope he gets long covid. Yeah. I do.

    The Kenosha Murderer: Did the GoFundMe money dried off? Also, Discovery. It's all for show. He cannot demonstrate shit.

    Rosa Parks!!!


  10. Putin really showing what a dictator looks like

    And right wingers are only mad at Trudeau 🤔🤔🤔

  11. I think Kerry is creating a great campaign to star in a bio-pic.

    That little azz wipe murderer... or George Zimmerman II. Hope he gets what's coming to him.

    Cavuto probably got written up for it... but good for him.

    Lara... how much botox can one fit into one's ugly mug? She's as fake as those teeth. Thank goodness she's not "ruining" for office... (no typo)

    I didn't know that about Carlson and Swanson. What a privileged piece of shite. His argument doesn't even make sense. I can't believe any adult would make that analogy.

    Kelly had an opportunity to take the orange ogre out and he didn't, so he's a traitor and a coward as far as I'm concerned.

    Thanks for all the news... I've stopped watching it on television, except the weather. I don't read it on-line. I only hear about things from you... :)

  12. @Helen
    He’s a maniac who may only be stopped when one of his own people takes him out.

    I hope it isn’t a permanent curtain.

    Rosa is one of my heroes and deserves every iota of praise and admiration she’s ever gotten or will get.
    That said, shallow is good, and Kerry’s got some nice lips!

    Kelly is trying to save face.
    The Kenosha Murderer is a pawn of the right and doesn’t even know it.


    I fear they might love living under Putin’s thumb.

    It seemed apt.

    Yes, Tucker lives off frozen TV dinner money.

    Kelly is trying to salvage what’s left of his integrity with his faux-outrage.
    I am with you re: Fucker.
    The Kenosha Murderer is trying to wring every bit of fame he can out being known as a murderer. He’s George Zimmerman 2.0.
    Yes. Thanks the goddess for Rosa.

    And yet Putin’s people haven’t yet stepped up. Hopefully that day is coming.
    The rightwing can FOAD.

    I wouldn’t mind seeing a really good biopic on Rosa. The ones that I have seen didn’t do her justice!
    I’m with you about the Kenosha Murderer.
    Cavuto is telling truths and people who watch Fox hate him for it. That shrieks violumes.
    Lara. I bet she’s biding her time until Daddy-in-law dumps Melanie and then she’ll make her move to become Eric’s ex-wife-stepmother.
    I read that about Carlos a while ago. Not shocking.
    Kelly needs a new career since he blew up his last one.

  13. Interesting to look at America through your "windows". To me it was astounding that Rittenhouse got away with his murders having deliberately travelled to Kenosha with deadly weapons intent on meting out what he saw as "justice". He would be well-advised to keep his mouth firmly shut and just be grateful that he got away with his assassinations simply because some American courts favour delusional right wing bastards like him.

  14. Dear Bob

    Putrid has 4 food tasters! So it will be difficult to poison him. You can't give him covid as anyone seeing him has to walk down a corridor spraying disinfectant on them. Bomb him? Perhaps the leader of the free world could use one of those super smart cruise missiles with Putrid's name engraved on it? Tomorrow it could be Sweden and/or Finland for wanting to join NATO. It is as Pastor Neimöller he'll come for us.

  15. One numbskull after another, although at least Kelly is calling out Trump.

    That Tucker Carlson tirade is incomprehensible nonsense. A classic example of "whataboutism," distraction and deflection.


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