
Friday, August 13, 2021

I Didn't Say It

Arnold Schwarzenegger, former governor of California, on anti-maskers:

“Screw your freedom, because with freedom comes obligations and responsibilities. We cannot just say, ‘I have the right to do X, Y and Z.’ When you affect other people, that is when it gets serious. You cannot say, ‘No one is going to tell me that I’m going to stop here, that I have to stop at this traffic light here. I’m going to go right through it.’ Then you kill someone else, and then it is your doing.”

I like the anger and the outrage but the MAGAts don’t seem to get the idea, even when their own family members are dropping like flies.


Lamar Jackson, Baltimore Ravens quarterback, says he was infected twice with COVID-19 in the last eight months but remains noncommittal on getting the vaccine:

“I just got off the COVID list. I got to talk to my team about this and see how they feel about it. Keep learning as much as I can about it. We’ll go from there.”

I learned that 600,000+ Americans have died from this, but apparently that’s not enough information for Jackson. I hope his team kicks him to the curb so he doesn’t infect them since he’s such an easy target for the virus.

PS Judging by that photo, the first step is teaching Lamar how to wear a mask.


Johnny Weir, Olympic figure skater, out gay man and fabulous human, coming for one of Thing 45’s “lawyers, Jenna Ellis, who said this about Johnny’s clothing: ‘Bring back the days when boys cared about growing up to be actual men’:

“The man I’ve grown into is a human that embraces the strength of the man & woman who raised me to be myself. If you feel squashed by the boot of someone else’s beliefs, remember you are free to live your life the way YOU believe. Also, religion isn’t an excuse for hate.”

Methinks Jenna’s just a jealous angry wreck and needs to vent on something since her whole Big Lie lawsuit, and her large posterior, were kicked to the curb by the courts.

Jenna, honey, on your best day you will never be as fabulous as Johnny on his worst day.

Angel Bismark Curiel, Pose star, on challenging real-life transphobia after taking on the role of Papi on the FX series:

"There was an instance when I was on a set having shot, I think, the first or second season of Pose, where I was in a car with a driver and the driver said something extremely transphobic. I knew that this was a make-it-or-break-it moment, this was do or die, you had to check this. [I told him] ‘It’s because of gentlemen like [you] that trans women end up dead.’ I had to check that, and the way I checked that, I had to hold space with his boss, I had to hold space with him. I had to hold space with my boss, because that was the only way we were gonna say, 'Hey, it doesn’t matter what show I’m on, it doesn’t matter if I’m Lil Papi on Pose or not, this s**t is not OK and here’s why it’s not OK and how are we going to fix it, what are we going to do to make sure this gentleman knows that this is not OK?' Those are the hard conversations that need to be had."

Good on him for standing up and speaking up. You can’t change minds staying silent.

Sidenote: Curiel, who began dating Pose writer-director and Black trans woman Janet Mock in 2018, says his relationship with Mock helped inform his performance as Lil Papi, who is also a cisgender straight man in a relationship with a trans woman.


Emmanuel Macron, President of France, on new lockdowns in his country:

“I no longer have any intention of sacrificing my life, time, my freedom, and the adolescence of my daughters, as well as their right to study properly, for those who refuse to be vaccinated. This time, you stay home, not us.”

Seriously, why should those of us who have done the right thing, for ourselves and our fellow country men and women, be locking down and social distancing.

Let those who ignore facts stay home.


Pete Buttigieg, Transportation Secretary, schooling Fox News host Bret Baier on electric cars during an interview when Baier asked why Tesla CEO Elon Musk had not been invited to a White House meeting on tailpipe emissions:

“We were celebrating the other day the fact that we brought together labor leadership and the leadership of many of these employers of UAW. Now, what we are working on in our department and what we were announcing that day was tailpipe emissions standards. To their credit, an all-electric company like Tesla doesn’t even have tailpipes and that’s an exciting thing to see too.”

Tesla doesn’t have tailpipes.


Goddess I love Pete. And I always love that hot picture of him.



  1. Traveling through the south we see about 10 to 20 percent of people wearing masks. Most wouldn’t care what Arnold says. It won’t happen to them.

  2. @Frank
    Our little Blue spot in South Carolina, we have a great many people masking up.
    I agree that those who don't, won't listen, but if he gets through to even one person, that's a start.

  3. Why is people like that stupid Jenna Ellis think the world is coming to an end because they don't like what other people are doing. If Johnny Weir or anyone else wants to get dressed up in any way they choose, how does it affect her and her ilk? No-one is going to suggest that she get dressed up as anything other than her ignorant ugly minded self.

  4. (Pete Buttigieg)
    Still my choice for President.
    xoxo :-)

  5. Arnold let them HAVE it. Love to see it. Same for Emmanuel.
    Jenna is a See You Next Tuesday. Props to Johnny for being classy.
    Lamar: what happens when you only train your body.
    Angel is so adorable. And he's a man.
    Pete: *SMOOCHES* oh, yes.


  6. It's nice to see a lineup of people all saying the RIGHT things for once. (Well, except Jenna and Lamar. Jenna I get, because she's a loon. I don't know enough about Lamar but hopefully he'll come around.)

  7. @Helen
    It's just clothes, and Johnny isn't suggesting everyone dress as he does, it's just his way. And that is not wrong, except to ignorant Bible-thumpers kike Jenna Ellis.

    Mine, too.

    I like people not having any more fucks to give to these anti-masking anti-vaxxing loons.
    I loved Johnny's response. Class.
    Lamar may have to get COVID three or four more times in order for the idea of a vaccine to seep into his think skull.
    Angel is adorable in all senses of the word.
    And I soooo love that picture of Pete.

    I wonder about Lamar. I mean how many times do you have to get a virus that has killed 600000 in this country and still not be sure about a vaccine?

  8. And let's be honest here, Johnny's had a few bad days.

  9. @Dave
    But that's his style, and if he likes it, then who is anyone to judge. I wouldn't wear his things but for him it's his expression and for that I say Bravo to anyone who marches to their own drummer..

  10. Arnold looks terrible, but I love what he said. Go, Johnny, go go go! Pete is intelligent. I'm glad he's in Biden's cabinet.


  11. Arnold has turned out to be a better elder statesman than he was a statesman. Johnny, Angel, Emmanuel, and Pete! Jenna Ellis: Does she also remember when girls were expected to grow up to be what were said to be actual women? You know, the ones that stayed home, had babies, had few independent rights, and only spoke when men said they could? Funny how she accepts the error in THAT way of thinking.

  12. @Janie
    I adore Pete.

    Jenna is one of those people who uses the Bible to thump others, but probably doesn't read it.

  13. Arnold. Nice point. But it's Arnold. zzzz

    Johnny. So I did not watch the olympics - at all - EXCEPT - I just happened to catch his commentary dressed in this outfit. You can wear what you like... I don't care. But... this was a daytime event, queen. A sporting event. You don't dress like you're walking the damn red carpet at the Oscars for some commentary sport spot. You need to dress appropriately for the event. Had it been the closing ceremonies? Oh, hell, yes... bring on the sparkle honey. But do consider the time of day and the event when choosing an outfit. One doesn't run a marathon in a sequin gown.

    Pose - I hope they educated the driver and didn't just fire him. You fire him, he has more of a grudge to hold against transgender people. You educate him? You enlighten. So there's a part of this story I would like to know. What happened with the driver?

    Macron - problem with that thought is... they won't stay home. They are idiots. The don't care who they kill. So be smart. Protect yourself FROM them.

    How brave of Pete to talk to Fox at all. I'm not sure why people engage with that network. Shut them out and all they will have are nutjobs on... and the situation will get so outrageous the only sponsor they'll have is the My Pillow azzhat.

    Thanks for the feed. Kizzes.


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