
Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Tuesday Thought #2


  1. And the top exec at Kroger was paid $22 mil last year but canceled the extra dollar an hour for employee’s hazard pay.

  2. @krayolakris
    The rich get richer and we keep voting people into power to maintain the status quo.

  3. It always blows my mind. Always.
    Poverty wages make the rich cats richer....


  4. Every time they raise the minimum wage the business owners start crying "I'll have to go out of business paying those wages!" know what...GO OUT OF BUSINESS! If you can't afford a living wage (I'll bet the owner makes a living wage!) then you perhaps aren't capable of successfully running a business. They should go out of business, their employees can get jobs with the competition which has now a larger market because the cheapskate has closed his doors. Everyone benefits when wages go up; people go out for dinner, take vacations, pay their bills in a timely manner, etc. Everyone wins.

  5. all that $$$ for a fucking burger that tastes like shit?

  6. Thank heavens I was never a fan of that grease pit.

  7. I thought you knew, the rich are never to blame... ask any Republican.

  8. LOL. THAT is a great one, that needs to be repeated often. All those arguments against the minimum wage are BS. We need to call their bluff. They need people to make profits and they are not going stop wanting to make profit - that's not how capitalism works or how greedy people operate. Nobody is taking their toys and going home... they will stay in the marketplace because they are greedy and love money.

  9. @Six
    Worker bees get screwed while the rich go yachting.

    $15 an hour is not a "living" wage.

    McD's is an opiate for the unwashed.

    We don't "do" fast food in our house, or car, or anywhere!

    It's disgusting.

    The rich aren't to blame, it's just capitalism, but they could spread some of their wealth around and still live quite nicely.

    So many European McD's pay $15+ an hour and their burgers aren't that expensive, so this is a bullshit lie put forth by the rich to placate the "less thans."

  10. The UK has a minimum wage, which could do with being increased, but alas it does not cover those who are forced into self-employment by companies like Amazon, Uber etc..


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