
Friday, June 25, 2021

I Didn't Say It

Carl Nassib, Las Vegas Raiders defensive end, making sports history, and just plain history, by coming out as gay this week, and becoming the first active player in NFL history to do so:

“What’s up people? I’m at my house here in West Chester, Pennsylvania. I just want to take a quick moment to say that I’m gay. I’ve been meaning to do this for a while now, but I finally feel comfortable enough to get it off my chest. I really have the best life, I’ve got the best family, friends and job a guy could ask for. I’m a pretty private person, so I hope you guys know that I’m not doing this for attention. I just think that representation and visibility are so important … I would not have been able to do this without [the NFL, the Raiders organization, my coaches and teammates]. From the jump, I was greeted with the utmost respect and acceptance I actually hope that like one day, videos like this and the whole coming-out process are just not necessary. But until then, I’m going to do my best and do my part to cultivate a culture that’s accepting, that’s compassionate and I’m going to start by donating $100,000 to the Trevor Project.”

Welcome out, Carl, and please accept as out gift from HOMO HQ, your official copy of the Gay Agenda and the Coming Out Toaster Oven™.

You have done a great thing for athletes, football players and professional sports. We’ve been waiting a long time for  player to come out and here you are. Thank you.

Sidenote: NFL commissioner Roger Goodell applauded Nassib for living his truth:

“The NFL family is proud of Carl for courageously sharing his truth today. Representation matters. We share his hope that someday soon statements like his will no longer be newsworthy as we march toward full equality for the LGBTQ+ community.”

PS The NFL has matched Carl Nassib’s $100,000 donation to the Trevor Project.

PPS Carl is hot. 


Andrew Giuliani, Rudy’s boy, raging on Twitter about the judges who ruled against his daddy:

“As you may have heard, a few minutes ago my father’s law license was just suspended by the New York state First Appellate Division. All five of them are Democrats, three of which were appointed by Andrew Cuomo. Five to nothing, ultimately. Democrats with zero Republicans on there. This is just unbelievable to see just how politicized all of this has become. I am infuriated by all of this. This is going after one of [Thing 45’s] closest allies. That’s exactly what this is, and any American that doesn’t believe that—they are just biased. This is unacceptable, and I stand by my father. He did everything, ultimately, by the book. And the fact that there would be this politicization in our Justice Department is just disgusting. This is a cancer that needs to be cut out.”

A few points, Andy:

First: simmer.

Secondly: your father’s license was suspended because it was determined that he lied in court about voter fraud, and this is just a continuation of the sixty-some-odd times that either your daddy, or some other Thing 45 hack, lied to a court.

Thirdly: I know you wanna be governor of New York so perhaps you should learn that the New York state judicial system which suspended Daddy’s license is not part of the Justice Department.


Dick Morris, Newsmax contributor and fool, on Critical Race Theory leading to black children killing their fathers:

“What does this do to the children? What does this do to a kid? A quarter of all black marriages are intermarriage, racially. So what does that do to a black boy whose mother is black and his father is white? What does he think? ‘My father exploited my mother and that’s how he got successful?’ If the couple breaks up does he have to choose one over the other? Does this reinforce the Oedipal notion that all kids have wanting to kill their father and marry their mother?”

Insanity is a sad state of affairs, and this loon shouldn’t be allowed on a TV “news” program anywhere.


Mark Levin, Fox News host, helping to spread that other Big Lie that Antifa and Black Lives Matter attacked the capitol last January … dressed as Oath Keepers and Proud Boys and Thing 45supporters:

“We are hearing that we have more FBI resources applied to this than to anything else. That people are being rounded up all over the country and being charged in some cases with misdemeanors. We have SWAT teams that are being used to collect people and bring them back to Washington. We’re hearing that they are in some of the worst jails and that some of them are being put in solitary confinement where they only have an hour where they can go outside, if that. We hear that they’re being told that they have to pay funds so they can fix the Capitol building. And I ask myself, how about Black Lives Matter and Antifa? Who is rounding them up? Who is sending SWAT teams out to get them? I want to know who it is they are rounding up, what’s happened to them, what they are being charged with. This information needs to be made public.”

Mark, you pandering, lying, fool; the FBI and DOJ are not keeping the arrests or charges secret. In fact, the DOJ has an entire website titled “Capitol Breach Cases” where you can find names, dates, charges, photos, and social media screencaps.

But by all means, cry foul and lie and pander to your ignorant viewers.


Lindsey Graham, South Carolina’s closeted Senator, on Fox News, about the voter rights bill:

“In my view, SR-1 is the biggest power grab in the history of the country. It mandates ballot harvesting, no voter ID. It does away with the states being able to redistrict when you have population shifts. It’s just a bad idea, and it’s a problem that most Republicans are not going to sign—they’re trying to fix a problem most Republicans have a different view of. I like Joe Manchin a lot but we had the largest turnout in the history the United States, and states are in charge of voting in America so I don’t like the idea of taking the power to redistrict away from the state legislators. You’re having people move from blue states to red states. Under this proposal, you’d have some kind of commission redraw the new districts, and I don’t like that. I want states where people are moving to have control over how to allocate new congressional seats.”

Sorry, ma’am, you’re grasping at straws. I think you don’t want anyone looking into your election win last fall.

Seriously, ma’am, you want us to believe that making voting easier is a bad thing? And just because your Master lost the House, the Senate and the White House?

Bitch, please.


General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, delivered a blistering retort to sexual predator Matt Gaetz’s criticism that the military is too “woke.”

“I do think it’s important, actually, for those of us in uniform to be open-minded and be widely read. And it is important that we train and we understand. I want to understand white rage, and I’m white. What is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America? I’ve read Mao Zedong. I’ve read Karl Marx, I’ve read Lenin. That doesn’t make me a communist. So what is wrong with understanding—having some situational understanding about the country for which we are here to defend? And I personally find it offensive that we are accusing the United States military, our general officers, our commissioned, non-commissioned officers of being, quote, ‘woke’ or something else, because we’re studying some theories that are out there.”

And I would ask, what’s so wrong with being ‘woke’. It’s being aware, being educated, understanding that your own experience, your white experience, isn’t the only experience; understanding what has been done in this country since it began.

Oh, I guess I also answered why the GOP is against being woke.



  1. For clarification purposes, are the "we're hearing" coming from the same sources that "many, many people are saying"?

    I thought General Milley's riposte was wonderful "I've read Marx, Lenin and Mao ze Dong and I'm not a communist [paraphrased]" but I doubt that that repulsive Gaetz creature was bright enough to notice the putdown - his smirk just told you how clever he thought he was being.

  2. Ohhh General Milley let them HAVE IT. And did you read that he read Nosferatu (Steven Miller) for filth? Oh, what a man can do. General Milley was holding Cheeto from massacring Americans.

    Lindsay can go suck... wait.

    Levin and Morris are spreading the lie. Hopefully, they'll end up like Ghouliani.

    Yum. Carl is yummy. You know how I feel about men who are over six foot tall... And thanks for having the toaster oven handy!!


  3. Hope Carl Nassib enjoys his toaster oven!
    xoxo :-)

  4. I'm ready to welcome Carl Nassib!!!!!! Could this be the huge turning point for huge sports athletes?

    And was Andrew Giuliani the inspiration for Bugs Bunny? What's Up Doc?

  5. One of the thing the GOP fears the most is education. They have always attacked educators who teach the truth about history because the GOP only want their distorted version of history taught. Plus, the dumber the voter, the more likely they will vote for the GOP. Usually, the higher the education a person has, the more likely they’ll vote for Democrats.

  6. Carl Nassib and General Mark Milley, thank you both (and the NFL, too)!

    The rest should have their license to speak revoked.

  7. Did Rudy and Donny have a son together? Named him Andy? UGH!

  8. I agree with you on Carl Nassib - wow just gorgeous (and well done to you sir). As for Giuliani - looks like a frickin' gopher. Is there any chance he's related to Eric Trump?

  9. I'd be more than happy to help Carl get that toaster all set up and toast a few buns - - -

  10. @Helen
    That’s the GOP way …”someone told” them but they don’t remember who.
    Milley also apparently at a White House meeting told Stephen Miller to “shut the fuck up.”

    Milley outranks everyone.
    Miss Lindsey. Pfffft.
    Levin and Miller can do what Milley told Miller.
    Carl is a tall mountain I’d love to climb.


    I hope Carl’s coming out helps others; it’d be a great thing.
    As soon as I get done scaling Mt Carl, I’ll send him along.
    Andrew looks like Eric The Dumb One … I think they share Daddies.

    Knowledge is power, which says a lot about the GOP.

    I thought after you thanked Carl and the General, you were gonna go all Anne Marie and tell the others to, ahem, ”FOAD! GOPricks!”

    It’s gross about Thing 45 and Nosferatu’s grandchild, but Andrew and Eric look like brothers.

    Hot and smart and compassionate and out!! Good for Carl.
    I think Eric is Thing 45’s love child with one of Rudy’s exes.

    Get in line …

    He made a huge step forward for gay athletes.

  11. So many cheats, so many liars. The biggest power grab was done by the Republicans under Loser #45, and they're still trying to kill any attempt to let it go.

  12. I'm not interested in football, but I'm interested in Carl Nassib. We can just be friends, Carl. That's all I want. Rudy's boy is as much of a tool as his father. Lindsey never looked better than he does in that pretty bonnet.


  13. I intitially DID go all Anne Marie, but I deleted it and decided I am sadly NOT Anne Marie.

  14. @Dave
    The GOP doesn't see what they did as a power grab, just obeying orders from Hair Furor.

    Carl could maybe just come by my house and do a little yardwork ... shirtless, and I'd be fine.

    True, there was just the one!

  15. Yes to shirtless yard work!!! I used to have a hot young neighbor who worked in the yard sans shirt. He was a thrill.

  16. Wow... this is a lot to digest.

    How can one be too woke? And why isn't Matt Gaetz in jail yet? Love General Milley's reply. Point on. I do believe he done won this war of words.

    Ms. Lindsey Grahamcrackers is talking out of both sides of her flatulate neck. What she's saying makes zero sense. It's word salad.

    Mark Levin and FOX... sigh. I guess lie if you've got nothing else? Interesting 'news' programming.

    Newsmax is absolute trash. Do people watch it? Old white men should not be talking about or making decisions about CRT. Just saying. That's like letting old white men make decisions about women's bodies... oh, wait a minute...

    Love Andrew... he makes Cokehead Jr. look like a political possibility.

    Dear NFL... so the trick is... come out after the draft. Oh, we've seen what you do when they come out in college and even though they are talented, you discount them. Not buying it. The NFL is still a homophobic crapfest.

    Thanks, sorry so late to the party.

  17. Dick Morris is a nut. Ditto Mark Levin. Giuliani's kid obviously isn't thinking very deeply about his father's situation -- it stands to reason that most appointed officials would have been installed by Democrats, because Democrats have in recent decades run the state. (With the exception of Pataki.) It's not like it's a conspiracy.

  18. Oh, and while I personally liked what Milley had to say, I admit I winced when he said, "I've read Mao Tse Tung. I've read Karl Marx." Because I knew it would be taken out of context by the Right -- and it has been.


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