
Thursday, March 18, 2021


Not so much about Carlos this week, but more about the things I say …

We had a Zoom meeting at work the other day with a prospective client named Leila, and one of my co-workers, who is notoriously bad at names, couldn’t remember Leila. She kept asking me:

“What’s her name? What’s her name again?"

And I said:

“Leila! Lay-La!”

“Oh, like Eric Clapton.”

“NO! Eric is an entirely different name!”

You know how dogs always cock their heads to one side and look at you quizzically when you speak to them? That’s how most people look at me when I talk.

And I’m good with it.

It’s no wonder Tuxedo is my favorite pet of all time; he and I think exactly alike.

Dr. Deborah Birx, the last administration’s White House Coronavirus Task Force coordinator who is most known for her scarves and sitting idly by while Thing #45—blatantly stolen from Todd at arteegee—will join ActivePure Technology, a Texas manufacturer that says its products reduce COVID-19 on surfaces and in the air,

Once a snake oil salesman …

I hate to say this because I feel a bit like a perv but there’s something about Harry Styles that butters my bread, revs my motor, makes me feel funny, down there.

That’s all.

Police in Pennsylvania arrested Raffaela Spone, left, a 50-year-old Bucks County woman, for sending her teen daughter’s cheerleading coaches fake photos and videos depicting her rivals naked, drinking, or smoking, to try to get them kicked off the squad.

Wow. All that to get her daughter a spot on the cheer squad.

PS There were no indications that Spone’s daughter knew what her mother was doing.

Oh, and then in Florida, Laura Rose Carroll, right, an assistant principal, and her daughter, were arrested after hacking into dozens of student accounts to cast fake votes to help the daughter become homecoming queen.

Carroll and her daughter cast nearly 250 votes in Tate High School’s homecoming court election.

Seriously? Seriously? Serious-fucking-ly?

The GQP-majority Oklahoma state House has passed a bill that would grant immunity to drivers who “unintentionally” run over protesters.

Yup. If you go to a protest in Oklahoma and then get in your car and mow down protesters, simply tell the police it was “unintentional,” and that you didn’t mean to maim or kill anyone, you were just “fleeing from a riot” because you had a “reasonable belief” that fleeing would protect you from harm.  

This new legislation would remove criminal or civil liability for any driver who “unintentionally” injures or kills someone while it also allows protesters to be charged with a misdemeanor if they “unlawfully obstruct” traffic, punishable by up to a year in jail and $5,000 in fines.   

Run over a protester, get a slap on the wrist. Stop traffic, spend a year in jail.

And over there in Louisville, Kentucky, where it has been one year since Breonna Taylor was murdered in her home by police, the state Senate passed a bill to enhance penalties for crimes related to rioting.

GQP Senator Danny Carroll, a retired police officer, said his Senate Bill would crack down on those who "tried to destroy the city of Louisville" in the civil unrest last year after, again, Breonna Taylor was murdered in her home by police using a No-Knock warrant. Oh, and in addition to that lunacy, Carroll’s bill would make it a crime to provoke an officer verbally to the point it could provoke a violent response.

You see, apparently in Louisville, if you’re mean to a police officer and they can’t handle it, they will kill you; it’s a play on sticks and stones may break my bone but words will never hurt me, unless you’re in Louisville and use your words against a police officer in which case you will die.

But then in Minneapolis, the City Council unanimously approved a $27 million settlement in the civil lawsuit brought by the family of George Floyd. Now, clearly, no amount of money will bring George Floyd back, but perhaps this will get those in charge in Minneapolis to rethink their policies like, oh, I dunno, kneeling on a man’s neck until he dies.

The settlement includes $500,000 to be spent on community efforts near the intersection of 38th Street and Chicago Avenue, which has become known as George Floyd Square.

Alejandro Cifo Capilla is a Latino model , and y’all know I loves me some, well, one, Latino man. But Alejandro is worthy of a second, third, fourth look.

He was elected Mister Supranational Spain 2017, and then represented Spain at one of the biggest international male modelling competitions in the world—Mister Supranational in Poland—and won first runner up award, along the Mister Photogenic award at the pageant. And I have titled him with the Mister Rock My World award. Just sayin’.


  1. Those moms are something else! Great examples they're setting. Love Chasten's tweet!

  2. Okay... that photo of Pete and Chasten made my tear up. How happy they look and how LOVELY. F Me. And F the Pope. That old queen... (side eye)

    Alejandro. Zzzzzz

    So... the city council did this on purpose. The timing totally blows. These things are typically announced AFTER trial. Now? Getting a jury together? I want Phillipe Cunningham out of office and I plan to work for whomever challenges him. He is incompetent, does not do his job, is a publicity seeker, a coward and thief. There are funds unaccounted for... he's done nothing but enrich him, his boyfriend and his cronies. OUT! Corruption comes in all packages, folks.

    Oklahoma... what else would you expect? Florida? Open season. Any excuse. Remember that child who just happened to be walking through the wrong neighborhood and a vigilante shot him and then got off?

    Evil Moms. How fun. A photoshop queen with the tiniest mouth. And then there's the Mom who give Rudy Giuliani some hope - there is proof of election tampering!!! Bitches need to get a life. And not the one that belongs to their daughters.

    Harry? No. He looks good in a dress. Other than that. Pat, pat, pat on the head. He is trying waaaaayyyy to hard.

    Birx: given that the virus is air born? What a joke. Which makes her the punchline?

    I like Tuxedo's style.

    I like yours, too, Bob! I am so glad nobody can hear what's said in my head. There are so many voices in there, it's like a bitch convention.


  3. (Bob) (Tuxedo)
    Those mothers... they missed
    the instruction about right and wrong.
    Good grief!
    xoxo :-)

  4. You know I'm a Chasten/Pete stan, so yeah.
    Harry Styles is sex on a stick. I would let him hit it. Repeatedly. And would probably invite Ale, Alejandro over, too.

    Dr. Brix can go eff off. I will never forgive her giving Cheeto credit.

    And those moms! Disgusting. Some people should not reproduce. Same as people who thing somebody would 'unintentionally' run somebody (a protester) over. What?

    And like you said, no money will bring George Floyd back. Sad.


  5. I’m new to the phenomena which is Harry Styles. I’d heard his name occasionally, had no clue who was being discussed, that he was part of a famous boy band ─ which I was also unfamiliar with, then I saw that print cover of him in a dress, took notice, saw his performance at Grammys, now I’ve downloaded and am jamming to Watermelon Sugar on my playlist. LOL. There’s something about that boy.

  6. Just going shallow here, doesn't Rafaela Spone look like Amy Schumer the morning after? What, you thought I was going to talk about Harry or Alejandro? You gotta mix it up sometimes. As for everything else, it's already been said. Quite beautifully, I might add. Oh, and Bobulah, I love the way you think.

  7. If something ever goes awry and Pete and Chasten split up...I will give up forever and go live in a monastery.

    I don't see the Harry Styles thing. He gets on my last gay nerve. I don't know what is it. But when i see him i want to bath him, brush his hair, and mix his clothing. He usually looks like a dishelved mess.

    And someone should get Dr Brix a day at the spa and a better wrinkle cream. That woman aged 20 years while under 45. And that was not even a year!!!!!

  8. Those two mothers - seriously? Is it really that important that your daughter be homecoming queen or on the cheerleading squad? Geez! You'd think they'd have other, more important priorities wouldn't you!

  9. I liked the last one best.

  10. I bet those two crazy Moms are both Trump supporters.

  11. What a lovely pic of Mr & Mr Buttigieg

  12. Oh, mothers! (Those two in particular... and one an assistant principal!!!)

    “NO! Eric is an entirely different name!” You and I would get along so well.

  13. @Steve
    But by all means, people, tellus how bad The Gays would be as parents.
    Chasten, like Pete, has something rare: simple common sense.

    They’re cute, no?
    I dunno … Al’s face is warming me up today.
    I wish, rather than waiting for a George Floyd to get murdered, and then shelling out $27 million, perhaps taking that $27 million beforehand and reforming the police?
    Oklahoma, Florida, Kentucky, Pennsylvania. All showing their ignorant sides.
    I dunno. Harry’s oozing something.
    Birx needs to mask it and shut the hell up.
    Tuxedo and I are a pair, we both have the ability to say whatever’s in our heads, whether people get or even like it!

    I just get the idea that neither one of those moms was homecoming queen or cheerleader so they were trying to live through their kids.

    I’m with you and Mr. and Mr. Buttigieg!
    Yeah, I never saw that about Harry until these pictures popped up.
    Now, Alejandro? Yeah,. It was poppin’.
    We’re the same when it comes to Birx.
    But Gays can’t have kids because …
    I’m glad his family is getting some money, but why not try to solve the problem then shell out coins after?

    I was never about Harry, but then I saw those photos and his Grammy performance. Yeah.

    Poor Amy. She may come for you.
    And thank you for the lovely compliment.My brain works its own way and I’m okay with it!

    I think many of us will give up if they ever split up.
    I used to feel like you about Harry and then I saw his Grammy performance and was, like, oh, okay, now I’m feelin’ it. Maybe I like a disheveled mess???
    I just want Birx to go away.

    Clearly, to those moms, queens and cheerleaders are all that matters.
    Brains? Not so much.

    Me, too. Simple common sense is so rare these days.


    They are adorable.

    I loved the co-worker’s face when I said that. It took her a minute.

  14. tuxedo and I have something in common - an enemy list.

    I think your latinx husband is sexier than this guy.

    chasten & pete - so in love are those two!

  15. @AM
    You, me, and Tuxedo!
    I like a LOT of Latinx men, but I love me just the one!

  16. Sometimes I say the things I think aloud.

    Birx will always be remembered for saying nothing.

    MAGA and their cheerleading daughters, they lie, cheat, and commit horrendous voter fraud.

    The white people in Oklahoma and Kentucky are getting desperate.

  17. @Dave
    I think keeping words in wrecks the brain, so let 'em out~!

  18. Those feelings, a sign you are still alive, a good sign,


Say anything, but keep it civil .......