
Monday, January 11, 2021

My Two Cents: What To Do With The Traitor

It’s been nearly a week since a group of butt-hurt faux-patriots and homegrown terrorists carrying Confederate flags stormed our nation’s Capital building, smashing doors and windows, looting government offices and making their way to the chambers. And all because they didn’t like the outcome of an election and bought into a narcissistic asshat wailing that the election had been stolen.

And just to be clear for the people in the back … this was nothing like Black Lives Matter supporters taking to the streets to protest another murder of a Black American at the hands of police, this was a bunch of cowards furious that _____ lost; these were disgruntled losers who were pissed off and bought into the lies that _____, and many in the GOP, spewed about voter fraud; they were angry that the states didn’t change their ballots, irate that the courts didn’t change the election, incensed that the Electoral College did its duty, and enraged that Congress was about to do the same.

Now, we all know of ______’s involvement, spurring on the rioters before he skulked back to the White House to Tweet his anger at Mike Pence. But who else is to blame? Junior, who also spoke and riled up the crowd, along with Rudy Giuliani, who continued his Tour of Lies about election fraud. And even Daddy’s best girl, Ivanka, who called the rioters ‘patriots’ before deleting that Tweet. Then there’s Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Kelly Loeffler, David Perdue, Lindsey Graham, and many more to blame, because they fed the fire to a bunch of sore losers that an election was stolen. What they did by seeking to deny the results of an election, by refusing acknowledge Joe Biden’s win, was akin to shouting shouted ‘Fire’ in a crowded theater. They, and all their coconspirators, those twelve Senators and 140 Congress members, should be removed from office at first chance; unless of course the media and We The People force them to resign for aiding and abetting terrorism.

Let’s include Senator Ben Sasse [NE] in this mess; while he has been critical of _____, he has not directly called for removal he has said he was “open” to impeachment proceedings.

I guess that dead police officer, as well as the threats to national security, and our legislators isn’t enough to spur Sasse on to actually doing something.

And then we have Michael Elizabeth Pence, whose life was threatened by the rioters storming the House Chambers while ______ Tweeted from the White House of his outrage over Pence not contesting the vote, is said to be opposed to invoking the 25th Amendment.

Your boss basically called on his minions to murder you, but you’ll wait and see; weigh your options?

And then we have my personal favorite, Senator Lindsey Graham [SC], whose lips have never been far from _____’s ass, even though he gave that drunken, whimpering, simpering speech in Congress after the riots about being sad about his BFFs behavior, is now saying this is the “it is time to heal and move on.”

The queen of the ‘thoughts and prayers’ crowd is hoping that the traitor in the Oval will behave and Miss  Lindsey won’t have to grow a spine. Oh, and Graham has some words about impeachment:

“If Speaker Pelosi pushes impeachment in the last days of the _____ presidency it will do more harm than good.”

More harm than good? What is more harmful to our country that having a group of armed, Confederate flag waving, Holocaust denying insurrectionists spurred on by the president invading our Capitol? What’s more harmful than having the Senator from one state call the Georgia Secretary of State and ask him to recount the votes in favor of _____. The most harm done to this country is allowing people like Lindsey Graham to represent us.

So, while Democrats are pushing for impeachment, resignation, or demanding his Cabinet invoke the 25th Amendment and remove this lunatic from office, the GOP, after about twenty-four hours of outrage, would like us to be calm …thoughts and prayers. They say they want to move on from this divisiveness but seem to have forgotten that by denying the results of a free and fair election, by taking months and months to even acknowledge Biden’s win, that they are responsible for dividing this country and then trying to set fire to it by riling up a crowd of insurgents.

The GOP also argues that there is no time for impeachment before _____ leaves office, but the Democrats are open to impeaching him  after he’s gone—which can be done—and could result in him losing his pension, his Secret Service detail, and, more importantly, the ability to ever run for federal office again.

And let’s make this clear, as well, the GOP wants to “move on” from this, not because they want unity, but because they don’t want their names associated with _____ and his MAGAts’, at least for now. But justice must be served for the traitors and the enablers. Then and only then can we move on.

Buckle up, Republicans, because not only are Democrats enraged by you, but the MAGAts are done with your party and are coming for you.

But not everyone in the party has so quickly decided to forget the terror attack on the capitol like it was just another school shooting.

Republican Senators Pat Toomey [PA] and Lisa Murkowski [AK], and Representative Adam Kinzinger [IL] have all called for _____ to resign or be removed from office. And several GOP governors—Vermont’s  Phil Scott, Maryland’s Larry Hogan, and Massachusetts’s Charlie Baker—have also demanded that _____ resign or be removed by force.

And a  handful of Cabinet officials have resigned in protest, most notably Elaine Chao, AKA Mrs. Mitch McConnell, Betsy “Cruella” DeVos, and former Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney. There is less idea that they are angry, and it feels more like they want the stink of ______ washed off of them.

But even _____’s personal Attorney General Bill Barr, who resigned last month not long after denying _____’s allegations of voter fraud, said that “orchestrating a mob to pressure Congress is inexcusable.”

And so, another idea has come up; Congress could have a separate vote that would prevent _____ from ever holding office again. That could be done quickly and would potentially only need a simple majority vote of 51 senators, unlike impeachment, in which two-thirds of the Senate must support a conviction. And with the Senate split evenly at 50-50, under Democratic control, Vice President Kamala Harris would be the Senate's tie-breaking vote.

And we’d never have to see that traitorous, rapist, racist, adulterous, transphobic, mother%ker is ever in power again.

Oh, and let’s not forget that if any of the several states who are gearing up to charge _____ with any number of crimes, wins their cases, a felon couldn’t be elected to official.

And that also works for me.

I want him gone. I’d like him chains, but that may never happen. But get him out and write it down in history that he is a twice-impeached, one-term, lame-duck loser.

Tarnish the name. Tarnish the name for the entire family so that if any one of them ever decides to run for office, they’ll have to explain about their father.

The traitor.


  1. I couldn't agree be more....but no voting out. The idiots in there districts either don't care or don't do homework...and keep voting for the same idiots. All those you mentioned need to be asked to resign or be stripped of service...and a new election held for those posts.

    And I'm already mad as hell...fuming that the dump will most like go off in the sunset skipping...because I don't think anyone will have the balls to take him down and punish him and that will sour me on every last one of them. And then when the next "trump like" person gets in because they all did nothing they can save it. And they can reap what they sow.

  2. I despised him back in the 1980s as even then I could see he was an opportunist nothing. I just never dreamed in the wildest of dreams he’d opportunist his way to where he is. Now Just get him the F*ck out and take his deplorable family and enablers with him.

  3. As I've always said I knew _____
    would be a bad President but
    never imagined he'd be this

    take care, xoxo :-)

  4. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Well said they all should go they have made America a laughing stock and that is saying something as we have too put up with an awful government in the UK.

  5. What angers me is all these Repugnant calls for working if they ever gave a F**K (a word derived from the Anglo-Saxon) about working with the Dems when they were in charge. Now that McTurtle will be Minority Leader things are so very much different!

    Good to see that Juley Baby may lose his bar licence (if not his head)

    I am with @Patrick about the state of Bozo's government, especially that swine Gavin Williams

  6. Wonderfully said Bob. I just read that the company that processes the credit card payments to his campaign have also cut him loose. Damn, he could be running out of money even faster than the thought. God I hate that bastard!

  7. I'm down with everything you've said here! I never want to see this piece of shit traitor or his family members in any public office EVER AGAIN!

  8. You're the Man, Bob. Call it like you see it.
    I loathe Agent Orange and his Gang of Offspring, but I think I feel just as much hostility toward the Republicans who have gone along, actually enabled him. Shame on them.
    I am sick to death of their being "very concerned" and then voting with him. Think Susan Collins. Think Lisa Murkowski. And don't even begin to think about the defamed, but never "deflamed" Lindsay Graham.
    My hope is in the attorney general of the state of New York. I believe she has the will to put him in prison where he surely belongs.
    Everyone involved in the Insurrection of January 06th should be charged, convicted and incarcerated. For once in his life, hold this man and his cohorts accountable.

  9. Thumbs up on all you Mistress Maddie said, just a few comments: Calling for the maniac to resign is a noble cop-out. He will never resign and so they can walk away having said the “right thing” with no real effect. Cabinet resignations are also a noble cop-out. If they want to remove the poisonous traitor from the office, they are an important/critical part of implementing the 25 amendment. By resigning, they are off the hook and don’t have to take any courageous action in support of removal. Impeachment will be fraught with time constraints and/or providing obstcles to Biden’s agenda. But certainly I agree with filing the articles of impeachment and delaying their delivery to the senate until aftter the new congress is seated. As for a separate vote to prevent him from holding any future office, if that were indeed possible, I’m in favor (but I was under the impression that that could only be done as part of the impeachment/conviction).

  10. I agree that he should be removed and barred from ever holding office again, but to bar him from future office, he does have to be convicted by two-thirds of the Senate first. The Senate is able to punish a federal official with removal from office and/or barring them from holding future offices, but this is in what would be considered the sentencing phase of the trial, thus after conviction. Then, a simple majority could bar him from ever holding office again, but the question of a simple majority for sentencing has never been tested in the courts. Sadly, Democrats will have to convince at least 17 Republicans to convict him in a Senate trial, even if he's left office, which I doubt is possible, even though it desperately needs to be done. I'm afraid that Republicans are going to continue to pander to the his supporters, as has been seen with them backing off their condemnation of last Wednesday's events.

  11. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Before anything and everything that needs to be done is done, we need to take a step back and look at the larger picture. Putin picked Manafort to handle Trump's campaign, and Manafort picked Pence as Trump's vice president. This insurrection isn't finished and Pence isn't the lesser of two evils, he's the endgame. The fact that Trump threw Pence to the mob shows how desperate Trump is to hold on to what he believes is rightfully his. The truth is he's never been anything more than Putin's lapdog. The only way through this is to tie them both up with impeachment trials, asap.

  12. Unfortunately, I don't think Cheeto or any of his minions will do time. The Dems have just introduced an article of impeachment against him. Hope that works, even if as it is mentioned above, they would need 14 Repugs to be successful.
    Also, all the Repugs who enabled him and spread his lies should be kicked out. Now.
    let's not wait until the next Twitler, a smarter, slimier one gets to office.


  13. Well, the articles of impeachment can simmer. Schumer can introduce to the Senate, they can try him, convict him, and then strip him of any of the presidential benefits - like that huge pension, medical, Secret Service Detail, and stop him from being able to hold any federal public office.

    Then the states can move forward with their indictments and throw his ass in prison, along with his kids.

  14. I would also like to see him gone and never coming back. But I haven't heard this idea about voting to prohibit him from holding office again. Can they do that outside the impeachment process? I mean, if the Republicans nominate him again (unlikely) and people vote for him (God forbid), and he HASN'T been impeached -- how could Congress say no?

    I think Chao and De Vos basically just wanted to avoid potentially being faced with a 25th amendment vote to remove him. They were afraid of blowback from being put in that position. Because, I'm sorry, after you've worked for him for FOUR YEARS, cutting out in the last two weeks of the administration hardly makes you a paragon of virtue.

  15. A brilliant post and well said. Sadly I don't have high hopes on impeachment or the 25 amendment. I don't like to be un-lady like....but shit or get off the my mother use to say.

  16. @MM
    I just read there’s a move in the House to expel the ReTHUGs who also inspired this violence.
    I am 50/50 on impeachment now, but then I worry that with COVID other things might have to wait. And if they wait to impeach him after he leaves office, the Democrats have all the power and he will most likely be convicted, stripped of his pension, his travel allowance and the right to ever run for office again.

    I asked a simple question when he ran in 2016:what has he ever done for anynoe other than himself and his family. And most people said, ’Nothing,’ so then I asked, ‘And so what makes you think he’ll do anything for you now?”

    I think death might be too extreme, but I do think that if he is stripped of the ability to run again, the MAGAts will slither away.

    I didn’t know he’d be this bad either, but I knew he’d be terrible.

    I think _____ spawned Boris, so, for America, I apologize.

    @Helen’This is their latest version of “thoughts and prayers,” and a rehash of what they say after EVERY mass hooting …it’s too soon, we need to calm down. Nope, that doesn’t work; we need to stay angry.

    Blue Cross has announced that they will no longer give money to anyone who had a hand in this, all the way down to the smallest pissant who cried election fraud.
    The PGA will no longer hold tournaments at his resorts. More to come, I’m sure.

    I only wish we could keep his demon spawn from running. That’s why we stay vigilant and never forget what he’s done.

    The GOP is still be complicit and compliant with _____. He sent a mob to kill the VP and they ask for calm?? Sorry. Not happening.
    I agree, as always, with everything you said.

    Resignation is out because that’s admitting he’s a loser. Plus, it makes him a bit of a martyr for MAGAts. I’d like to see him punished as harshly as is possible. Along with his minions and cohorts.

    Right, but the House can impeach him now, and then have the Senate do so after he leaves office, which by then, the Democrats will control. With the Senate at 50/50 Kamala Harris has the tie-breaking vote.

    We do need to keep in mind that this goes deeper than just _____. But, if we stay the course, and keep reminding ourselves and others, about Pence and Hawley and Cruz and Graham, and all the others, we can slowly get them all out of office.

    I don’t see any of them in prison, but I’d like to see his name tarnished since he loves it so much; I’d like to see him barred from holding public office again; I’d like to see his criminal children, if they ever decide to run, to be forced to explain their complicit silence over the last four years and why anyone in their right mind would ever vote _____ again.


    From what I've read this morning, Congress has the power to pass a resolution barring him from ever running for office again. But impeachment will strip him of money, which will hurt. And, of course, if New York tries him for any of his crimes, he'd be a felon and unable to run.
    Chao and DeVos and Mulvaney are just trying to save their own skin.
    Traitors all.

  17. @Agnes
    My hopes for impeachment, even after he’s out of office, rest on a Democratically controlled Congress and Kamala Harris with the power to break a tie.
    And I like the idea of a woman of color handing him his ass.

  18. I could not have said it better myself...I was following a cute commercial actor who posted a video on Instagram about "tribalism" after the attack...He twisted himself so much that he was not addressing the insurrection, the coup attempt head-on...It was basically whataboutism and both sides shit...Look over here...Something shiny and new...I called him on it...I wasn't nasty but addressed it head-on...I am now blocked...Folks saying we shouldn't impeach, invoke the 24th amendment, circling the wagons to force the asshole to resign because he only has so many days left in office, it's a time for coming together, unite and heal...Sit the fuck down...Accountability first and then we can hold hands later...Time left in office has no bearing...Remove by any legal means necessary...What still galls me is after the coup attempt by these domestic terrorists, we had select Republicans STILL objecting to the electoral colleage counting of the votes...They are next...You must go...If this is not the time to stand for our DEMOCRACY what time will it be...

  19. What a great tidy document you've created... hell in a nutshell. I think you captured everything. The reaction on the part of the perpetrators just amazes me. They have no shame and no interest in taking responsibility. Well, they've been exposed as what they are... and now the world knows.

    That blue tide had better become a blue tsunami in the next four years.


  20. Bob, this was a great post. You encapsulated all of my feelings exactly. I read through all of the comments, and they are good too. The whole thing is so unbelievable. I want _______ impeached and gone.

  21. @VRC
    If inciting a mob to take control of our houses of Congress isn't an impeachable offense, i don't know what it!!

    I just heard our own SC Congressman say impeachment is divisive. But what about lying for MONTHS about the results of an election? What about refusing for MONTHS to acknowledge the president? What about continuing the lies for MONTHS which only fanned those flames?

    I want him gone, and then impeached, and then he can never run for office again.
    Then maybe New York can put him on trial and Madoff him.

  22. The party's over... I mean the Republican Party. The GOP has been nothing but deniers and losers since Reagan. He started the Lie and Trump just killed it.

  23. @Dave
    Sadly, I worry about what will replace them.

  24. When I was growing up, people would say "What a Benedict Arnold" to describe someone who was a traitor. I wonder how Trump's name will be used... or Ted Cruz.

  25. @Mitchell
    I think _____;s name will replace Arnold, and Ted Cruz? Just plain Ted Cruz is bad enough!


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