
Friday, March 12, 2021

I Didn't Say It ...

Tim Ryan, [D-OH], smacking at the GQP for not helping the pass the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, a union organizing bill:

"Heaven forbid we pass something that's going to help the damn workers in the United States of America. Heaven forbid we tilt the balance that has been going in the wrong direction for 50 years. We talk about pensions, you complain. We talk about the minimum wage increase, you complain. We talk about giving them the right to organize, you complain. But if we were passing a tax cut here, you'd all be getting in line to vote yes for it. Now stop talking about Dr. Seuss and start working with us on behalf of the American workers."

The Democrats seek to help the workers of this country, while the GQP focuses on a series of books by Dr. Seuss that were removed from being sold again by the family of Seuss because of their racist wording and illustrations.

Seuss or workers? The GQP picks Seuss.


Marjorie Taylor Greene, [Q-GA], appearing on Fox News, speaking about refusing the vaccine and  completely unaware of her ignorance:

“It should be a choice. It’s freedom. Having these two classes of citizens. Basically the ones who have taken the vaccine and then the supposed bad people that haven’t taken the vaccine. I would be among that classification of citizens. Myself, probably you, and many others, we feel healthy enough to trust our own immune systems to survive COVID. I think my odds are pretty good and I’m willing to take that gamble. And the government has no right to tell me or anyone else that I’m required to have the vaccine to fly on an airplane, to go in restaurants, to buy and sell in the marketplace, for my children to attend school, or any other freedom and right that we have. The government need to get out of our business and allow us to be completely open and make decisions for ourself with our health.”

First thing, you illiterate nutbag, while I don’t want you to get COVID and die, I would like you to get it and get very very sick.

Secondly, and I know you won’t because, again, illiterate nutbag, think about the hypocrisy of telling the government to stay out of your non-vaccine stance, while you continue to fight to make abortion illegal.

Last I checked, a woman having an abortion didn’t put the public at risk.

Now, fuck all the way off.


Bernie Sanders, [IND-VT], on the fact that not one member of the GQP coted to help Americans with a COVID relief bill:

“Interesting. The Republican party claims to be the party of ‘the working class.’ Yet according to a recent Pew poll 63% of lower-income Republicans support the Covid relief bill that we just passed—but not one Republican voted for it. They sure love the working people. Riiiight. No doubt.”

The GQP only cares about the wealthy, the corporate, the white. That’s it.


Lindsey Graham, [Q-SC], playing the same old GQP caravans at the border lie whenever they aren’t in power:

“People will be coming by the hundreds of thousands by the summer. It is a humanitarian crisis. It’s going to be an economic crisis for our cities along the border, and eventually is going to be a national security crisis, because they’re children today but they could easily be terrorists tomorrow. Al-Qaeda and Isis would like nothing better than to hit us again.”

Seriously. Rather than work on COVID relief, rather than work on confirming the president’s appointees, rather than do the will of the people, the GQP and Miss Lindsey always trot out the fear of rapists and terrorists, even child terrorists, arriving at the border in droves.

Oh, and for the record ma’am,. The last terrorist attack in this country was 1/6/2021 when insurrectionists spurred on by GQPers denying the results of an election attacked the capitol.

And you helped.


Patty Murray, [D-WA], responding to GQP Senator Tommy Tuberville’s proposed amendment to the COVID-19 bill that would have prohibited funding to schools that allowed trans women to compete in women's athletics:

“All students, including transgender students, benefit from participating in sports, to challenge themselves, to improve fitness, to be part of a team. Allowing transgender students to participate in athletic activities consistent with their gender identity in no way disadvantages their fellow students. For the love of God, can’t we just have a little bit of heart and compassion in this world for someone who doesn’t look or live exactly like you?”

It’s that same old bull shit that a trans woman is a man in a dress and these asshats really think a man will dress as a woman so he can compete with women and best them? Seriously?


Mary Trump, his niece, predicting he won't run for president again, but will pretend to do so:

"It's not that I don't think he will. I think he will pretend to, for sure. Think about how much money he made in the last few months. He made more since [President Joe] Biden won the election than he has in his entire life. I don't think he will let that go so soon. But you're right, there is no way he will put himself in the position of losing again. But the Republican Party seems determined to continue to keep him relevant."

Mary added that she hoped the legal problems facing the twice-impeached, one-term loser will extend to his children as they've taken full advantage of their position and of the American public through violations of the Emoluments Clause and the Hatch Act.


Eric Swalwell, [D-CA], on filing a civil lawsuit against the twice-impeached, one-term loser, Junior, Rudy Giuliani, and Mo Brooks [Q-AL] for their role in the January 6 attack on the Capitol:

“Unable to accept defeat, [the twice-impeached, one-term loser] waged an all-out war on a peaceful transition of power. He lied to his followers again and again claiming the election was stolen from them, filed a mountain of frivolous lawsuits—nearly all of which filed, tried to intimidate election officials, and finally called upon his supporters to descend on Washington D.C. to ‘stop the steal.'”

And now even the twice-impeached, one-term loser’s own Acting Secretary of Defense, Chris Miller, believes that January 6 speech was meant to start an insurrection.

Try him; find him guilty; lock him up. And as extra punishment put him in the same cell as Junior.

PS Eric is kinda hot.



  1. Like i said yesterday... Im not a gynocologist but know a cunt when I see one. Marjorie Taylor Green would but of course, fuss over the vaccine. But if the government has no right to make people get the vaccine....then what right do they have to tell women what to do and not do to their bodies??????

    Sit down silly bitch before I knock you down.

  2. What do you mean Eric is kinda hot? He IS hot. He gives me daddy-who-used-to-be-quarterback vibes and I like it. A lot.
    As for Marjorie, that stupid see you next tuesday. Somebody should muzzle her. Did you know she ran UNCONTESTED? She harassed her challenger out of the race.
    Both Mary and Bernie are right, of course. Because they can absolutely read the Repugs and Cheeto like a book.
    And don't get me started with Lindsey!


  3. Methinks that Tommy Tuberville (what a LooneyTune name) has watched the movie Ladybugs a tad too many times.
    Eric is hot, and I love this shallow side of you sweet Bobulah.

  4. (Patty Murray)
    our very own Senator!
    xoxo :-)

  5. tim ryan IS hot.

    those that are fighting for we the people should be praised.

    the GQP cuntbags/nutbags need to fuck right off NOW (or get COVID and die a slow agonizing death).

  6. Miss Lindsay forgets that 100s of 1,000s of white Americans appear to be domestic terrorists, never mind the poor immigrants desperate to leave behind torture and murder and absolute poverty who are more likely to keep their heads down to make a dime and to appreciate what America has to offer.

  7. All of the above. But I'd like to add that I really don't give a crap if Marjorie Taylor Greene gets COVID and dies -- and, the minute I hit PUBLISH, I'm going to feel really, REALLY guilty for being so cruel. So I'm publishing this comment immediately!

  8. @MM
    I just can't believe she's that stupid and actually won an election.

    Miss Lindsey is rapidly becoming the worst thing out there, which is saying a lot considering the rest of the GQP's.

    I enjoy being shallow; it's less work!

    Gotta love her for speaking truth to power.

    He is, too. Perhaps and Eric and Tim sammich???

    Lindsey just plays the GQP fear card about brown people and never once makes mention of the evil whites ones because he's a racist SOBGQP.

    Published! Bam!

  9. It's a good thing the Republicans don't care if a majority of Americans don't believe their moldy tripe, if they did they might actually do something... or maybe talk about doing something.

  10. Eric is kinda hot. Interesting lawsuit. It will accomplish nothing. But now we know Eric is kinda hot.

    Mary Trump... dead on. That's exactly what the orange ogre plans on doing. That's what his stop the steal campaign was really about... $$$ It's the most successful grift he's ever been a part of.

    Thank you, Patty Murray. And thank you for using such plain language when holding the GQP accountable. It's time to stop accepting them as people with a differing opinion and recognize that they are just hateful azzhats who allow fear to rule their lives and the lives of their constituents so they can remain in power.

    Love Ladybelle Lyndsey. Perfect. He's a scandal waiting to happen, isn't he?

    Bernie. I wish you were 20 years younger. I get Bernie now. I used to think he was too far afield. Nope. He's dead on. And again... thank you for calling the GQP on their crap.

    MT Greene is a danger to society. She should be locked up.

    Tim Ryan... thank you for pinning the GQP against the wall. Accountability, folks. It's time for the GQP to be exposed for what they have always been... fearmongers who will do anything to stay in power... except the right thing.

    Thanks for the feed and the rant space. Kizzes.

  11. @Dave
    I don't think they know how to actually do anything, unless it's for rich white men.

    Eric is hot, but IK do think his lawsuit will rile up all the right people.
    I'm with Mary; he's using the thought of a run to collect more coins for himself.
    Patty is plain, truth.
    Miss Lindsey is the Russian hooker who peed on "it".
    I agree about Bernie, and I hate sounding ageist.
    Funny enough, even some in the GQP are turning on her, so I doubt she'll be around long.
    Tim is plain, truth, too, and looks kinda hot doing it.

  12. Excellent quotations, and of course I agree with your stance on all of them. Eric IS hot -- I saw him on TV during the impeachment hearings and I thought, "Wow! I had no idea he was such a babe!"

    I think you have a little typo in your piece about Greene -- you mean she's fighting to make abortion IL-legal.

  13. And not even a twinge of guilt. Shame on me.

  14. Btw: Do these same 'people' who support the right to refuse the vaccine and refuse to wear masks, do they also approve of the right to smoke anywhere, in front of everyone? Just wonderin'.

  15. @Steve
    You're hired as my proof-reader!! I don't how I missed THAT one!

    Nothing to feel guilty about! =)

    I think they probably do because they can do whatever they want, screw everyone else.


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