
Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Hannah Frith Regrets Her Pandemic Party

Down there in Florence, Mississippi, the masks were coming off and some people were getting vaccinated and Fourth of July was coming up and, well, Hannah Frith thought it was the perfect time for a party.

Not so much anymore, because now Hannah regrets her Independence Day “mini-pandemic" party after more than 20 people tested positive for COVID-19 and some were hospitalized:

"We had lots of food. A water slide, a lot of friends coming over. We were outside on the water slide, you know? And a few days later, someone tested positive. And a few days later, it was like a mini-pandemic from the party."

Hannah, too, fell ill; it started as exhaustion, then a headache, and a few days later a friend took her to the hospital because she knew she needed help.

Hannah Frith is a nurse.

She was sent to the ER and after a time she started feeling better. Sadly, Hannah’s father was getting worse. He’d contracted the virus from her over dinner one night and soon his oxygen levels were so low, was taken to the emergency room.

"It took him 30 minutes to get to the car because he was so short of breath. The next day, the doctor called and told me his kidney function was bad. His liver enzymes were bad. Of course, he had COVID in both lungs. I felt terrible, you know? This is my fault. When he gets out of here, he’s going to be mad at me."

Hannah’s father is recovering and is out of the hospital. Hannah said it’s been a shock seeing her friends and her dad so sick, and it may have changed her mind about being vaccinated:

"Before this, I didn’t really want the vaccine. Now, I’m considering it more than I ever did before, to my dad, myself."

Sad that Hannah froth didn’t see the need for a vaccine after 610,000 Americans died.

Sad that Hannah was so eager for a water slide and some fireworks that she and her mini-super-spreader could have killed her, her friends, and her father.

Sad that a nurse doesn’t know better.




  1. Stupid conservatives.

  2. Sad that she's only considering the vaccine. More than ever. Sheesh!

  3. Hannah Frith is a nurse?!?!?! Then the stupid bitch should have know better. It amazes me that hospitals are not making it mandatory to be vaccinated if your in the medical field. One hospital here did and said those not vaccinated will not be paid.

    But to Hannah Frith....too bad too sad. Tell your woe to someone who cares.

  4. It boggles the mind.
    It literally does. I have to admit I know somebody who has refused to get vaccinated and is pregnant. And does get-togethers. I'm terrified she'll catch COVID. But she seems unconcerned.
    Mind. Blown.


  5. More and more vaccines are being
    required in our state in certain
    xoxo :-)

  6. Dumbass. Any nurse (without a real reason) who refuses the vaccine should be fired. I wonder how many patients she infected?

  7. @Dave
    It's the blatant ignorance of a NURSE that stuns me.

    I guess she'd take it if her daddy died, but he survived so Hannah doesn't care.

    For her to act surprised that her mini-super-spreader infected people, and then she, a fucking NURSE, infected her dad...I can't with the stupid.

    That's why I want vaccine cards. Prove to me you're vaccinated and then we can talk.

    And yet people balk at it. A woman on a Facebook page called COVID a strain of the common cold.

    Exactly; while she was infecting her father how many patients did she attend to and possibly infect.

  8. My stepsister is a pathologist -- a DOCTOR -- and she hasn't had the vaccine. She's listening to her husband's right-wing drivel. It drives me crazy.

  9. Last year (in September) my niece's cancer doctor told my sister-in-law that Covid was nothing more than flu and they should expose my niece "while the numbers are low" (we're talking Wyoming, so they hadn't had many cases at the time.) I wonder if that doctor is still saying that. It infuriated me.

  10. I should care... But I am completely done with these jerks.

  11. What is wrong with that women? Jeez. Revoke her ability to be a nurse, she clearly couldn't pass a test of common sense. Stupid is... it just is.

  12. It worries me that nurses are being allowed to work in contact with patients who could die if she gave them covid.

  13. Good god. Some people cannot be saved from themselves.



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