
Sunday, August 22, 2021

The Funny Papers

Marc Murphy, David Horsey, Ed Hall, Steve Breen, Bill Bramhall, David Fitzsimons, Kevin Siers, Steve Sack, Christopher Weyant, Matt Wuerker, Nick Anderson, Mike Smith, Jack Ohman, Walt Handelsman, Darrin Bell


  1. Hubby and I just got back from SC. I was surprised to see a good percentage of folks wearing proof of sanity; but also a large percentage of folks proving that they are just too full of themselves to be sane. At least COVID is something WE CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT...whereas Afghanistan is pretty much out of our sphere of influence. Even when given the power to act, enough Americans still fuck things up.

  2. Once again, spot on for what is happening in the USA.

  3. Afghanistan has been a painful episode going back as far as I can remember. Weren't the Soviets there decades ago?
    And resurrecting W.C. Fields character as a vaccine cheat? Spot on!

  4. Abbot's hypocrite is great, so true. And the bombs? America has wasted way too much money on a country that was only held together by our foreign aid.

  5. @Frank
    We do have a number of sane people here, contrary to popular opinion, but we also have out lunatics, as there are all over.
    Afghanistan is a mess the Russians made, that we inherited, and then gave back to a corrupt system unable to handle it.

    Sadly, yes.

    It’s been a mess since long before we got there; and, yes, it was Russia’s mess before that. And, after listening to the news this morning, it is an utterly corrupt regime even before the Taliban swooped back in.
    I liked the WC Fields one, too!

    Right on both counts.

  6. Sigh, back to Gary Larson and The Far Side.

  7. That first one says it all.

  8. So many powerful images. The woman in the bumper-sticker burqa is poignant. And the vanishing Afghan family...

  9. Once again - scary-toons.
    Take care.
    xoxo :-)

  10. Tough week. A perfect time capsule. Thanks, Bob.

  11. too sad for words.


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