
Friday, May 28, 2021

I Didn't Say It

Gavin Newsom, governor of California, on the mass shooting in San Jose this week:

“What the hell's going on in the United States? What the hell's wrong with us? And when are we going to come to grips with this? When are going to put down our arms, literally and figuratively?"

As I said yesterday, we won’t do anything until our elected officials, who take blood money from gun groups, are run out of office.

But even then we need to demand that something be done, because the blood that fell this week in San Jose is on all of our hands.


Michele Bachmann, former GOP representative and presidential candidate, and certifiable lunatic, on the Capitol riot:

“Jan. 6, we’re all told that that’s the worst day that ever happened, these were the worst riots in America. It absolutely wasn’t. It is my opinion that this was a theatrical event that the progressive left put on. The individuals who were the instigators, who brought this about, these were agitators brought in to create this problem. I believe it was specifically done to rebrand [the twice-impeached, one-term loser] as being an insurrectionist and a leader of a terrorist movement. I also believe that this was done to rebrand the Make America Great agenda, those of us who supported [the twice-impeached, one-term loser] and that agenda as evil and terrorists. That’s all a lie. In the last five months, you wouldn’t even know that [the twice-impeached, one-term loser] was ever the president. You wouldn’t even know that those four years of his presidency existed. George Orwell wrote a book, ‘1984.’ He talked about a concept called the memory hole; if the government in charge didn’t want you to remember someone, they put them in the memory hole. [the twice-impeached, one-term loser] has been put in a memory hole, Make America Great Again has been put in a memory hole.”

Oh, so much to choose from … the only theatrical production Bachmann knows is the role of heterosexual husband played by her oh-so-gay-a-purse-falls-from-his-lips-every-time-he-speaks husband.

And the reason the GOP is being branded as evil terrorist is because they won’t even hold hearings on this terror attack because they know it will reveal their complicity.

And if you think the twice-impeached, one-term loser is being shoved down a memory hole, good, though he’d be better off in the prison hole.

Now, go pretend you’re married to a straight man and are a sane human being.


Jimmy Kimmel, tearing into “imbecile maskholes” like Marjorie Taylor Greene.

“The only reason you’re somewhat safe now is that other people got the shot. You’re the person who heads for the bathroom when the check comes at the restaurant. You’re the lady who takes home the centerpieces from a wedding you weren’t invited to. You’re the guy who brings five napkins to a potluck dinner. That’s you. You don’t think it’s you. But it’s you.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene is a dangerous woman because if even one person buys the bull shiz she spreads, that’s one person too many. I hope Georgia is watching and will be voting to send her back to Hell from whence she came.


Gabrielle Union, who along with husband Dwyane Wade, on her transgender stepdaughter, Zaya Wade:

"Everyone responded [to us] with love, resources and information. We weren't coming into it like it's got to be our way. We're going to mess up. We're going to say the wrong thing. But we had to learn and be led. Our home will never be a safe space for bigots. I look at problematic language as violence and I'm never going to expose anyone I love to violence, whether that be verbal, physical, emotional or spiritual. Jerks exist in every area of life. And we function from a place of truth in our household. But if you come at us, oh, be very prepared. We want to make sure [our kids] feel strong and supported and free to be exactly who they are."

And isn’t that what parent should do?


Ryan Russell, out NFL veteran and writer, on the wave of anti-trans legislation that seeks to prevent trans youth from participating in sports:

“Ninety-nine out of a hundred times the reason athletes of similar ability don’t go the same distance or don’t make the leap from amateur to professional is circumstance and opportunity, two things that in our day and age—unlike mastery of a sport—you are born into. After the past few weeks, most trans children including those who have immense potential to be great athletes or, at the very least, find love and joy in sports, can’t even pick up a ball without legislation telling them they don’t belong. Being born Black, queer, trans or of any marginalized community puts you behind the starting line of any race, even when you might need that love and community more than we imagine. I was given an opportunity in football. I found love there. All kids need this. I needed it as a Black teenager in the south from a low-income, single-parent home. My NFL peers all needed someone to give them a shot or they never would have made it. And trans kids need this, too. They need to be treated like kids, like they are worthy of the opportunity to play, to find love and community on the field. Everyone is worthy of this. To exclude trans athletes is to use sport in direct opposition of where its true power lies. When it comes to change, sport is one of the strongest conduits to help show society what it is capable of when we come together, but it has to be used for the better of all of us. Jackie Robinson understood that, Robbie Rogers knew that, Megan Rapinoe knows that, Chris Mosier knows that, and I hope you know it as well.”

Nice to see a male athlete come out strong for trans youth. We need more voices like his.

Russell came out as bisexual in 2019 after playing in the NFL for three seasons.



  1. Michele Bachmann?!?!?!? Didn't that bitch get pulled into a vortex yet?

    Alas I have given up any hope on gun violence. When we have a government that doesn't care, we're doomed.

  2. What a great photoedit of that crazy bitch Michelle Bachmann as "Heeeeeere's Johnny!"

  3. I agree, Michele Bachmann, who knew she
    was even around?? And she managed to say
    something idiotic to get noticed.

  4. I've seen Bring it On! You don't mess with Gabrielle(Isis)Union!
    @tdm-at this point, she'd have to say something non-idiotic to get noticed.
    The non-ick outnumber the ick today. Yay!

  5. If only the GQP and its master had been put in a memory hole, how happy the rest of us would be.

  6. Anonymous11:31 AM

    A theatrical event like a revival of Springtime for Hitler? I'd be willing to bet those violent insurrectionists don't know a a dance belt from an ammo belt, but who am I to argue? Who would know more about crisis actors than Michele Bachmann, whose husband Marcus runs a chain of faith-based gay conversion counseling centers?

  7. Gavin Newsom: I hope he gets reelected and Jenner is left in the dust. The dust Crazy Eyes Bachmann seems to be eating. And every time I see/read about her I can't help to thing about her very non-gay husband running tht gay conversion therapy con. THAT'S her fucking cross.

    Bravo for Gabrielle Union and her husband: doing parenting right. And Ryan Russell! Whoa. Whoa.


  8. Speaking of holes, when did Michele Bachmann crawl back out of hers?!?


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