
Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Tuesday thought #2



  1. CA! is going to be crazy!

  2. I actually did some reading up on this. Took me less than a half-hour. The conclusion is that for non-professional sports-school stuff-the guidance was for at least a year after transitioning for playing on a team....For professional, competing, Olympic-type playing the guidance was for a least 2 years for play...Plus at the professional levels, you have other guidelines to adhere to...She is just grifting...And she is hurting the trans community by not being informed...

  3. She's a sick cookie. It's all that filler in her face. Seeped up to her brain... like the cocaine used to. Seriously, watch Don't Stop The Music. It is insane. If she runs, that film will play non-stop.

  4. I think she meant at first, it was because the strength was not a matched with those of females...unfair, men are stronger. But it's still a ignorant statement to make. I know many women who'd beat men's asses.

    Instead of running for gov, she need to perfect her appearance first. She still looks like Bruce with a wig. Better still... just sit in the corner. She does not represent the trans. The few trans friends she had deserted her... She's going to have a lonely life. What a mess.

  5. @TDM

    She's proving herself to be a female Thing #45.

    Plus, the woman doesn't vote in California, but she wants California to vote for her?
    Oh no, bitch, fuck all the way off.

    It's utter ignorance.

  6. this will work; she's bright enough to say it.

  7. ugh, this attention whore! GO AWAY!

  8. She's a human stain. sometimes I wonder if she actually completed the transition.

  9. I can't imagine she'd have a chance of being supported by Republicans. However, the damage she does to the trans community is tremendous. Those Repubs who would never vote for her will quote her and spread her ignorance any chance they get.

  10. Hypocrite thy name is Jenner


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