
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Oh Alabama

A bill making its way through the GQP-controlled Alabama Legislature would lift the state’s nearly thirty-year ban on teaching yoga in public schools.

Stop there. Alabama has had a ban on teaching yoga is public schools for thirty years? Yes, because in 1993 the state’s Board of Education bent to the will of conservative asshats over yoga’s Hindu roots. But now they have a new bill, though, because it’s still Alabama, the bill will allow the teaching of yoga to schoolchildren if, and only if:

“All poses, exercises, and stretching techniques shall have exclusively English descriptive names.”

“Chanting, mantras, mudras, use of mandalas, and namaste greetings shall be expressly prohibited.”

So Alabama, the only state in the union to ban yoga—because it has roots in Hinduism—is now thinking of allowing it, as long as you don’t say “Namaste.”

For the unenlightened—see what I did there—means “the light in me bows to the light in you.”



  1. once again, AL proves they are fucking idiots!

  2. Wow, just when you think you've
    heard it all...

    xoxo :-)

  3. The things we waste time on. We have high-powered weapons of mass destruction killing people in grocery stores, but we bother with this crap? No wonder they are listed as one of the poorest educated states in the union.

  4. I guess I’d have gotten fired from a public school because I always taught the roots of yoga and some of the simpler poses when I taught world history at a private high school in Alabama. Amazingly, no one had a problem with it at the little “Christian-based” school. They joys of Alabama hypocrisy. 🙄

  5. And the county just got even nuttier.

  6. Do they have a state-wide education system in Alabama? Because it sounds like the legislators are severely educationally impaired (is that the PC term for thick as two short planks?)

  7. Oh dear God, what did I just read? As a lover of yoga and knowing how much good it does me, I just can't believe what I've just read!

  8. Alabama? Stupid is as stupid does.
    The level of ignorance and entitlement is blinding.
    Florida is not far behind.


  9. To do an impression of the Alabama legislature just place you index finger between your upper and lower lips move that finger rapidly up and down while making a "MU" sound.


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