
Saturday, April 17, 2021

Last week, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, AKA Eraserhead, doubled down on his recent comments about running for president, saying he has a “goal” to unite the country. The former professional wrestler and action film ‘star’ spoke out in response to a poll that claimed he would have massive support from Americans if he actually established and ran a presidential campaign:

“I do have that goal to unite our country. I also feel that, if this is what the people want, then I will do that.”

Siddown, Eraserhead. This is not what the people want. Oh, and if you had an actual plan, you’d tell us that first, not ask for a vote on the idea of a plan. Half of America fell for that lie in 2016 and we’re still digging our way out of it.

Sit down. Sit all the way down.


  1. We haven't had much luck with 'celebrities' running things have we? Reagan. Disaster. The orange ogre. Worse. I think we've all had enough of that. Let's hope we've learned our lesson. He's a bit 'Kanye' if think he has that kind of support. But actors are terrible people. Terrible.

  2. STFU, ASSFACE! NO ONE is begging you to run for ANYTHING, not even dog catcher!

  3. Yes, no more celebrities!!

  4. New reality show:
    He's a Celebrity...Get Him Out of Here!

    Although he does promise a steroid in every pot... belly.

  5. The scary thing is, celebrity and name recognition seem to go a long way at the ballot box. If he did run he'd have a very good chance of winning!

  6. Unity is not achieved just because people like a certain action hero. Thinking it does shows his politial naivete.

  7. How could anyone have ever thought a multiple-bankrupt, sexual predator, serial philanderer, income-tax evading, charity raiding, bigoted, misogynistic, hypocritical, pathological liar with no political experience whatsoever would be the perfect candidate for president is a bit of a mystery! Oh, got it! He was a host on TV and claimed he was a successful businessman. Perfect credentials.

    If political experience doesn’t count, even lacking all of the twice-impeached, one-term loser’s other *fine* attributes, The Rock could be a shoo-in; but only if Kanye doesn’t run again.


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