
Friday, December 10, 2021

I Didn't Say It

Ron Johnson, GOP Senator, and loon, from Wisconsin, on a new “cure” for COVID-19:

Standard gargle, mouthwash, has been proven to kill the coronavirus. If you get it, you may reduce viral replication. Why not try all these things?”

Damn, we could have saved 770,000+ lives if we’d just listened to this  tool and hoarded Listerine.

Seriously, Wisconsin, you want this moron representing you in Congress?


Geoff Duncan, Georgia’s Republican Lt. Governor, on Thing 45  meddling in the state’s upcoming governor’s race by endorsing David Perdue over current GOP Governor Brian Kemp:

“We don’t need the traveling circus of [Thing 45] to stay here in Georgia. We need him to stay down in Mar-a-Lago, working on his handicap playing golf and let us be conservatives here in Georgia and move forward. It appears early on [Perdue] will try to carry [Thing 45]’s water on the conspiracy stuff, and that seems to be the only tail wind he’s got. It’s unfortunate.”

Both Kemp and Perdue need all the help they can get because Stacey Abrams is running for governor again, and she lost by a razor thin margin to Kemp; and that was before she mobilized thousands of Georgians to vote Thing 45 from office in 2020.


Dan Crenshaw, GOP Congressperson, on the loud loons within his party:

“There are two types of members of Congress: there is performance artists and there is legislators. Performance artists are the ones who get all of the attention, the ones you think are more conservative because they know how to say slogans real well. They know how to recite the lines that they know our voters want to hear. What you hear so often is not true. It’s not true. We have grifters in our midst. I mean in the conservative movement. Lie after lie after lie because they know something psychologically about the conservative heart. We’re worried about what people are doing to do to us, what people are going to infringe upon us, that’s the nature of conservatism.”

Hey Dan? Do you really wanna stand up to the loons? Call them by their names each and every time they say something stupid. Demand they be held accountable for their lies and their hate speech. Failure to do that means you really don’t have a problem with them and will sit idly by while they take your party down.

And, actually, I’m good with that.


Joshua Malina, actor, on the fact that cancel culture hasn’t gotten anti-Semite Mel Gibson tossed out of Hollywood—Josh is Jewish and he’s had it with Gibson:

“Gibson is a well-known Jew-hater [anti-Semite is too mild]. His prejudices are well documented. So my question is, what does a guy have to do these days to get put on Hollywood’s no-fly list? I’m a character actor. I tend to take the jobs that come my way. But—and this hurts to write—you couldn’t pay me enough to work with Mel Gibson. Many horrible people produce wonderful art. Put me down as an ardent fan of Roald Dahl, Pablo Picasso, and Edith Wharton; can’t get enough of what they’re selling. But these three had the good taste to die. That makes it a lot easier to enjoy their output. Gibson lives. And Tinseltown need not employ him further. This might feel like a smaller matter if it didn’t come at a moment when members of my tribe feel the walls closing in again. Jews were the victims in more than 50 percent of religious-based hate crimes last year. In recent years, we’ve witnessed the Tree of Life massacre in Pittsburgh, the murder at the Chabad of Poway synagogue in California, Jewish students harassed on college campuses, European anti-Semitism on the rise—these are the headlines that make us feel unsafe. Is this really the time to glorify a man like Mel Gibson?”

While it has been quite a while since Mel’s drunken anti-Semitic and racist tirade, one has to wonder: who is Gibson fucking to stay working in Hollywood? Or what dirt does he have that people will still hire him? I will never get the chance to work with Mel Gibson, and I wouldn’t if it ever happened, but I will add that you cannot pay me enough to watch him in anything, old or new.

Hate is hate and it doesn’t get my coins.


Michele Bachmann, former GOP representative and presidential candidate, and current batshit crazy loon, saying vaccine mandates go against Biblical teachings that people have a right to work, and therefore are akin to murder:

“When you have government forcing private businesses to fire people because the people aren’t complying with what government says, then you’re denying people the right to earn a living. In the book of Ecclesiastes, it says when you deny someone the right to their living, it’s the same as murder, and so our government is engaging in probably some of the most horrific actions we have ever seen. If you take all the bad actions of government throughout the entire history of the United States and you put them all together, they pale in comparison to what we’re seeing now. This is a very unique time, so people shouldn’t think they’re crazy when they’re looking at current events and wondering what’s going on. This really is the absolute worst times.”

All the bad actions of government throughout the entire history of the United States and you put them all together, they pale in comparison to what we’re seeing now? Yeah, that whole slavery thing was nothing compared to telling people to take a vaccine; rounding up Asian-Americans and throwing them into camps during WWII was nothing; attacking a country based on a lie was just another day in America, but by God, do not tell us to get a shot.

But allowing unvaxxed people into the workplace where they can spread a deadly virus is God’s will?

Take a seat, Michele, er, Karen, your special brand of crazy, and your loose relationship with God, are not needed.


Dolly Parton, on being a boss:

“I’m a good boss, I think. I try to rule with love and compassion. But also, there’s a fine line that says, ‘She’s not a pushover.’ I’m a fair and honest person. I like to be as friendly as I can and love the people that work with me and I like to have them love me. [But] some people I have to kick their ass up one side and down the other because some people will just not listen. And then you do have your creative vampires. You do have your energy vampires and you’ve got some people that just going to eat you up alive.”

Quite simply., if you work for Dolly, thank your lucky stars and don’t fuck it up, cuz she might be as sweet as molasses, but she’ll come for you if need be.


Brianna Keilar, on that Christmas tree fire at Fox News HQ:

“The Christmas tree fire at Fox was a serious incident. Obviously, it’s incredibly scary to feel your workplace is under attack. Unless your workplace is the Capitol. Then, according to Fox hosts, it’s not such a big deal.”

Damn, girl! Nailed it.



  1. Funnily enough, when I read the bible there was NO mention of vaccine mandates - must have been reading the edition for sane people

    I gather that the poor man who lit up the fox tree was homeless and mentally ill. Rather than fighting an anti-war on Christmas, how about Fox has a charity drive collection donations to home the homeless and help those who are mentally ill?

  2. Ron Johnson and Michele Bachmann and all their friends should get the worst case of Covid possible, they should spread it only to their idiot friends, and then they should all guzzle mouthwash. Sorry. Not sorry. This is insanity.

  3. I don't think they come any better than Dolly! She's a tough nut in a sweet package but she also appears to be one of the nicest people around - AND who has never forgotten her roots!

  4. I see you've opened your Christmas present early.

    Doesn't Johnson sound like he's had too many tubes of Ivermectin?

    Duncan's scared, and Crenshaw? I suspect he's trying to figure out how to get that MAGA fencepost out of his ass.

    Malina needs to be concerned, the MAGA hate Jews.

    Dolly's great.

    Loved Brianna.

  5. The Repugs are out there out-looning each other with the most astounding amounts of fuckeery and asshatery. Really. And you know what? People will re-elect them.
    Even the saner ones are slightly crazy, but of course I love to see infighting and calling three names and the other stupid people stupid is always a plus.
    I hope Stacey Adams wins in Georgia. Wouldn't that be sweet?


  6. (Brianna Keilar)
    xoxo :-)

  7. @Helen
    If Fox were to donate coins to help the mentally ill, I fear they’d be lining their own pockets!

    I’m liking this thought.

    Mixed in with the loons.

    Don’t mess with Dolly, ever!
    That’s one of my rules!

    Johnson makes Thing 45 and the bleach seem like something from Mensa.

    They all want to have it both ways, calling out the loons, but never by name if the loons suddenly get ore power.
    I NEED Stacey to win.

    She nailed it!

  8. I am like Dolly...I am sweet as can be...I am flexible...Yes, I like order...But don't get it twisted...I will come for your ass when I realize you're trying to take advantage of me or lying...I am worse than a mother protecting her young...

  9. Are there too few mental hospitals left open? Just wondering how some of these people are still walking the streets - the halls of congress

  10. I agree with Malina, but IS Mel Gibson working these days? I feel like I haven't seen him in anything in ages. I hate it when someone I used to like turns out to be a nutcase. His movie "The Year of Living Dangerously" is one of my all-time favorites.

    I can't imagine what it's like inside Michelle Bachmann's brain.


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