
Thursday, December 30, 2021


The other night Carlos was at a rehearsal—he joined another musician playing at our local Catholic Church—and I was home. I let Ozzo outside and saw a black-and-white cat on the deck. I thought nothing about it, but then I couldn’t find Consuelo and I thought what I’d taken as black-and-white was actually Calico in the twilight, so I headed to the back deck again. I walked outside and the little black-and-white cat came up and rubbed against me and purred; then she rubbed against Ozzo. She seemed well-fed and perfectly healthy, so I assumed she was just visiting Casa Bob y Carlos … and Ozzo. I told Carlos about the cat when he got home and he said:

“We can’t have another cat.”

I replied:

“To be fair, we once had seven cats, so we can have another bringing us to four, but we don’t need another cat, and this one belongs to somebody in the neighborhood.”

Cut to Christmas Day and the little cat returned, to the front porch this time, and Carlos … wait for it … it’s grand … took the cat dinner.

We are never going to get rid of this cat, I told him as he began thinking of names.

UPDATE: The cat, which … wait for it … Carlos has named Comet … visits our porch every afternoon for dinner. It’s only a matter of time before Comet comes inside.

Even Tuxedo looks at this talk show quack with a side-eye … and he’s not fond of Dr, Oz either.

Well, I felt the earth move … this past Tuesday we had an earthquake in Smallville, registering 3.3 on the Richter scale and centered just a few miles from Casa Bob y Carlos.

We shook, but nothing broke.

Republican asshat Rand Paul has accused Democrats of stealing elections by … wait for it … he’s the dumbest man on planet Earth … by convincing people to register as democrats and then vote in every election.

No, seriously, this is his idea of stealing.

As the goddess is my witness I thought the delivery man said, ‘Sign my package’ and not ‘I need a signature for the package.’

GOP Congressman Adam Kinzinger said the House select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol is looking into whether Thing 45 acted criminally in connection to the Capitol riots.

Prove it, and then have Hillary Clinton go on TV to shout:

“Lock him up!”

That would be Must See TV.

Smallville, AKA Camden, is the oldest inland city in South Carolina, having been established in 1733, and the folks here, the older ones, do not like change.

That picture above is an old bank at the corner of Broad and Dekalb in Camden. The faux stonework on the front is being removed and the old windows are being put back in and people are outraged, most notably, because the twirling sign on the front of the building, which gave time and temperature is being removed.

The building is being restored back to the way it looked when it was built in the early 1900s—see below—and the folks on Facebook, clearly older folks, are asking how they will tell time and temperature now,

Best answer: look at your damned phone.

Michele Morrone is an Italian actor, model, singer, fashion designer hunk of prosciutto.

Would you hit it?


  1. The Smallville 1900s bank looks oodles better than the current version. As for time and weather - there are watches and I going outside helps with the temperature - if it's cold I shiver and if not I don''s easy, peasy.

  2. That doctor's tweet is brilliant! And keep us informed about Comet the cat.

  3. Someday I will have to write about the client with 27 cats, she couldn't understand why the neighbors were not friendly.

  4. I was in SC last week and as I read your post, I had to look up where Camden is. I was not close though. I was in Surfside Beach, south of Myrtle Beach. Sounds like Comet will become a new addition to your animal kingdom!

  5. Love the tweet of the week.

    Bob. I eat Italian.

    What a lovely restoration job. And people and change... that's rather universal, huh?

    I hope Kinzinger is ready to get things done... like thing 45, thing 45 Jr., thing 45 the vagina version, dumbledork, and the girl.

    Rand Paul is a menace to society. He needs to go live in his bunker with all his dehydrated food.

    Are earthquakes common where you live? How odd.

    I didn't know that azzhat Oz was running for the senate. He is such a tool. Like the dumbest stick in a dumb stick contest. Hope he gets his comeuppance. Can the sexual harassment charges be far behind?

    Congrats on new cat, Comet. I love it when they choose us. KIZZES.

  6. Love Carlos. Love El Gato Guapo. Love the tweet. Now cutting to the chase, I wouldn't "hit" that because I have principles (yeah, that's the reason)! I'm too old and arthritically challenged to hit anything. The man is 12 years younger than my middle aged baby boy. I'm a toothless cougar semi-wannabe. Now if he had blue eyes to go with that dark skin all bets would be off! ;)

  7. Either way that cat is going to get very fat if he's having dinner in two places!

  8. Comet! How exciting! We want pictures!

    That's funny about the bank building. People just don't like change.

    Rand Paul -- oy!

  9. Can’t wait to meet your new cat Comet! I wonder if Oprah regrets the idiots she made rich and famous, Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil for example. I’m sure Carlos feels the earth move every day that he’s in your vicinity. Love that “package” cartoon. Michele? Si! Per favore! Y subito!

    And that Tweet is priceless!

  10. Does this comet have a collar on??? If not, I suspect you will very soon have a new member of the family. Love the name too.

    I have signed many a delivery man's package. What is the problem?

    If you could put Rand Pauls head together with about another 10 or 11 more republicans' heads, one might have almost a quarter of a brain.

    I hope Oprah drives Dr Oz nuts. I don't want him running....And besides if she gets hungry enough, which Im hoping she will, she will swallow him whole for dinner.

    And the original building in Camden looks far better and has more curb appeal. What the fuck is wrong with those old farts? And why do they need to know the fucking temperature? It's it hot, take off layers. If it's cold, add layers. Duh.

    Im off to have my gin now.

  11. I read about the SC earthquakes and
    thought about you all. Kids are visiting
    in Alaska and have had three so far.
    Bestest wishes to new kitty.
    xoxo :-)

  12. As someone who gets to working with a lot of older people, I can tell you that many have cell phones, but they never touch them unless they ring... because that's the signal to talk on the phone.

    Michele Morrone gets a hit.

    That bank is going to look beautiful.

    I've been in a few small earthquakes... they're interesting.

  13. @Helen
    I hope the new version matches the original. We have so many old buildings inin town, that the newer ones seem out of place.

    I love that Tweet, and I think Comet will be making a n appearance on the blog, as soon as Carlos breaks and brings her inside!

    Carlos had nine, all rescues, for a time, but when I met him it was “just” seven!

    We’re in what they call the Midlands of SC, though Myrtle Beach isn’t too far.
    We’ll see what happened with Carlos’ new cat!

    You eat Italian, and slap it, too??
    Here’s hoping when the building is done it will look like it did in it’s hey day.
    I’d like to see THAT FAMILY ruined.
    Rand Paul makes Ted Cruz look like …Ted Cruz.
    We get quakes here, seldom, but this one, for us, was strong.
    Oz is a tool of epic proportions. I’m more “doctor” than Oz.
    We’re still waiting to see if Comet becomes ours, or stays a neighborhood cat. If Carlos had his way ... Hello Kitty!

    I love your anti-hit logic, and I’m’a look for a blue-eyed dark skinned hunk for you.

    She is quite healthy looking ....

    Comet is a cutie, I need to get a picture of her.
    People in Camden, especially the old timers, hate change … even when the change, changes a building BACK to how it once looked!.

    Comet looks a little Dudo and Moose to me so, you know ,cute as a button!
    Oprah is too busy counting money and calories to have regrets.
    The package, yes, and on Michele, too!

    Comet is collarless, but I think she’s also being fed by our neighbors, though she doesn’tgo inside their house either.
    An autographed package should be seen as a compliment, no?
    You’re being too kind to the GOP brains!
    Oprah and Oz! No!!!
    These old farts in Camden who hate change are probably the same ones who bitched in the 50 s and 60s when that beautiful building was changed into that ugly building, but they’ve forgotten that!
    Drink up,2022is on the way!

    It was a smallish quake, by quale standards, but rattling enough to freak South Carolinians out a bit!
    We’ll see if the new cat joins the family. I’m leaving this up to Carlos!

    I’ve been through quite a few California earthquakes so this one, for me, was not such a thing, just a surprise.
    That bank building may be a new restaurant in town and a law office upstairs, but if they do it like it used to look, it’s be spectacular!


  14. Dear Bob,
    Please tell Carlos I love the name Comet for your new cat and look forward to the sequel of the First Inside Visit. Bless both of your good hearts. 'Tis the season, ain't it?
    Joyful, joyful we adore thee for thy Bobservations this past year of 2021 but you may have saved the best for last: "Serena Williams and I can play tennis."
    I am still laughing.
    Happy New Year to you, Carlos and your family.
    Beware earthquakes in these unpredictable times.I like to blame them on Agent Orange.
    Onward, my friend, to higher ground in 2022.
    I appreciate your support and encouragement.

  15. @Sheila
    We are still debating on whither Comet will be ours, because, we believe, she is also being fed atone of the neighbors, so we'll have to see...

    That Tweet has me still laughing, too!

    HNY to you and Pretty and wishing you all the best for 2022!


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