
Thursday, February 04, 2021


The other morning, we were headed to the AT&T store because Carlos was having issues downloading an app to his phone. He tried, I tried, but the apps wouldn’t download, so off we went. But, after starting the car, we both heard a low humming noise coming from the engine and Carlos, as he does, freaks out about the car breaking down while I’m at work or catching on fire while I drive or what have you. So, after the phone store, he called our mechanic to see if we could take the car right then; well, they didn’t have time for it, and suggested we take it to our nearest Ford dealer, who could only give us an appointment about ten days later.

Carlos, again, was not happy, and so he called our mechanic, again, and tried to get an appointment, but they are two weeks out with appointments because one of their mechanics was recovering from hernia surgery. Then, because he’s a local guy, and knows us, he said to bring the car by, and he’d give it a cursory ‘listen’.

Which we did … and he sat in the car and listened to the hum; he raised the hood and listened to the hum; he got back in the car and, I thought, accidentally hit the wiper button, and the wipers tried to work but couldn’t. The wiper blades don’t move the same direction; one moves left, and one moves right from the center outward. The mechanic got out of the car and adjusted the blades with the driver’s side blade on  top and the passenger side on the bottom, and, what? No more humming.

What does this have to do with Carlos, you ask? Well, we took the car to the car wash over the weekend, and while I vacuumed it out, Carlos, wiped water spots from the car and the windshield … where he lifted the two blades and then put them back in the opposite order which caused the motor to hum because the blades couldn’t adjust all the way down.

Uh huh. I was able to tack this one onto Carlos, though, to be fair, I didn’t know the wipers had to be placed in a particular order. Still, we laughed about this for hours!

Tuxedo wants you all to know he isn’t really concerned about the GOP imploding, but how ,much it will cost to change their logo from GOP to GQP.

Oh, apparently it didn’t take long at all … and in Arizona, the GQP is doubling down on its support for the former president, and it seems to be having a negative effect on the party.

It appears that, since the attack on the Capitol last month, some 9,944 registered Republicans have left the GOP. Not good look for a state that flipped Blue last November.

Maybe the 'Q' is for quit.

One of those QAnon nutbags, Marjorie Taylor Traitor Greene of Georgia, is in the crosshairs of top House Democrats who are moving to force her off multiple committees this week— with or without Minority Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s help.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer delivered an ultimatum to McCarthy: either Republicans move on their own to strip Greene of her committee assignments within 72 hours, or Democrats will bring the issue to the House floor.

Greene, who believes a Jewish laser started the California wildfires, was appointed by McCarthy to the Education committee.


I know they’re homegrown domestic terrorists,  but they’re also incredibly stupid. I mean, they took selfies with their phones; they made calls with the phones. The FBI used those phones to round up these terrorists. But one was especially stupid.

Troy Faulkner, an Ohio insurrectionist and traitor, was identified by his shirt, which had both his name and phone number on it.

Now Faulkner faces several federal charges.

We’ve all seen amber alerts about missing kids, but recently, in Texas, because of course, there were two very odd alerts about missing children issued.

Last week some Texans received an Amber Alert identifying both the kidnapper and the alleged victim; the alert described the kidnapper, identified as Chucky, as a 28-year-old with red hair, blue eyes, who stands at 3’1″, and weighs 16 pounds. He was wearing blue denim overalls with a multi-colored striped long sleeve shirt and wielding a kitchen knife prior to his “disappearance.” The victim was identified as Glen, the son of Chucky as five years old, weighing 6 pounds, standing at 2’3″, and also with red hair and blue eyes, and wearing a blue shirt prior to his “disappearance.”

Subscribers of the Texas Alert System received the email alert three times on Friday.

About a knife-wielding doll from a movie and his doll son.


In Alabama, their idiot GOP Senator with the cartoon sausage name of Tommy Tuberville was asked about the lunacy of GQP Representative Marjorie Taylor Traitor Greene and spewed this nonsense:

“I haven’t looked at what all she’s done. I’d have to hold back a statement on that…[I’ve] been traveling. This weather’s been a little rough. [Didn’t] look at any news or whatever.”

Yes, the weather was so bad that he didn’t see the news… for the past few months?

Nicely done, Alabama, you’ve once again elected stupid.

Big news in Country Music … TJ Osborne, left, half of the country duo The Brothers Osborne, has come out as gay:

‘I’m very comfortable being gay. I find myself being guarded for not wanting to talk about something that I personally don’t have a problem with. That feels so strange.'

But he needs to talk so that country music doesn’t stay the bastion of anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment. Where gay artists fear being themselves.

So, good on you, TJ.

But, on the flip side … country star Morgan Wallen, right, has apologized  after a video surfaced of him using the N-word. Wallen’s use of the slur comes on the heels of him being cut from Saturday Night Live because another video surfaced in which he was partying while defying COVID protocols.

In addition, radio stations are dumping the country musician even though his album Dangerous: The Double Album, is at #1 on Billboard charts for a fourth week in a row.

Sadly, I think I know which one country music fans will rally behind …

Sam Cushing is what you call a social media influencer, and I will say there are a lot of things he could, um, influence me with.

He’s a traveler, pianist, composer and strategy consultant and personal trainer who is not afraid to show off his best assets.

Oh, and he’s gay.


  1. Oh no!!!!!!! not Sam Cushing. I have blasted him on his instagram!!! He is one of the gays that went to Puerto Vartita around New Years to " influence" during a major covid lockdown, and is now getting backlash from the sensible gays. Yet another queen who has no self control and too much fucking self entitlement just to suck dick. Bitch..go play your panio and do a few sit ups.

    It's the good Republicans like Kinzinger I feel sorry for. If that party doesn't get rid of the kooks...they will just push the few 10 out, who actually do the job and have a conscience.

    You ask me not only should Taylor Green be removed period....but there needs to be built in safe guards to get out people of power like McCarthy. He too should be removed for not dealing with her and others. I can see he's going to be a royal pain in the ass.

    Poor Carlos. He loses another round. Your going to give him a complex Bob.


  2. (Carlos) (Tuxedo)
    Much chortling about GQP!
    xoxo :-)

  3. Chucky is 16 pounds? Really? Pandemic weight, possibly? That's what I'm blaming my extra pounds on (as if I was active before).

    Carlos, Balder Half's truck stopped on the onramp of the freeway. He was so pissed, er, distraught. He called Triple A to get a tow. I'm sure the tow truck driver laughed his ass off when he told my dear, sweet spouse, that he'd run out of gas. Stuff happens.

    Love the tweet. And, Tuxedo, aka El Gato Guapo, ROCKS!

  4. @MM
    I didn't know that about Cushing. Now I DON'T want him coming to my house and doing yardwork in the nude. That'll teach him!

    Carlos and I have been laughing about that all week!

    Balder Half for the WIN!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The perfect tweet. Bravo.

    Sam. Zzzz. Sorry. I like 'em real real. And the moment you said influencer, my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

    TJ Osborne. Well. How nice. Janis Ian is down there in Nashville and she claims there is a thriving gay community in the music biz there... but country music lovers? Well... we know how they feel about our kind.

    Tooberville of Hooverville... sigh. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. I like how they can't tell the truth... ever. Must be a prerequisite to joining the GOP.

    I didn't know Chucky had a kid. So Jennifer Tilly gave birth?

    I love how the insurrectionists were so sure they were going to win that they didn't bother hiding their identities... except for the ones that were actually running around with plastic wrist ties to kidnap and kill government officials. Did you hear that judge let that one skank go on vacation in Mexico? SMH. If these folks were black they would all be sitting with out bond and/or dead.

    MTG is a nutbag with a hole in the bottom of it. And the GOP are a bunch of spineless twits.

    GQP... go, go, go. Break up that despicable GOP and let's all go blue!

    Tux is right on.

    Carlos and the car... sigh. Been there, done stuff like that. Hee hee.

    Thanks for the news round up. Makes my week.

  7. I love that Nancy Pelosi changed McCarthy's affiliation to Q-CA

  8. oh carlos; truth be told, I didn't know wipers had to be installed in a specific way, I thought they were interchangeable.

    the GQP needs to DIE RIGHT FUCKING NOW!

  9. The number of Republicans changing their party affiliation is way higher. In PA alone it's almost 10,000. I believe the latest figure from Arizona is around 30,000. They're calling it an exodus.

    No one said insurrectionist were smart.

    Wallen appears to be the one who's suffering!

    Hello Sam!

  10. Canada just added the Proud Boys to its list of criminal terrorist organizations, along with 3 other white supremacist organizations. The USA should do the same.

  11. I'm with Maddie. Sam Cushing is one of the GaysOverCovid. Dumb bitch is spreading COVID and I will not have anything to do with him. Nope.

    Hahaha oh, Carlos. Hey it could happen to (Me) anybody! And the GOP is caught between a conspiracy theory and a dumpster fire. And I like it like that.

    OMG Bob. I was just writing about TJ! Yay.

    And that tweet! I want it on a t-shirt. Now.


  12. Grateful to Mistress Maddie for the dirt on Cushing. Scratch him off my list!

    And, oh boy, the windshield wipers. That the goddess you didn't have to wait 2 weeks for THAT appointment.

    We once spent a half hour trying to figure out where a rattle was coming from in our car. SG insisted it was inside the glove compartment and I had to empty everything out. I kept saying it sounded like it was coming from above the windshield. I finally noticed his sun visor wasn't clipped in and plastic was rattling against plastic. I'm a mechanic.

  13. Regarding decreasing Repub Party numbers, I wonder if, as it seems, anti-maskers and hoax-callers are overwhelmingly of that persuasion, then sadly[?] that must also, though by 'natural selection' over time, deplete their numbers still further. I've never seen this particular effect alluded to in any of the American YouTube [left-of-centre] postings I watch daily. Perhaps it's too indelicate to even give it a mention - or maybe the numbers aren't significant.
    Incidentally, in the U.K., although there are also, of course, resisters here too, though a much smaller proportion, they do tend to belong to the non-white communities. So if it's the same with you that may lessen any bias that there otherwise might be over there.

  14. @uptonking
    Yeah, I am constantly flummoxed by the idea that social media influencer is a real job.
    I think there are a lot of gay folks in the music business, even in Nashville, but I also think a racist good ole boy is more their cup of moonshine.
    I can proudly say that while I know of Chucky I have never seen one of his films.
    Carlos and I had fun with the car nonsense!

    I saw that, too. Good on Nancy.

    It was an eye opening learning experience re wipers.

    Well, do you want to belong to a party that espouses the belief that Democrats eat babies? Or do you want to live in the real world?

    Good on Canada.
    Shame on the US.

    I wish I'd seen that story when I Googled him.
    And on the flip side it's refreshing to see a Country artist come out.

  15. @Mitchell
    Me, too, with Sam.
    That's what had us laughing the most, that in two weeks someone would have just switched the order of which one is on the bottom and we would have paid some bucks for that!
    I'll Carlos your mechanic story; it's bound to make him feel better.

    I was thinking on the ones leaving the GQP voluntarily, but now that you mention it, their numbers dwindle with the victims of COVID too.

  16. I had to laugh about the wiper story - but it's easy enough done isn't it. A bit like the golf ball in the trunk!

  17. The windshield wipers thing is so much something that I would do. It made me smile! Loved this post.

  18. Hey Carlos,
    My Toyota truck started making a loud rattle and I, of course, freaked out and took it right in to the dealer. A mechanic came right out, started the truck and agreed that it sounded bad. He thought it might be the transmission. - not cheap to replace. I went onto work and could not get through to the service department all day by phoning. At five they called and said it was ready to be picked up but "couldn't"tell me how much I owed for the new transmission. When I was dropped the entire staff was waiting outside at my truck. The service manager came out, gave me the key, and said to start it up. It started and there was no rattle. I got out and he told me that a ten dollar bracket holding the tailpipe had come loose, no transmission problem. The staff was all I on my situation and laughed - it was a fun joke with a happy ending, like your blade positioning. You are smart to bring it in when it sounds bad, even if it only gets you a good laugh.

  19. Sam Cushing! Oh my! What a gorgeous body.

    Have I told you how much I love your Tales of Carlos? He sounds like a true gem.

  20. Oh, shit. I just saw MM's comment about Sam. Well, damn. DAMN, Sam!

  21. @Treaers
    Thank goodness we don't golf OR have a car with a trunk!!

    I didn't tell Carlos, but I'd probably do it, too!

    Great story, I'll tell Carlos all about it!!

    Carlos is one of the funniest people ever because he doesn't know he's funny.
    Yeah, damn Sam. I didn't know either!

  22. Poor Carlos. I hope it is OK that I laughed at him. He can laugh at me if he wants to as I can relate. I recently did a dum-dum by buying 30 pounds of cat food. I don't own a cat. It didn't dawn that frisky feline was not a flavor of dog food. In my defense, I thought this brand only made dog food. I am starting to lose it. Take care.

  23. Cars drive me crazy,

  24. @Mr. Shife
    Carlos won't mind you laughing at him if he can laugh at your cat food tale!!



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