
Monday, January 31, 2022

They're Everywhere ... Part Deux

It wasn’t hard, but I have found some more stupid to start the week …


The McMinn County School Board has voted to remove the Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel “Maus” from an eighth-grade language arts curriculum due to concerns about profanity and an image of female nudity in its depiction of Polish Jews who survived the Holocaust.

Art Spiegelman, the author of “Maus,” told CNBC:

“I’m kind of baffled by this. It’s leaving me with my jaw open, like, ‘What?’ I’ve met so many young people who ... have learned things from my book. … I also understand that Tennessee is obviously demented.”

Spiegelman suspects the school board members were motivated less  about some mild curse words—there are eight in the entire book—or the nudity—the nude woman in the book is Spiegelman’s mother, and the photo showcases the degrading way women were treated in the camps—and more by the subject of the book, which tells the story of his Jewish parents’ time in Nazi concentration camps, the mass murder of other Jews by Nazis, his mother’s suicide when he was just 20, and his relationship with his father.

What to do? Write letters? Protest? Cast a GODDAMNED vote? Yes, to all of that, but also do as Stephen King suggested on Twitter … find out which library has this book, and indeed all books banned by so-called conservatives, and check the book out and read it; or find a bookstore that sells it, buy it online, and read it.

Knowledge is power and if you read Spiegelman’s book you’ll see that the authorities in Tennessee are trying to erase the Holocaust from history.

And I know of at least 11 million reasons why that should never happen.


Robert LaMay, a State trooper was forced to step down from his job because he refused to get the COVID-19 vaccine, and after being let go, he told the state’s Democrat Governor Jay Inslee to “kiss my ass.”

Y’all know where this is going … this week LaMay died from COVID.

Sorry, not sorry.


Last weekend SNL made fun of Candace Owens in a skit, after which Owens ran to Fox to complain about the idea of a Black woman portraying another Black woman as stupid for laughs. Oh Candace, have you never seen SNL?

But then, minutes later on the same show, Owens showed how stupid she is when she went after … wait for it … Minnie Mouse, for wearing a pantsuit:

“It goes back to, like when they did this to the M&M’s and now they’re making [Minnie] more masculine … They’re taking all of these things that nobody was offended by and feel like they have to get rid of them and destroy them because they’re bored. You know, they’re absolutely bored. They’re trying to destroy fabrics of our society, pretending that there’s issues. So everybody looks over here, look at Minnie Mouse. Don’t look at inflation … look at Minnie Mouse. The world is going forward because we’ve got her in a pantsuit. Never mind, that you can’t get anything at the grocery store and you can’t buy a piece of bacon unless you’ve got $30 in your pocket. At least, we’re addressing the real problem, which is Minnie Mouse.”

Yes, there is no food at the grocery stores, and bacon costs $30.

Methinks Candace is too dumb to see that there are other places to shop, and she’s too dumb to note that even she wears pantsuits but a cartoon mouse doing so is taking it too far.

PS She’s been a leader in the conservative push to kill as many fellow conservatives as possible based on the theory that it will drive Joe Biden’s approval ratings down among the surviving Americans who were smart enough not to listen to people like Candace Owens in the first place.

And now she says the Moon landing was faked.


GOP Senator Ron Johnson is against government efforts to make childcare cheaper for parents:

“People decide to have families and become parents. That’s something they need to consider when they make that choice. I’ve never really felt it was society’s responsibility to take care of other people’s children.”

Johnson says slashing unemployment benefits to get more people back to work and alleviate the ongoing labor shortage would be a better alternative.

So, not only does Ron Johnson want to cut unemployment benefits, but he wants to make it harder for working people to get childcare so they can work.


Pope Francis says parents of LGBTQIA children should not condemn them but offer them support.

But the Catholic Church will do nothing to help those same children, much less LGBTQ+ adults, and the church will never accept same-sex marriage.

How does a parent who is Catholic support an LGBTQIA child and also support a church that denies that child the right to marry when they are grown?


Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch works right alongside of Justice Sonia Sotomayor who has diabetes, a condition that puts her at elevated risk for serious illness, or even death, from COVID-19. She has been the only justice to wear a mask on the bench since last fall when the justices resumed in-person arguments for the first time since the onset of the pandemic.

Sotomayor did not feel safe in close proximity to people who were unmasked so Chief Justice John Roberts, understanding that, asked the other justices to mask up except Gorsuch, who refused. His continued refusal means Sotomayor has not attended the justices’ weekly conference in person, joining instead by telephone.

Get educated. Save yourself from The Stupids.



  1. Malicious stupidity is a pandemic in its own right. These folks are carriers.

  2. This whole damn country is going insane. The mentally ill is running rampant. The things and issues people worry over, as visual aid Candance Ownes shows is appalling. This country is in serious terrible.

    And I'll never understand the book banning. Tell people not to read, and they will. The dumb shits. Besides if you don't like a book, don't read it. Are we not at out quota for stupid shits in this county yet????

    I hope your absence this weekend indicated you had a wonderful birthday and spent time, eating drinking being merry and horizonal!!!!!!!!!

  3. LeMay was not forced to quit. The state was working on giving him an exemption when he decided to take early retirement.

  4. (Good to have you back!)
    Book banning. We even had that here.
    Long time past.
    xoxo :-)

  5. Don't know if you saw, but sales for 'Maus' went through the roof. Also, interesting to point out that the nudity they complained about is not actually a human female, rather, it's a mouse.

    Candy... well, I think that's says everything.

  6. Ugh. Candace. See you next Tuesday, dear.
    Dear Candace is a grifter and a famewhore. She'll say anything for money. There's a name for that.


  7. @Deedles
    I have a call into Pfizer to fast-track an anti-ignorance vaccine.

    You can’t swing a cat without hitting one!

    The conservatives don’t want the kids reading about the Holocaust cuz it’ll make them feel bad about hating Jews. And you can’t have Critical Race Theory cuz it’ll make white kids feel bad about their ancestors enslaving an entire race of people.

    And we had a lovely peaceful weekend up in Asheville, where we got someone mountain snow and some mountain nookie!

    Even worse.

    Every time someone suggests banning a book, I buy it.

    That’s because you tell someone they can’t read something, they all rush out to buy what it is you say they should read because it might be salacious, when it’s just educational, and thought provoking.

    Candace is a pretty woman but she’s dumb as a box of rocks.

  8. You must be exhausted dear!!!

    And speaking of Catholic priest, say want you want about pedophilic priest, but at least they drive very slowly through grade school zones.

  9. @Maddie
    I shouldn't be laughing but ......

  10. Gorsuch is a bully.

    To be Catholic is to live in a state of constant hypocrisy.

    Ron Johnson should really need to present both those arguments at the same time in a public forum. I would love to watch him stumble over himself trying to explain his positions.

    "destroy fabrics of our society" - like? Polyester? Tweed? Muslin?

    Wow. LaMay. Another one bites the dust.

    Re: Maus. Yep. They want to teach holocaust denial. Which should be made illegal. You do not get to teach alternative history. Scary.

    Welcome back, dear.

  11. I wonder with the survivors and the loved ones of the dead nasty man feel now about covid.
    I suspect they haven't changed and blame the governor.

  12. Personally I've not looked at Minnie Mouse since I was about 8

    The shower in government here also think that making people live on 5 day old bread and scraps taken out of bins is the way to get people into work! What is it with these people? I'd ask if they have empathy but there is only one answer to that and it is NOT yes.

  13. Yup, everywhere

  14. Well of course the Maus thing is appalling, both an absurdity and a shocking minimization of the Holocaust.

    I'm not sure I know who Candace Owens is, but I think I'm glad. I had no idea there were still "Moon Landing Deniers" out there!

  15. So. Much. Stupid. Great post!


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