
Thursday, February 17, 2022


I like to scare Carlos because, well, I’m a child. So, when I come home from work I often sneak into the house, knowing he’s in the back office. I creep down the hallway stand at the door watching him on the computer and says:


He always jumps and I always, again, because I’m a child laugh and clap my hands. Now, he has tried to do the same to me, but he doesn’t succeed because, since I do it to him, I am always ready for him, so when he jumps out and says ‘Boo’ I just say ‘Hello.’

One day this week I pulled into the garage and thought of a new tactic. I sent him a text saying I was just leaving work and would be home soon. I crept into the house, and I could hear his Siri reading him my text. Then he sent one back to me saying that dinner was ready. I crept down the hallway; I stood outside the office and saw him on the computer. I texted him, and he asks his Siri to read it to him:

‘Bob sent a new text: ‘Boo.’

And then I yelled ‘Boo’ and had to peel him off the ceiling.

I am such a child.

As I told Carlos, you may think Mary’s outfit was too short, but at least I didn’t see her vagina. Can’t say the same about Melanie.

Remington, the maker of the rifle used in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting to murder 20 first-graders and six teachers in 2012, has been ordered to pay victims’ families $73 million in damages.

Good. It’s a start.

It's OK for a cat to run away and hide under the bed when visitors turn up, but when I do it, I’m called antisocial.

The GOP is outraged about inflation and will running on that in 2022, but …

The Federal Reserve—which is in charge of fighting inflation—has 5 open seats to which President Biden nominated 5 highly qualified candidates and yet the Republicans didn’t even show up to the hearing.

Inflation is the fault of the GOP because they will fuck you and this country to keep themselves in power.

Thing 45’s new social media platform touts the return of Free Speech … if you have $4.99 a week to spend on it.

PS The truth is that $4.99 per week is going right into Thing 45’s pocket.

Dr. Deborah Birx has a memoir coming out that will focus on her contentious time as White House coronavirus task force coordinator in Thing 45’s administration.

Sorry, Deb, not interested in how you goose-stepped along with misinformation and outright lies while people died. You should have had a spine installed when you had the chance.

Sometimes when Carlos is in a hurry, he just hooks my leash to a chain outside the store while he shops inside.

Lauren Boebert has been named “Hottest Woman in Congress” by some MAGAt group, and she proudly posed alongside the award.

Note they spelled her name wrong on the award, and someone used a Sharpie—the Official Pen of QAnon loons and Traitors—to correct it.

Even better, the award came with a gift certificate to Red Lobster.

Garrett Swann is a digital marketing strategist and a social media influencer and model, and openly gay man, and kind of a salt-and-pepper hottie. So, Would You hit It?


  1. Poor Carlos! Bobulah, just a warning, this is how my ex-brother-in-law got forked! He learned never to pull that crap on my sister when she's doing dishes.
    Your shopping outfit needs a little glitter.
    Put a little meat on Mr. Swann and I'd cuddle him on the couch. Thanks for the silver fox foxes.
    AOC made me LOL.

  2. Oh, that Tweet of the Week!

  3. Damn right about the complainers welcoming the First Hooker to the White House! Haha. Their hypocrisy never fails.

  4. Does your crew disappear when visitors come and then swan back in 5 minutes after they've left? And looking innocent into the bargain.

    The fake James Bond girl pics were bad enough, but America why did you elect a man who had a tart for a wife?

  5. (Carlos) (Tuxedo)
    Enjoy your Thursday!
    xoxo :-)

  6. You have to remember, the GOP is the 'do nothing' party for a reason, and it seems ax though the only thing they're any good at is being seditious.

    Birk's Book? Gimme a fuckin' break!

  7. I was visiting my sister in Copenhagen years ago and snuck up on her in the shower (like in Psycho) - almost gave her a coronary!!!! I hope Carlos pays you back sometime!

  8. MJT probably can't read

  9. Garrett totally distracted me from any other thoughts on this post...

    And Brix? She look like she's been through hell. Oh thats right....she did work for the dump administration.

  10. I shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did at your scaring Carlos the way you did. He should be wise and on guard to your pranks by now.

  11. @Deedle-Lah
    I know my time is running short, and one day Carlos will retaliate. I only hope I don’t howler monkey shriek and pee my pants.
    I need a little pizazz for my grocery lewks!
    Mr. Swann is delectable and adorable and hot.
    And AOC suffers NO fools!

    AOC nailed it.

    And they don’t see their hypocrisy—and racism—when they adore a white nude model but rail against a black woman in thigh high boots,

    Consuelo and Max both run off and hide under a bed, but Tuxedo is very social and wants to meet whoever comes into the house.
    Please don’t blame ALL of America for Thing 45 and Miss Hooker thing 45.

    Ah, my two boys …

    The GOP is a racist lying party over country traitorous group of old white ignorant men and women.
    Birx can shove her book and her complicity in 900000 dead Americas.

    Carlos will pay me back, when I least expect it!!!

    That would not surprise me!!

    Garrett is pretty delicious.
    Birx is pretty useless.

    One would think Carlos would be on to me, but I can still get him … again, cuz I’m a child!!

  12. HAHAHA
    Oh, that's mean! HAHAHA. Ok, it is mean but it's a little funny. Poor Carlos.
    And I'd need one of those leashes for Mr.Swann, please and thank you.
    The Repugs are repugnant and ignorant. Ugh.
    And you need to pay Cheeto to have free speech? The grift never ends, and the idiots are ready to hand in the cash.


  13. It was nice to see the families of Sandy Hook finally get some settlement.

    Even though it only took 10 years later. This country.

  14. @Six
    It IS mean and it IS funny and I AM a child!
    The leash and the outfit are kinda nice, eh? As is Mister Swann.
    Your money for Free Speech goes right into his pocket.

    @Agnes Goldberg-DeWoofs
    I also read that the air force was forced to pay victims and victims’ families of a church shooting in Texas a few years back the sum of $270 million for not making it known that the shooter should not have been allowed to buy a gun.
    Hopefully we’ll see more of this, though I’d prefer to see less mass shootings.

  15. You’re lucky I’m not Carlos; you might not live to BOO a second time.
    Frickin Melanie!
    Was relieved to read the news about Remington. It’s really no different from thoughts and prayers, but maybe it’s the start of something new.
    Nothing to add.
    $4.99 a week is no small sum... or maybe that’s what meant by chump change, considering the chumps who will pay it.
    I really don’t care to hear a word from Deborah Birx, the goose-stepper.
    Poor puppy (on the chain). Can I pet him?
    Boebert, what an embarrassment.
    I’m not quite sure what a SLAT and pepper hottie is, but I’d hit this one.
    Beware the Gazpacho police. They’ll take your soup.

  16. Sooner or later, Carlos will get even,
    The shopping pic, you are younger than I expected


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