
Friday, October 01, 2021

I Didn't Say It

Sean Hannity, Fox “News”,  promoting partisanship because fucking the Democrats is more important to him than fixing this country:

“The Democrats own the House and the Senate and the White House. No Republican should be a part—they’re not going to let you in on the negotiations. This is a partisan spending bill, the likes of which this country has never seen. You cannot call yourself a conservative or even a Republican and work in conjunction with the Democrats and support this bill or raising the debt ceiling, which allows them to spend the money that they want to allocate in this bill.”

So, he wants one way or no way. How does that benefit We The People? Raising the debt ceiling is relevant to paying PAST bills—those from Thing 45—not future bills—under President Biden—so the Republicans are refusing to pay the bills they are responsible for creating.

Typical GOP hypocrisy.

PS Mitch McConnell has voted to raise the debt ceiling thirty-two times, but now suddenly he doesn’t think it’s a good idea.

Fucking traitorous hypocrite.


Mario Murillo, megachurch “pastor” calling God a murderer, and earning a wild ovation from his “Christian” followers:

“Somebody help me! It’s coming! The judgment of those who would destroy America is coming! Shout! Shout! Shout! America, God is looking at you right now. And I’m telling you, your atheism isn’t gonna stick. Your wokeism isn’t gonna stick. Your Satanism isn’t gonna stick. Your communism isn’t gonna stick. Because there is a God that answers by fire. I’m gonna try it again and see what’s happened. God is saying, it’s our turn now!”

Yes, he’s suggesting to his shrieking minions, that God will kill atheist and communists and woke people.

I don’t think Mario Murillo would know God if She stood right in front of him and tried slapping some sense into him.


Liz Cheney, GOP Congressperson from Wyoming, saying she was wrong for opposing same-sex marriage in 2013:

“I was wrong. I love my sister very much. I love her family very much, and I was wrong. It’s a very personal issue and very personal for my family. I believe that my dad was right and my sister and I have had that conversation.”

Of note, however, is that Liz Cheney voted against the Equality Act this year so she’s not a true LGBTQ+ ally.


Mary Cheney, posting to Facebook about her sister’s change of art:

“I love my sister very much and am so proud of her. It took a ton of courage to admit that she was wrong back in 2013 when she opposed marriage equality. That is something few politicians would ever do. I have nothing but respect and admiration for the strength of character she continues to show on a daily basis … and as her sister—I have one more thing that I just have to say: I told you so.”

I don’t think it took a ton of courage. It took eight years. It took the Supreme Court. Liz Cheney has just accepted the truth after eight years.


Doug Ducey, Arizona GOP governor, on that idiotic audit:

“When it comes to the audit, like the three audits that preceded it, it’s now over. The outcome stands and the 2020 election in Arizona is over.”

Typical Republican, saying what most of America already knows after his party spent months and millions trying to rewrite history with a Big Lie.


Tammy Bruce, Fox News hack, playing the climate change denying card:

“Look, leftism infects every single institution it infiltrates. Nothing is too sacred for the left to use to advance its agenda. Even as Americans face the devastation of Hurricane Ida, the Democrats didn’t see the need for empathy, but they did see an opportunity for political grifting by blaming it on climate change and using it to ask for more infrastructure money.”

I guess a hurricane that devastated both Louisiana, in the southern US, and New Jersey, in the northeast, doesn’t prove climate change to this tool?

And, when these climate catastrophes occur roads, bridges, tunnels, power grids, homes and businesses are destroyed, we don’t need better stronger infrastructure?

Let the levees break, Tammy, is that your plan?

Take a seat; your special brand of stupid is unnecessary.



  1. Perhaps we should be sorry for climate change deniers, big lie believers, ant-vaxxers etc, because they are too stupid to understand the truth - the climate is changing and the change will end up killing millions; wars will start over land, water and food. No more electricity, internet or anything else that currently stands between us and Armageddon (if you believe in such stuff made up by Christians trying to frighten their flocks into pouring more dosh into their pockets and didn't the Catholic church do well with those tricks, purgatory and all the rest). Try and save the earth now, not when the seas are lapping on your doorstep in Wyoming and Idaho, Belarus and Nepal (and if the seas are lapping on doorsteps in Nepal we're all done for).

  2. *Happy* Friday...
    xoxo :-)

  3. I never noticed how much Mary Cheney looks like Dick in drag. Who is that Mario Murillo person?! He sounds like a nutter.

  4. UGH. The MAGAts deserve Faux News. It says a lot about the Repugs when Liz Cheney now sounds 'sane', no?


  5. I seem to remember something about Trump offering hurricane victim paper towels...

    I do believe Doug's last name is spelled Douche'

    Lis said it to prove she's not part of the MAGA base.

    I saw that clip of Mario and couldn't remember that happening in the video game.

  6. I think Sean Hannity has on more make up in that picture then I do in drag.

  7. Maybe my new job should be starting a mega church. I could make up any lunacy I wanted as long as I preached it as if I were Mussolini. And I'd be very, very rich.


  8. Thanks for all the info. So many villains, so few heroes. Sigh.

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      It's like comic books:

      1960s: Heroes and villains sharply defined.

      1970s: Villains are more sympathetic.

      1990s: Real heroes are also villains.

      The Dark Age never left DC. The city or the publisher. Or Dan Didio went out of his way to revive it. Whatever. The important thing is, people are tired of this cynicism, but no one who can change it, will.


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