
Friday, November 19, 2021

I Didn't Say It

Trevor Noah, on the Kenosha Murder:

“Nobody drives into a city with guns because they love someone else’s business. That’s some bullshit. No one has ever thought, ‘Oh, it’s my solemn duty to pick up a rifle and protect that TJ Maxx.’ They’re doing it because they’re hoping to shoot someone.”

That kid wanted to shoot people, not help people, and he got his wish.

Now, could I get my wish and see his privileged whiny bitch ass locked up for years?

Asking for a country sick of white people murdering people of color and getting off scot-free.


Tucker Carlson, Fox News liar, proving again he is a racist by questioning whether Vice President Kamala Harris is really “from” the United States because she went to high school in Canada:

“The one thing we know for sure about Kamala Harris is we should all be very, very grateful to have her because she’s historic for reasons that no one ever explains. But there’s a lot we don’t know about Kamala Harris. Most people probably don’t know she really grew up in Canada, where she went to high school. She’s not from this country in that sense, or she’s certainly also from Canada. Why haven’t we heard that?”

So, if you’re born in this country but go to high school in Canada you are not from America. Well, I forgot one thing, if you’re person of color born in this country but go to high school in Canada you are not from America.

Racist; fuck off.


Gene Simmons, KISS, on anti-vaxxers:

“If you’re willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are an enemy. I don’t care about your political beliefs. You are not allowed to infect anybody just because you think you’ve got rights that are delusional, of course. You don’t have the right to go through a red light—actually, the government has the right to tell you to stop. You have to put on a seatbelt. If they tell you [that] you can’t smoke in a building, you can’t smoke in a building. And that’s not because they want to take away your rights, it’s because the rest of us hate it! We don’t want to smell your smoke. I don’t want to catch your disease. I don’t want to risk my life just because you want to go through a red light. This whole idea—this delusional, evil idea that you get to do whatever you want and the rest of the world be damned—is really terrible. We’ve gotta identify those people and bring them out into the open so you know who they are. Know who your friends are by how much they care about you. That includes COVID.”

The first two lines say everything. And I agree, though I would add that anyone who doesn’t get vaccinated and gets COVID and dies, kinda deserve it.


Chris Christie, former New Jersey Governor, Thing 45 supporter, and flip-flopping hack, saying the insurrection was a result of Thing 45’s lies about the 2020 election:

“I think everything that he was saying from election night forward incited people to that level of anger. I think people minimize what happened on the 6th by pointing to the speech that he gave on the Ellipse on the 6th. I don’t think [the racist traitors] would’ve gone there if they thought the election had been fair.”

And yet this flip-flopping mass of ignorance says he will vote for Thing 45 if he runs in 2024.

Please join Tucker in the Fuck Off Pile.


Rupert Murdoch, Fox News boss, saying Thig 45 should stop focusing “on the past” and pushing The Big Lie:

“The current American political debate is profound, whether about education or welfare or economic opportunity. It is crucial that conservatives play an active, forceful role in that debate, but that will not happen if [Thing 45] stays focused on the past. The past is the past, and the country is now in a contest to define the future.”

Hey Ru? Why dontcha talk to your hellhounds on your own station that are also continuing to push The Big Lie. Oh, yeah, they line your pockets with coins so they can say what they want.

There’s space for you between Fucker and Krispy in the Fuck Off Pile.


Ronna Romney McDaniel, Republican National Committee [RNC] Chairperson, apologizing to RNC members over a new LGBTQ+ outreach program:

“We would never, ever organize or communicate with organizations that undermine our values. You have my word on that. The goal of this new outreach is simply to get more voters to vote Republican in 2022. That’s it. We need to stay united. The mainstream press, Democrats, and organizations that are opposed to the RNC want nothing more than to divide and weaken us. We are thankful for every legal vote and welcome Americans from all backgrounds, communities, and organizations who understand the wisdom in voting for Republicans and the foundational principles that strengthen our nation.”

Ronna Romney McDaniel then issued an email apology to the RNC’s 168 members, assuring them that the GOP has no plans to actually support LGBTQ+ equality and that the initiative was merely a ploy to get LGBTQ voters to vote for Republicans anyway.

In other words, she blatantly lied, and admits to being a liar, because she’s a C U Next Tuesday and a Republican and that’s what they do.

Ronna? Dear? Go sit with the wingnuts. in the Fuck Off Pile. There's room on Christie's lap for a bigot.



  1. I'm not a particular fan of Noah but he hit that one out of the ball park didn't he. Can't believe the little turd is going to get off!

  2. Not content with infecting a huge proportion of the American population with lies and yet more egregious lies, the Murdoch, fresh back from a stint on the Return of the Mummy, is now looking to set up Fox Extreme Right Wing Lying Propaganda UK (known as FUK).

  3. Ronna? See You Next Tuesday.
    Christie is disgusting and so are Carlson and Rupert. They traffic with people's lives.
    And of course The Kenosha Killer went there to kill. And his trial is a mockery of justice. Ugh indeed.


  4. Serving up a lot of red meat today, are we? Damn Tasty!

    Trevor's great!

    Carlson has said he has no problem lying. Translation: I have no ethics, no values, and am morally bereft.

    Thank you Gene Simmons.

    Oh, and in case you didn't know it, Christie is a toad, just look at him.

    Ronna will stab anybody in the back in order to maintain the MAGA vote.

  5. Christ...I need a ingestion aid just to get threw this mess. I will never under stand how many like Christie...hate the dump and cant stand him and admit he caused he'll on earth....yet will still vote for him.

    Losers and sheep. Their just as bad and can fuck off.

  6. High school location - really?
    Grasping at straws me thinks.
    xoxo :-)

  7. I’m sickened. Thanks for Trevor Noah and Gene Simmons.

  8. I thought she got fired. How strange that they would keep her. But that demonstrates the depths of loatheness at the heart of the RNC. They have to lie and cheat to win. They know this. Do they for a moment think that might makes right? No. They have been eaten away from the inside by a cancer caused by greediness and a lust for power. F 'em.

    Murdoch, Christie, Carlson: they are zombies. See above.

    Gene Simmons does something right for once. He's a terribly greedy man, but recently he must have had an epiphany. He took part in HyVee's feed the poor campaign this fall - which rather surprised me.

    Noah Trevor... makes so much sense, while that trial and judge makes none.


  9. @Deedles
    Yes ma’am!

    He is so right.

    I just love how he suggest Thing 45end the Big Lie whilst paying his minions to perpetuate it.

    I want that Kenosha judge censured and removed.

    I think Ronna is the most disgusting this week because she blatantly admitted that the GOP will lie to get you to vote for them, and then ignore you until they need another vote. Fuck ‘em.

    Losers and sheep is so right.

    Racists like Fucker will grab ANY straw.

    It’s hard, but I try to find some common sense to put out, even when the morons dominate the airwaves.

    They won’t fire her because she lies so effortlessly.
    Maybe Gene grew a conscience?
    It’s funny [odd] when comics make more sense than our elected officials and judges.

  10. TN hit the nail on the head, the racist went hunting that night. And we are not even going to take his guns away for life.

  11. Well, I'm impressed at Gene Simmons. Bravo to that!


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