
Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The Catholic Church Is A Welfare Queen

Last year, when COVID-19 forced most churches to close their doors and give up the lifeblood of their Sunday collections, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte turned to the Paycheck Protection Program [PPP], the federal government’s signature small business relief program, and received more than $8 million.

Trouble is, the diocese had more than $100 million of their own cash and short-term investments available last spring, and then, when the cash catastrophe that church leaders feared didn’t materialize, those assets grew to over $110 million by the summer.

And they kept that $8 million.

People losing their homes, their jobs, small businesses going under, but the Catholic takes a handout when they don’t even need it.

In fact, as the pandemic spread across the country, many Catholic dioceses held out their hands and received aid through the PPP while having over $10 billion in cash, short-term investments or other available funds. And, again, while businesses folded and people suffered, the Catholic Church continued to grow its assets.

Overall, the nearly 200 dioceses in this country, and other Catholic institutions received at least $3 billion, making the Roman Catholic Church the biggest beneficiary of the paycheck program.

That’s the Catholic Church; making money off a pandemic and the suffering of their own parishioners. But do we expect anything else from an organization that aids and abets child raping priests?



  1. Extra shameful when you think how rich overall the Catholic church is; why didn't they go to Frankie for a handout? Perhaps the Vatican Bank is overdrawn?

  2. The Catholic Church has always been about accumulating wealth.

  3. (ex-catholic here) the fucking RCC has ALWAYS had its hand out for $$$. problem is, they as an institution are worth BILLIONS! they don't need PPP $$$! they are as bad as the scamvangelicals. and the lies they tell! and the molesting priests! and the hatred of women! and and and...

  4. I just can’t stand it!

  5. To quote Max von Sydow's character in "Hannah and Her Sisters": "If Jesus came back and saw what's going on in his name, he'd never stop throwing up."

  6. If they took the 8 mil and kept, they should have took that money and did their own stimulus and divide it up amongst any families in need in their own congregation, and then donated the rest to a community service or charity and at least did good with it. They are not good Christians

  7. The church has always been a major corporate player in the world.

  8. Very sad...

    take care, xoxo :-)

  9. I'm not religious and I don't go to church but I could see a place in a community for any church that genuinely tried to help its parishoners. But the Catholic Church!!! Sorry. To me it's just like tithing 10% of your pretax income. If it then goes back to help people in need fine. If it goes to buy the lunatic preacher a new private jet ..... Ugghhh!

  10. @Helen'Think of how many people they could have helped with the money they already had, and still have!

    AND ... hiding rapists.

    It's funny how they have their hand out for coins, but ignore the hands held out to them for help.

    All good Catholics, though, they'll tell you.

    Sadly, today's organized religions aren't about Jesus or God or the Bible, it's about money and power. And it makes me wanna throw up!

    But why use the money for good when you can line your own coffers?

    God is $$$$

    Disgusting. In the name of God?

    Don't get me started on those televangelical criminals.

  11. I had the same recollection as Steve Reed!

  12. Shame!
    But you know that the church is all about the money. They really don't care about anything else. Nothing.


  13. Yep. Agree. I say TAX THEM ALL. Tired of their BS. Cults should pay taxes and property taxes, especially! They have had a free ride... FOR NO REASON!


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