
Monday, October 04, 2021

Kay Ivey and Kristi Noem Can FOAD ... h/t Anne Marie

Alabama was one of the hardest hit states during the first go-round of the pandemic, and even harder hit during this latest outbreak, so what does GOP  Governor Kay Ivey do with the COVID-19 relief funds her state received from the federal government?

She signed a new law using those coronavirus virus funds to build new prisons in the state.

No, not for more room in hospitals, which are overflowing with COVID patients as well as others; not for relief for people who may lose their home due to unemployment during the pandemic; not for vaccines, vaccine education, equipment for those on the front lines.

Prisons; because prisons make money for Alabama

Kay Ivey cares more about for-profit prisons that people in her own state getting sick and dying of COVID because she’s a Republican who puts coins before people.


Early in 2020, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem’s daughter, Kassidy Peters, had applied with the state for an appraiser’s license and was denied. In July 2020, Noem summoned to her office the state employee who ran the agency, the woman’s direct supervisor and the state labor secretary.

Oh, and for some inexplicable reason, Kassidy Peters was also there.

And four months later Kassidy Peters obtained her certification. The following week, the labor secretary called the agency head, Sherry Bren, who initially denied Kassidy Peter’s application, and demanded her retirement, according to an age discrimination complaint Bren filed against the department.

No one knows what transpired at that July 2020 meeting in the governor’s office. Kristi Noem has only said she was trying to make the process more equitable, and added:

“I never once asked for special treatment for Kassidy. She is my daughter and I’m proud of her. I raised her to accomplish things on her own.”

Funny, though, that her desire for equality in that department only happened after her daughter was denied a licenses. Also funny, is that her daughter didn’t get the license until after mama stepped in and the department head was pushed out.


  1. First, I love the new blog header pic. That cat looks pure evil. Second, sort of a followup to the Noem thing: it's reported that the state AG has started an internal investigation into what happened. This is the same AG who accidently killed a pedestrian on evening after drinking and then fled the scene. Also the AG who Noem demanded he resign for the alleged incident above. He didn't resign. It's kind of fun watching this sort of political show.

    Hope you and yours are all doing well. We finished our moved per schedule, and immediately upon arriving, the dog tripped me and I broke my big toe on my right foot. Life is good.

  2. Your right, they can both fuck off!

    What sad is, is that these worthless humans can't get their way or want they want on merit and talent alone...which means in the long run, they only set themselves up for failure. Dumb shits.

    And yet again in the case of the Dakota do these things get away. Why did not one of them bring this to the press???? Is there job that important??? I would have recorded the whole thing and then went right to the press. This is why the losers get away with shit.

  3. Ivey's an old, white racist bitch who sees prisons as a great way to make money, as well as way to keep minorities in check.

    As for Noem? I understand she's gunning for a VP spot on the next election. She's another one who needs to be shut up, shut down, and shut out.

  4. It is just unbelievable that things like this can happen nowadays. We have the same kind of corruption over here. It's all too depressing and the ordinary joe or Johanna in the street can do nothing....even voting lets us down.

  5. @Joe
    I love the 'It' cat! I keep it for every Halloween.
    I utterly do not by Noem's assertion that she was trying the make the license process equitable, especially given that she did NOTHING about it until her daughter was passed over.

    Ivey possibly makes coins off prisons so she'll take COVID money away from people who need it and give it to someone who can line her pockets.
    Noem is just a criminal ReTHUGlican.

    All bad and disgusting.

    Spot on about Ivey, and I hope more eyes look at Noem because she's acriminal.

    That is one evil cat!

    It's like they have no morals at all, and no one in their state seems to care.

  6. Oh, I hope some day they both get back exactly what they’ve been doling out. Yep, they can FOAD.

  7. I loathe both of these women. But may Kate Ivey and her ef'ing prisons come back to haunt her.

  8. @Mitchell
    Karma would be good for these two.

    Perhaps Kay Ivey locked up in one of her prisons?

  9. Gotta build more prisons, lock up those criminals stealing baby formula from CVS.

  10. Shouldn't that be ESFO&D? As Recovering Valley Girl. OMG.

  11. That nastay pussy is cool. Of course Kristy Noem didn't have anything to do with her baby girl getting what she wanted. She would never interfere. I didn't know about the funds in Alabama. What a state.


  12. Kristy is a c*nt. And I usually like c*unts, mind you. Despotic, authoritarian, drunk with power. She thinks she's the next Sarah Palin and that she'll be called by Death Santis to be his running mate.
    And Alabama? I have no words. Maybe hellhole?


  13. @Anne
    As long as they're locking up all the right people, eh?

    As our dearly departed Anne Marie always said: Fuck Off And Die. FOAD!

    The IT kitty, er, kITty slays me.
    Yes, Kristi thinks anyone outside of the GOP and her own crooked family, believes her.
    They do not.


    You're right about Kristi ... spot on; and as for Alabama, let's use the words of the Last Guy: shithole.


  14. Nepotism at its best - and learned from the best apparently!

  15. Wow. Both shocking. Both an abuse of power. Demonstration that they are both unfit to hold public office. Like everything they've done before this point didn't indicate that? Very sad. And where is the outrage? Where is the national media on this? Mute. This country sucks.

  16. @Treaders
    And the blatant lie about it. Typical GOPer thinks people will believe everything she says.

    I guess we have so many issues to solve these stories fall by the wayside, but I hope folks in those states remember 'em come election time.

  17. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Karma is coming for Kassidy's momma. Kassidy with a "K" kind of says it all, doesn't it?


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