
Monday, February 08, 2021

Dick of the Week: Kevin McCarthy Is Lying Again

GQP House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is actually saying that, until Marjorie Traitor Greene was sworn into Congress, that he did not know what QAnon was, let alone how to pronounce it.

No, seriously.

But, as happens with liars, video surfaced of a McCarthy appearance with Fox News last August when asked about Greene’s run for Congress, that there is “no place for QAnon [pronounced correctly] in the Republican Party.”

He then claimed that he does not support QAnon, though he clearly supports Greene, and that Greene has denounced the nutbag conspiracy theory loons.

Except she has not.

And that’s why Kevin McCarthy, who is either stupid or thinks you’re stupid, is the Dick of the Week.


  1. throw their lies back in their ugly white nazi faces!

  2. That photo makes it look as though someone has grabbed little ole Kev by the balls.

  3. Hmmmm... McCarthy has a short memory. He also totally walked back his condemnation of the Capital insurrection and the orange ogre's culpability. He's an azzhat politician... has his game down cold. Such a liar. How do they live with themselves? Glug, glug, glug?

  4. That's always the problem with bad liars, they cannot remember their lies.

  5. Typical Republican double-speak BS.

  6. I still say there needs to be a built in safe guard for people of power in this position, for house and senate minority and majority leaders, who abuse power and can't do the job. By handling this the way he did, make him as bad as her, if he believe her or not.

    I know it's tricky when these people were elected by the people in their districts. But anyone should be able to be Cruz, Brooks, Hawley ... who incite violence and question elections results... you simply get another dem and repub...and have another election by the people. It's not brain surgery.

  7. I agree with Mads (well, I always agree with you and Mads).

    And I never thought I'd say this but... I am so tired of dicks!


  8. Let's just say Kevin is definitely 100% dick of the week - as a matter of fact, I nominate him for dick of the House for the past however long he's been the King of Dicks in the Republican caucus. Can somebody stop them??
    Oh yeah, now I remember. The Dems have the votes in both houses of Congress as well as the White House. What's the problem? The only time the Republicans ever want to discuss working across the aisle is when they're the minority. Then Susan Collins can "consider" whether she'll support any type of progressive legislation and oops, then she won't. She is the female version of dick who gave us Cavanaugh served on a platter for the Supreme Court.
    Clearly don't get me started.


  9. Hi Bob, I'm not sure why I forgot to put my name on the above quote. Maybe I should be taking my afternoon nap. But I'm sure you recognized me as not very anonymous.

  10. Oh, shocking!
    It's just so predictable with the Repugs it's almost trite.


  11. Great post. He really is an ass.


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