
Friday, March 26, 2021

I Didn't Say It ...

Barack Obama, after the shootings of the last few days calling for gun control:

“It is long past time for those with the power to fight this epidemic of gun violence to do so. It will take time to root out the disaffection, racism and misogyny that fuels so many of these senseless acts of violence. But we can make it harder for those with hate in their hearts to buy weapons of war. We can overcome opposition by cowardly politicians and the pressure of a gun lobby that opposes any limit on the ability of anyone to assemble an arsenal. We can, and we must. A once-in-a-century pandemic cannot be the only thing that slows mass shootings in this country. It’s time for leaders everywhere to listen to the American people when they say enough is enough.”

Nice words, but we’ve been saying ‘enough is enough’ for years, and our elected officials in DC are too far deep in the pockets of the NRA.

That’s the change we need; no more NRA!


Jeanine Pirro, the chardonnay-drinking, perhaps drunk on air, Fox News hack, says migrants are a “lower level of human being”:

“We’re spending 86 million dollars for 1,200 families to get them hotel rooms, while we’ve got 10 million Americans out of work? We’ve got 10 million Americans who are going to be competing with people for jobs? It’s not about politics. When that sheriff said to me, ‘Jeanine, this is modern-day slavery.’ The bringing of these children into this country, where they will be forever connected to a cartel, is slavery. What we’re doing here is we are promoting a lower level of human being, who will be controlled from other countries. So stop trying to make this about this is who—not who we are. This is about crime coming into this country and it’s a reality. And we’re losing.”

It’s stunning to me that a pundit, even an idiot like Pirro, can say the most racist things on a news show and her bosses don’t come for her.

Ain’t that America? We won’t end racism until we silence the racists.


Jody Hice, [Q-GA], believes Washington DC should not be granted statehood because … :

“D.C. would be the only state, the only state, without an airport, without a car dealership, without a capital city, without a landfill, without even a name on its own, and we can go on and on and on.”

Washington, D.C. is home to more than 700,000 residents, which means it has a greater population than Wyoming, but, shoot, no car dealerships.



John Oliver, taking on Meghan McCain for saying Thing #45’s use of the racist ‘China Virus’ would help him get votes in 2020 and then Tweeting for an end to anti-Asian violence in 2021:

“Oh good! Meghan McCain doesn’t have a problem with it. Listen not to the scores of Asian Americans telling everyone that the term is dangerous and offensive. Instead, gather around and take the word of a wealthy white woman who’s dressed like she’s about to lay off 47 people over Zoom. Meghan McCain posted this week, ‘Stop Asian Hate,’ with three broken hearts emoji, which is a fine sentiment to throw up on Twitter after the fact, [but] there has to be an understanding that saying, ‘I don’t have a problem with calling it the China virus’ is very much giving space for hate to grow. The minimization of racist rhetoric plays into the harmful stereotype of Asian Americans as a model minority pitting them against other minority groups and pressuring them to swallow their experiences with racism, without making a stink because that’s how you earn white acceptance, and that is something that takes its toll. Our long, ugly history of anti-Asian racism and the fact that it often peaks during times of crisis is the exact reason why, just last year, many were loudly warning that [the twice-impeached, one-term loser] calling COVID names like the ‘China virus’ was likely to lead to a rise in violence against people of Asian descent—an argument that not everyone, at the time, seemed to find convincing.”

Bang on, John.


Meghan McCain, apologizing on Twitter for her anti-Asian statements:

“I condemn the reprehensible violence and vitriol that has been targeted towards the Asian-American community. There is no doubt [the twice-impeached, one-term loser]’s racist rhetoric fueled many of these attacks and I apologize for any past comments that aided that agenda.” 

What’s the deal with McCain? A supposedly educated woman who spouts such ignorance. She spends more time apologizing for being a moron than she does making sense.

PS Now apologize for stealing Barbara Eden’s I Dream of Jeanie hair.


Stella Keating, a transgender high school student, speaking before the Senate Judiciary Committee, about the Equality Act:

“Good morning. My name is Stella Keating and my pronouns are she/her. I am 16 years old, and I live in the state of Washington. I am a sophomore in high school and just got my driver’s license which was a great day! What happens if I want to attend college in a state that doesn’t protect me? Right now, I could be denied medical care or be evicted for simply being transgender in many states. How is that even right? How is that even American? Right now, I live in a state where I have equal protection under the law. And as a high school sophomore, I’m starting to look at colleges, and all I can think about is this: less than half of the states in our country provide equal protection for me under the law. What if I’m offered a dream job in a state where I can be discriminated against? Even if my employer is supportive, I still have to live somewhere. Eat in restaurants. Have a doctor. And why am I having to worry about all of this at the age of 16?”

Out of the mouths of babes comes simple truth.



  1. Stella Keating is telling it like it is.

  2. (Stella Keating)
    Very bestest of wishes!

    xoxo :-)

  3. GO STELLA GO! rant on, barack and john! and the rest of the losers can fuck right off!

  4. Fox News won't go for any of their "pundits" as long as the money keeps pouring in. I am at a loss to understand who anyone was thick as Pirro could become a judge; she's not even fit to become a judge of the best vegetables at a flower show.

  5. I adore John Oliver. I tell my husband that John's my geeky celebrity crush! He's the main reason I still have HBO, his political commentary is always spot on.

    And Meghan McCain can fuck right off.

  6. Meghan McCain's "I dream of Jeannie hair" - that's a gem!

  7. I am Latin American, and I am STILL waiting for people to stop calling it the Spanish flu and blithely accepting a WWI yellow journalism fabrication that has stung Hispanics, Latinos and Latin American for 103 years.
    And, while I can call the current pandemic covid-19, WHO has successfully traced it to its origins.
    Re: John Oliver - I was a fan until he went on one of his bounce-in-the-chair rants about Venezuela; that's when it became glaringly apparent that he will stick to the script that others have written and not because he has a sense of justice or even an iinvesitgaive inclination.

  8. Ugh. I can't with that McCain woman. She's the perfect example of a good-for-nothing person getting ahead because of her father. She should keep her trap shut.
    I love Barack *sigh*.
    The stupidity of the RepuQAnons is abysmal. Jeanine WineBox is such a see you next Tuesday. Her and that McCain woman should go take a hike.
    Bravo, Stella. Bravo!!


  9. Bob:

    I lived in DC and there are dealerships. But the majority of them only sell used cars.

    Accordding to WTOP:

    "The overwhelming majority of dealerships in D.C. sell used cars, and a salesperson with Jimmy’s Auto said D.C. dealerships are being “pushed out” because the DMV doesn’t give them paper tags."

    Now you know!!


  10. I love that transgender people are speaking up and speaking out. About time. Shine a light. Ignorance lives in shadows and silence.

    Speaking of ignorance... McCain is an example of someone evolving. Yes. She says stupid, ignorant stuff and supports many, many hurtful policies. But... there have been numerous occasions where she sees the error of her ways, owns it and apologizes. Overcoming a lifetime of ignorance does not happen in a hour or a day... it's a lifetime and hopefully she is passing this onto her children. And I will take her over Sarah Huckabee Sanders who lies for a living any day.

    John Oliver. Spot on. Let the man speak!

    Hice... he knows that DC will always be a check mark in the Dem's column. So... ignorant arguments are all they have these days. Now... let's talk about Puerto Rico!

    Dollar Story Barbie is such a lying hag that Politifact has already tagged this segment of her show. If her lips are moving, she's lying. Shouldn't she be on one of those Housewives shows by now? I mean, Fox News is so over. They have no content. Nothing Zip. Move on people, move on.

    Obama... words. He's so well spoken and I adore him. I also think he could be doing a lot more. Yes... he's given so much already (and how it aged him), but he needs to start bringing the big brass band... and get to work. People listen to him. He's a star. He can get things done... so, do!

    Thanks for the feed. Kizzes.

  11. I can't stand, can not stand...that cunt Jeanine Porto. I'd have no problem punching her mud fence face and knocking her on her ass. I also can't stand that little fat blond bitch McCain either. Matter of fact they should take down all those annoying bitches on the View and cancel the show. Sounds like a damn hen house.

  12. Obama rocks!!

    Isn't Jeanine one of those being sued by Dominion?

    You do know Jody thought he was being smug?

    Meg... sounds like a natural blond... oh, wait, I take that back, that makes blonds look bad.

  13. @Debra
    Yes, she is.

    She’s got truth on her side.


    Plain speaking, he is.

    That girl has the worst hair and makeup team!!

    Sadly, racists never change. Spanish Flu, China Flu.

    Meggie is a waste of air. She turns every topic into a personal rant.

    I didn’t say there were no car dealerships in DC, it was an idiot GQPer.

    Trans people and trans allies!
    I might, saomnetimes, give Meggie a pass, but anyone who suggested that China Flu was a good political move is an idiot. There is no excuse for condoning Thing #45’s use of that, or that other, phrase.
    Drunky Pirro is such a mess, but cleasrly Fox loves a drunk mess.
    I too love Barack but he needs to speak up more, though I know he doesn’t wanna step on Joe’s toes.

    I want you in a three-way catfight with Pirro and Meggie. That would be some show!!!

    GQPers don’t know smug, but are well-versed in ignorance and lies.

  14. Thanks to Stella Keating. May she see a much better world in her lifetime. Barack Obama. John Oliver. The other other names I will repeat from this post.

  15. Legally not a dealership, but a factory showroom, you can test drive, "order" and take delivery of a new Tesla in Washington DC. The last I knew, Delaware did not have airline service, does that make it less a state?


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