
Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Tuesday Thought #1


  1. The day of celebrating is over....we got work to do. Because the Republicans are already cooking terrible.....

  2. Absolutely.
    NOW is when the work starts. Because the next Cheeto is gonna be successful when trying a coup..


  3. People like Mitch McTurtle think they can emulate von Papen and play with fire and not get burnt - they should remember what happened to von Papen when he was steamrollered over by Adolf H and the even nastier than the Regugnants party. All you need is someone like Reinhard Heydrich, who was intelligent and seriously unpleasant - it's said that Himmler and even Hitler were not happy around him and if it hadn't been for the Czechs who assassinated him, might have overturned Hitler or at the very least teh Fuhrer might have had a nasty accident - falling off the cliff outside the tea house at Eagle's Nest? McTurtle couldn't really manage der Trumpenfuhrer; there is no way he could have managed Heydrich.

  4. Yup, pay attention and vote!
    xoxo :-)

  5. We can't forget who? Sorry, couldn't resist.

  6. Teach them a lesson they will never forget.

  7. NEVER FORGET. And... GET EVEN! Seriously, if he doesn't do serious time or lose everything he's got or get thoroughly impeached? I will not be happy! He tormented us all for five years. He needs his comeuppance! I want justice.


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