
Friday, November 12, 2021

I Didn't Say It

Glenn Youngkin, Virginia Governor-elect, on his underage son who twice attempted to vote at the same location in the space of 20 minutes:

“It was silliness, I think. There’s real confusion on where a 17-year-old can vote or not. And so he had a friend who suggested that he might be able to vote. He went up and asked. I know my son is an incredibly respectful young man. He presented his ID and when they said he couldn’t vote, he said okay and he went to school. I am a little bit frustrated that the media is paying so much attention to it. It’s my 17-year-old son and I’d really like everyone to leave my family alone.”

Oh Glenn, you typical hypocritical lying Republican.

Your son tried to vote illegally twice, the second time after being told he wasn’t eligible to vote, so this ‘He didn’t know’ BS is just that. You’re setting quite the tone for your term as governor when you have family members trying to cheat the system and you attempt to ignore it.


Howard Stern, on Green Bay Packers Quarterback Aaron Rodgers’ Big Lie:

“If there was decency in this world, you know, I would throw this guy out of the football league so fast. What he did to his fellow teammates … this fucking guy, they should throw him out of the league so fast. We have no time for idiots in this country anymore. We don’t want you. We want you to all, either go to the hospital—stay home—die there with your Covid. Don’t take the cure, but don’t clog up our hospitals with your Covid when you finally get it. Stay home, don’t bother with science, it’s too late. Go fuck yourself, we just don’t have time for you.”

I feel like Howard. I’m over these fools, especially ones who lie and say they got the vaccine and then get COVID and admit they didn’t get it.

Fuck all the way off.


Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay Packers quarterback and vaccine liar,  seeming to lie about his lie:

“I made some comments that people might have felt were misleading. I take full responsibility for those comments … I have a ton of empathy for people going through pandemic, lives lost and the lives forever changed.”

Misleading? Huh. You were asked if you had taken the vaccine and you said ‘Yes.” Where, the world asks, was the misleading part? Was it in the lie?

Rodgers then played the victim card and said he “just shared his point of view, and now he’s being crucified for it.” Again, Aaron, you aren’t Jesus  and you weren’t crucified or cancelled, you were called out for being a liar because you were caught in a lie.

Now, as I have been saying to a great many people this week, in the blogs, and in real life, ‘Get the fuck outta here.’


Dennis Prager, conservative radio talk show host, comparing the way anti-vaxxers are treated and then lying about people with AIDS:

“If we survive this as a free country, historians will just ask, ‘How did this happen? How did people get governed by irrational fears? Whether it is of the non-vaccinated, who are the pariahs of America as I have not seen in my lifetime any pariah group like this. During the AIDS crisis, can you imagine if gay men and intravenous drug users, if had they been pariahs the way the non-vaccinated are?”

I guess Prager forgot the many AIDS patients who died because people feared touching them.

I guess he forgot the AIDS patients whose families kicked them out of their homes and disowned them.

I guess he forgot the conservatives who suggested AIDS patient be put into camps.

Side story: I know a man who was diagnosed with HIV way back in the 80s, and after the doctor gave him the diagnosis and said there really wasn’t much they could do, he got up to leave as the nurses came into the room and scrubbed the chair he sat in and the door knob he touched and tossed out the magazines he read in the waiting room, so Dennis Prager can fuck all the way off.


Liz Cheney, Wyoming GOP Representative, calling the claims that the insurrection was a “false flag operation” perpetrated by liberals to stain Thing 45s presidency:

“It’s the same kind of thing that you hear from people who say that 9/11 was an inside job, for example. It’s un-American to be spreading those kinds of lies, and they are lies.”

Simply and direct. Lies. All of the GOP’s excuses: lies.


Jenna Ryan, convicted Capitol rioter, after being sentenced today to 60 days in prison:

“I’m disappointed that I’m being used as an example in my incarceration. Because I’m a public person and I have a Twitter account, I’m being punished for that. Because the media was doing what y’all are doing right now, I’m being punished for this. And it’s actually causing my incarceration and I think that is a travesty. I think everybody should be able to tweet without being persecuted and treated like crap. So watch what you tweet, because if you tweet, you can go to jail. It’s a free county and I’m allowed to say—you know—it’s free speech.”

Sure, Jenna, you can say whatever you like, though there are consequences; just like consequences for breaking and entering into the Capitol building to overturn an election.

Oh, and let’s not forget that Jenna is not just a traitor, she is also a racist, because just a few months ago she said:

“Definitely not going to jail. Sorry I have blonde hair white skin a great job a great future and I'm not going to jail. Sorry to rain on your hater parade.”

Another one who can fuck all the way off. Oh, and Jenna, that’s my Free Speech.



  1. Dear Mr Prager,

    it is very unlikely that America will survive as a free country as you and your friends are doing their best to turn it into a one party state with a brain-damaged president


    The View from over the Pond

    PS do you think Margarine Turning Green bleaches her hair in an attempt to stay out of jug?

  2. Excuse me while I go get drunk.

  3. People with HIV/AIDs were not treated like pariahs? Talk about rewriting history!

  4. Jenna? Really dumb for a bottled blond.

    Prager? This is the sound of desperation.

    Rodger? I don't like Stern, but he's right on the money here.

    Youngkin might not make it to 'one hit wonder' status.

  5. Oh Bob, dear Bob what is the word for two more than a trifecta? Because you hit the "five-ecta" today.
    Big bang theory necessary for these truth telling zingers.
    Aaron Rodgers, I so loved you when you were the Jeopardy Host. Now you are dead to me.
    Liz Cheney, I have never loved you because you have the wrong last name and mostly bad politics, but thank you for standing up to the party poopers who truly stink. The stench of the lies overwhelms me.
    That's enough for me. Thank you, Bob.

  6. I saw in the news today that an insurrectionist was sentenced to three years--the first time someone has gotten years. All of the sentences should be harsher. Someone who gets 60 days will probably be out in 30-45. Glenn's horse apple didn't fall very far from the tree. If Aaron empathized with people who have COVID, he would have gotten the damn vaccine. How can anyone be that ignorant about what happened to people who had AIDS? It's disrespectful.


  7. Yeah, I could not have called Prager out any better than you did. Bravo for that.

    Ummm...didn't Jenna Ryan get convicted for rioting -- not tweeting?!?! Maybe she didn't understand her charges.

  8. Huh. 60 days? Is that all that racist b*tch is doing? No justice.

    I used to not like Liz Cheney. Now? It's hard not to like her.

    Dennis Prager has selective memory... or more likely he just never knew any gay men with AIDS... I am disgusted that this man could say that and no one challenged him on the spot. Old f'ing white men. Always moving their lips and talking utter garbage. I can't wait for certain segments of the population to die off.

    Rodgers, again. Spin, sugar, spin...

    I used to not like Howard Stern. Now? It's hard not to like him.

    VA gets what they deserve. F' em for voting that tool into office.

    I can't read the news anymore. It just upsets me. I've never felt so powerless in the face of such mediocrity in my life.



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