
Thursday, October 14, 2021


Not a Carlos story because he’s been extra busy this week, but a story about me, and how I relate, or actually don’t relate, to children, well, babies.

A co-worker has a new baby about nine months old and for some reason she brought him into work the other day, carrying him around and showing him off like a prizewinning pie at a state fair. I don’t goo-goo at babies; and the only reason people trot out these infants is for people to say how beautiful their babies are. I was walking down the hallway when I heard her say:

“That’s Bob. Say Hi to Bob.”

I pretended not to hear. I mean, the kid can barely form a fist and cannot form a word, and she thinks he can say ‘Hi.’ I kept walking. I stopped in to speak with another co-worker, Dillon, and was telling him that this woman had brought The Baby into work. He also doesn’t know what to say when people show you their infant children, and we were laughing about seeing the baby and simply saying:


Sand then suddenly The Baby is in the office with mama and she says:

“Oh, here’s Dillon and Bob. Say ‘Hey!’”

I turned and before I could even get out my droll, ‘Hello,’ Dillion walks up, fist bumps the baby and says:

“How ya doin’, little dude? I love your sweater. And that’s a cool haircut.”

From under the bus I said:


Note to the world: unless I’m related to the child I am really not interested in seeing The Baby.

I mean, come on people, he’s a cat and he can see the hypocrisy written all over Joe Manchin’s entitled face.

In an excerpt from the soon-to-be-released Betrayal by ABC News’s Jonathan Karl writes that Thing 45 was “intrigued” by a theory presented to him by Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark, whom Thing 45 wanted to install as acting attorney general:.

“[Clark] believed that wireless thermostats made in China for Google by a company called Nest Labs might have been used to manipulate voting machines in Georgia.”

Thermostats. Really.

Joel Osteen’s Houston megachurch, Lakewood Church, has repaid the government $4.4 million in pandemic loans after going viral for the outrageous handout.

Osteen, worth $50 million, took $4.4 million in taxpayer-funded Paycheck Protection Program loans at the height of the COVID pandemic last year. Osteen owns a $300,000 Ferrari and a $10.5 million mansion, and travels on his own luxury jet, but appears on TV and in the pulpit urging people to not “focus on what [they] have or don’t have.”

Osteen is the same man of “god” who was forced to open his church to victims of Hurricane Harvey after an uprising on social media. The “god”-fearing Osteen didn’t want dirty homeless people in his church.

He, of course, can fuck all the way off.

This week Tesla CEO Elon Musk confirmed that he is moving his company from California to Texas because California Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Tweeted this to him:

“F—k Elon Musk.”

All the money in the world cannot buy Elon Mush granny panties that don’t get twisted.

Imagine being Michael Elizabeth Pence and being so delusional that you refer to a day when your rabid followers chanted that they wanted to hang you by your neck until you were dead as “One day in January.”

Delusional and traitorous. And stupid.

From Funny and Stupid we have the story of a woman, identified only as M.O., who is suing GEICO for $1 million for catching HPV while fucking in a car that was insured by them. M.O. and a man identified as M.B. were apparently raw-dogging it in M.B.’s 2014 Hyundai Genesis in late 2017 and M.O. contracted anogenital human papillomavirus and decided to sue GEICO got her $1 million lawsuit.

Welcome to America where you can sue a car insurance company for contracting an STD while fucking in a car.

This week in Would You Hit It we have Diego Miguel, a forty-one-year-old Brazilian underwear and fashion model. So I ask you again, Would You Hit It?


  1. Raising the price of an epi-pen 900%? That's totally immoral and indefensible. How much does it cost to make? Restauranteurs have a rule of thumb that a plated meal should cost 1/3 of the price it costs to make. Shame big pharma can't stick to those rules.

  2. Sorry - misread the 500% which is still outrageous. Perhaps Joe Manchin's daughter could pay the extra trillions her papa does not care for?

  3. Bob you as bad as me. If you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me darling.

    Osteen. He is about as much a God man and into religion as much as I. Which is nothing. He's a disgrace.

    I really hope Manchin goes. or is knocked out. He part of the problem why health care and such is out of control. His daughter. That explains it.

    The tweet is priceless! And now. if you could be as nice to send over Diego in his underwear and boots......Im am powdered and damn well know Id hit it!

  4. (Busy Carlos) (Tuxedo)
    Loves the pumpkins!
    xoxo :-)

  5. I despise Joel. Despise him. I had an argument with a friend who was quoting from his 'book'. It took restrain to not tell her everything I thought. I also despise Elon and Pence. This was a POST.
    Mancini is a Repug. Really. No matter what he says. He's holding the Dems hostage.
    Thank goodness for Diego Miguel. And honey, if you ask if I'd let him hit it, you don't know me....


  6. @Helen
    Manchin’s daughter should get very very sick and find out she cannot afford healthcare and maybe she’ll learn ...though I doubt it!

    Maddie, I cannot look at a baby and say those niceties. They don’t sound genuine. I’ll sit by you and dish any day!

    Osteen is a criminal, stealing from the poor to build a shrine to his ego.
    I so hope the people of Manchin’s state see what he’s done and kick him to the curb.
    Diego in underwear and boots is everything, and as soon as I’m done with him ...

    Those pumpkins make a statement.

    Joel Osteen proves that Marx was right when he said religion was the opium of the people, er, sheeple.
    Manchin is solely out for himself and his lifetime pension. Fuck him.
    Diego has long been a favorite. Muy caliente!

  7. I am with you on babies, Bob, and this is even after having kids.
    I hated when people brought their babies in the office.
    Joel Osteen is a horrible, rotten turd.
    Tweet of the week is a a great one.
    Have a good one.

  8. @Mr Shife
    I adore babies I am related to, but other babies? I can't.
    Your take on Osteen is spot-on.
    COVID pumpkins are scary!

  9. As you know, I love babies and children. I hope some of my posts don’t make your brain explode.

    Would I hit it? Sure. I’ve got nothing else planned for the weekend.

  10. I'm up front from the get go with babies, so people don't expect me to bill and coo.

    Osteen? Another faux Christian grifter.

    Pence? Dumb as a brick. His career, what little there was of it, died the minute he became vice-president.

  11. I liked the pumpkins

  12. @Mitchell
    There are some children not related to me that I like, but I do not like having to “meet the baby.” Perhaps when the child is old enough to buy me a drink we can meet. But, no, your posts don’t bother me at a;;. Luke’s an adorable kid, and your post about him happened the same day I was supposed to meet the baby and I was over it!
    And I think you might need an entire weekend with Diego!

    Osteen is the worst kind of human being out there.

    Even pumpkins “get it”!

  13. Oh, yeah. I'd hit it. I don't think any of the mega churches helped people during the big freeze in Texas either and I do not understand why people are okay with having a "minister" with all that money. I love babies and don't wait for the mom to bring the baby to me. I go after the baby so bad that the mom probably worries I'll steal the kid. The new smart thermostats must be even smarter than I realized.


  14. One of my professors taught us, any idiot with $50 can file a lawsuit, winning takes a little more. That was not the same professor who sued his ex-wife for giving him herpes, the Judge refused to keep the names anonymous saying, people had a right to know what kind of idiots they were screwing around with.

  15. @Janie
    Diego is quite hit-worthy.
    I searched for a thermostat that would handle my banking and do the cooking.C'mon China!!!

    I like that judge!

  16. You find the craziest stories! That woman suing Geico?! Wackadoodle.

    As for babies, yeah, I'm kind of indifferent too.

  17. @Steve
    That story stunned me. I mean, come on.
    I am just not a cooing baby person. When they start walking and talking I'm better, though.

  18. Yeah, Dillon threw you under a bus all right!


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