
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

This Bitch: James Comer

As mass shootings continue to plague the nation—more than one shooting every single day—Kentucky GQP Congressman James Comer went on CNN and tried, he actually tried, arguing for weaker gun laws:

“[I]f you look at the states that ban guns, and the cities that have banned guns—Chicago, Washington, DC—they have some of the highest rates of gun violence, so, just passing laws banning guns doesn’t solve the problem.”

CNN anchor Pamela Brown pointed out that most guns recovered by law enforcement in states with strong gun laws were bought in states with weak gun laws. For instance, Chicago has very strong gun laws, but people simply cross the state line into Indiana, where the gun laws are weaker,  to buy guns and bring them back:

“So if gun laws don’t matter, why are criminals going to states with weaker gun laws, bringing that gun back to a state with stronger gun laws and committing crimes.”

James Comer was stumped:

“Well, I can’t answer that.”

And therein lies the problem. The GQP cannot answer that question. And it’s so simple. People take advantage of weak gun laws in certain states and are murdering Americans because of it. But if this country had universally strong gun laws we could prevent guns from ending up in the wrong hands.

Other countries do it, why can’t we? GQPers in the pockets of the NRA. Other than that, there is no reason why we shouldn’t require stronger background checks with every gun purchase. There’s no reason why we can’t require mental health exams. There’s no reason why we can’t ban assault weapons.

But mass shootings will never end as long as red states refuse to get on board.

And if that isn’t reason enough to vote Blue, then I don’t know one.


  1. I gather that criminal Wayne the Stone went on safari in Africa and failed to kill an elephant even after shooting it at mid-range with 4 bullets. They had to get someone else to give the poor thing the coup de grâce. Mrs La Pierre shot an elephant of her own and they had the front feet made into foot stools. These people are obscene

  2. PS it took one mass shooting in Dunblane, Scotland for guns to be banned in the UK.


  3. Can we just go on and say the Repubs have no answer to any relevant question asked by the American people.
    Baa Baa white sheep, are you still really following Humpty Trumpty over the cliff that forsakes democracy.
    Poor, poor pitiful you. The Big Lie will haunt you as you jump.
    Thank you for sticking to your no guns, Bob, my hero.

  4. @Helen
    I'd make a footstool out of either one of the LaPierre's and rest my ass on it.

    I don't mind people having guns if they know what they're doing, and they're licensed and registered and aren't assault weapons.
    NO ONE needs an assault weapon.

  5. I wish James Comer would become a Goer, along with all his cohorts.

  6. "But if this country had universally strong gun laws we could prevent guns from ending up in the wrong hands." Seems like a no brainer right?!?!? WHO wouldn't support this and STOP these killing on a daily basis?

    Republicans of course.

    I mean where then would they get their big fat money checks into their campaign accounts with out the NRA???? Not to mention the NRA'S brides and winning and dinning....

    This is why the GQP will never support gun laws. Plus their just heartless bastards.

  7. It's simple media...Call them out...No...You don't have to be rabid about it...Just counter with facts...Don't let them gaslight...Take them to task to answer the question asked...Do your homework...Know their talking points and take it from there...Just like debate class...As always be classy...Now if you have to be like Auntie Maxine or Val D. so be it...Sometimes you may have to be a little loud...


  9. @Mitchell
    Wouldn't that be loverly!

    They just keep spouting rights to own guns but what about the right to live?

    I agree. Callout the lies. Make them face their lies and ignorance.
    Shut 'em down.

    Go on then, punch away!

  10. Oh lordy Bob, as a Brit I can never understand the American obsession with guns. I try to understand that "heck yes the US is a huge country and for sure those ranchers need guns", but for someone in a city to need a massive assault rifle just boggles my mind. As Helen said, the Dunblane massacre brought in massive gun control in the UK (as it should). I have lived in France for over 30 years and while farmers and hunters have guns, as far as I know, no-one else sees the need to carry them. I'm not saying it's right or it's wrong, I'm just saying I will never understand this obsession with some in the US with the need to carry guns. Damn, there was a case not so long ago where a woman in a supermarket in the US had her 2 year old grab her gun out of her purse and accidentally shoot himself! The worst my 2 year old could do is poke himself in the eye with a credit card!!!!!!

  11. @Treaders
    It's because we think freedom means doing whatever you want, unless you're LGBTQ+, non-white, non-Christian.
    Then there are rules.

  12. I wonder if we'll ever see it?

    xoxo :-)

  13. @TDM
    There's always hope that people will open their eyes to all this gun madness.

  14. The Repugs use the never ending anxiety that ammonsexuals seem to drawn in to sell more guns. It's a business. They profit from fear.
    It's simple. And twisted.


  15. The world would be so much lovelier without guns. And the elephants. The elephants would really really appreciate it. (See that putz from the NRA failing to kill one? He should stand trial for his crime and put on death row.)

  16. I can testify from personal experience that tight gun control laws lead to reduced gun violence -- including far fewer police shootings, because police aren't freaked out that every person they approach might be carrying. In the UK, gun crimes are far lower -- people still kill each other, sure, but they usually use knives, and knife crime is less likely to be random and to involve groups or innocent bystanders.


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