
Monday, April 19, 2021

The GQP Is No Longer Trying To Hide Its Racism

I have often said that just because you’re a Republican doesn’t mean you’re a racist, but if you are a racist then you are most likely a Republican. And that little theory was proven again last week when several House GQPers, like QAnon nutbags Marjorie Taylor Greene  and Paul Gosar announced they were forming a caucus that calls for a "common respect for uniquely Anglo-Saxon political traditions."

Cuz, you know,  it’s hard for white people out there.

The group, which calls itself the America First Caucus, declares that "a certain intellectual boldness is needed" in order to "follow in [the twice-impeached, one-term loser]’s footsteps, and potentially step on some toes and sacrifice sacred cows for the good of the American nation."

Wait, what? “Intellectual boldness” to follow Thing #45? Greene and Gosar defined their “movement”—which is just white supremacy where you don’t wear a hood—in a seven-page document that rife with nativist rhetoric and describes American culture as dominated by "Anglo-Saxon" and European influences, AKA white, though it begs the question, is America First really white Europeans, or is it the Native people who were here for eons before we showed up?

They say:

"America is a nation with a border, and a culture …”

And we’ll stop, because America is cultures, not just one culture; we are many, from everywhere, but let’s continue:

“… strengthened by a common respect for uniquely Anglo-Saxon political traditions. History has shown that societal trust and political unity are threatened when foreign citizens are imported en-masse into a country …”

And we’ll stop again and remind these racist asshats that white people came here when the land belonged to People of Color. And then we arrived and started importing other people of color from Africa into this country and allowing people from all over the globe to come to this country.

But this new group isn’t just racism, it’s also ignorance and lies. The America First Caucus believes that lockdowns imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic should be discontinued and states should remove capacity restrictions at businesses. And they are all for increasing voting restrictions, but only for People of Color, or low-income people, or anyone inclined to vote Blue. The caucus calls for an end to voting by mail, implementing a national voter ID law and "substantive investigations into mass voter fraud perpetrated during the 2020 election" even though there has been no evidence of that at all.

It’s the Big Lie courtesy of the Big Racists. Clearly; I mean, does anyone not see that when people start talking about our European heritage, our European lineage, that it means white, and white only? And this is what the GQP wants to hang their hats on? A whites only caucus?

Perhaps not, because even a wingnut Thing #45 lapdog like House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy reminded the wingnut fringe that the GOP "is the party of Lincoln ... not nativist dog whistles." And yet it is a party of nativism disguised as a political movement. It was created by Greene and Gosar, who have hitched their wagons to the twice-impeached, one-term loser’s fading star, though, for Greene, racism is deeply rooted in her very being.

Before she began serving in Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene expressed racist, anti-Semitic and Islamophobic views on Facebook. She calls the 2018 midterm elections—in which Democrats Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib were the first Muslim women elected to Congress—part of “an Islamic invasion of our government.” Greene also claimed the two women were not legitimate members of Congress because they took the oath of office using the Quran instead of the Bible.

Of note: you don’t even have to swear the oath on the Bible, it can be any book of your choosing, but try telling a racist like Greene that.

As for Paul Gosar, he likes to speak to white nationalist groups, and hang out with racists.

Here’s the deal: if it looks like a racist and spouts crap like a racist and hangs out with racists and speaks at racist conventions, it’s a racist. Marjorie Taylor Green and Paul Gosar are racists. Fellow racist, and idiot, Louie Gohmert, said  he was "looking at" joining the group, but claims to have no knowledge of the references to "Anglo-Saxon" influence, because he "hadn't seen that." Hey Louie, maybe you should learn to read before opening your yap.

Even ALLEGED sexual trafficker and pervert Matt Gaetz offered to join up, though clearly he is doing so to appease Thing #45 in the hopes that he’ll get back into his good graces.

Democrats have naturally condemned this racist sub-group of a group of racists. Congressman Ted Lieu said in a Tweet in which he tagged both Greene and Gosar:

"As an immigrant, I served on active duty in the US military to defend your right to say stupid stuff. What makes America great is that we don’t judge you based on bloodline, we look at your character, so take your nativist crap and shove it."

But even some Republicans have stepped up to condemn Greene and Gosar, starting with Adam Kinzinger, one of the few  Republicans who is trying to save his party from becoming the party of Greene, Gosar and Gaetz:

“I believe anyone that joins this caucus should have their committees stripped, and the Republican conference should expel them from conference participation. While we can’t prevent someone from calling themselves Republican, we can loudly say they don’t belong to us.”

Liz Cheney, who has also stood against the QAnon nutbags and loons in the GQP said:

“Republicans believe in equal opportunity, freedom, and justice for all. We teach our children the values of tolerance, decency and moral courage. Racism, nativism, and anti-Semitism are evil. History teaches we all have an obligation to confront & reject such malicious hate.”

And, because racism spreads in the dark secret corners, if you shine a light on it, if you call it out when you see it, if you demand that it stop, if you tell the racists to shut up, they fold up their white hoods and scurry away.

And that’s exactly what happened to Marge’s idea; almost as soon as it started, Greene scrapped her “America First” caucus and is actually acting like she never planned on launching it in the first place by having her spokesperson, Nick Dyer, say:

“The Congresswoman wants to make clear that she is not launching anything. This was an early planning proposal and nothing was agreed to or approved.”

And, just to be clear, Marjorie Taylor Greene may have been stopped this time, but she’ll keep trying to spread her QAnon theories and racist agenda every chance she gets, so …

Shine a light on racists. Shout them down. Shut them up. And, most importantly, VOTE THEM OUT!


  1. IIRC Anglo-Saxon political action back in the days when there were such peoples who truly were Anglo-Saxons circa 500-1100AD, involved killing anyone who did not agree with you....sounds like the Repugnant party to me

  2. After Romney lost to Obama, the Republicans paid for an expensive study hoping to find out why. The results, which are published online, said they needed to become more racially friendly, adjust their platform to become more inclusive of minorities, and they promptly threw out the recommendations. They don't want to be inclusive, they only want to be white.

  3. Your post title really says it all. We, as in most of the country are well aware they aren't hiding it, so they might as well not hide it. Between Green, Cruz, McCarthy, and Hawthorne Wheelie Boy, my mother saw first hand over the weekend why my blood pressure is up. I had a couple explosives' rants.

    That party has got to go. I read they also said that the dems are basically handing them the 2022 elections? Where do they get there info?

  4. "Shine a light on racists. Shout them down. Shut them up." - they are cock-a-roaches that need exterminating NOW!

  5. Intellectual boldness, Marjorie Taylor Green and the Paul Grosser are three words I would have never thought to put together.

  6. Your title is perfect. I don't know which is worse: people knowing they're supposed to be ashamed of their racism and trying to hide it, as many have done for the past 50-or-so years; or people no longer being ashamed and proudly displaying their hatred and ignorance. Maybe it's OK for all the Klanspeople to remove their white hoods. It's heartbreaking to see so many Americans (and people around the world) show their true colours. Better the enemy you know?

  7. I can't believe we are here.
    I thought Obama's election (and re-election)
    had solved many of our *issues*. Apparently
    we still have a looooong way to go.
    xoxo :-)

  8. VOTE. If ever a 'culture' was in need of cancelling, it's this one. Tired of the whole idea that America is a white mans playground. F' em. We want back out country... which belongs to anyone who has the balls to live here and put with crap like the Repugs serve up daily. Send them all packing and destroy their stupid, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, transphobic, xenophobic party. Done with them and their privilege. NO MORE. They want to call it like it is? So we will we. And this country... the one I live in? We don't put up with hateful, hurtful rhetoric. Cancel the bastards.

  9. Oh, and well said, Bob.


    I got swept up in it.

  10. @Helen
    History repeats.

    To be fair, the GOP has never been known to be inclusive of anyone perceived as different.

    If the Democrats in office won’t stand against these repugnANTS then we’ll do it at the ballot box!

    Best exterminator? A vote.

    @Agnes Goldberg-DeWoofs
    It’s scary that they think the words DO describe them.

    I just hope people see this new racist GQP and stand against it, and vote against it.

    Sadly, I think Obama’s election spurred the racists to crawl from the slime.

    I just want a country that doesn’t’ hate people, discriminate against them, judge them, punish them or murder them just for a presumed “difference.”
    And that’s no too much to ask.

  11. Not all Repugs are racists, but it just seems to be that all racists are Repugs...



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