
Thursday, January 14, 2021


Let’s talk about just one of the reasons I love me some Carlos: he’s funny. And I love funny.

Every week he buys some stuff from the Deli for sandwiches during the week, and because he’s such a creature of habit it’s always chicken and swiss cheese. A while back, I suggested he get some ham, you know, to live wild and be crazy! And so now he buys chicken and swiss cheese …and ham.

But, because of his eyesight, and the teeny tiny lettering on each package of deli goods, he normally writes on the label himself when he gets them home: pollo, for chicken, queso, for cheese, and jamon, for ham. I thought it cute, until last week, after coming home from the store, when he created new labels:

He’s not the greatest artiste, but I smile every time I make a sammich.

Seriously, even a cat knows the difference between a riot and a terror attack. I think he needs to give a TED talk to the GOP.

Publishing giant Simon & Schuster have given the boot to traitorous Senator Josh Hawley’s upcoming book after the Missouri ReTHUGlican helped lead seditious efforts to try and overturn the U.S. presidential election, saying:

“We did not come to this decision lightly. As a publisher it will always be our mission to amplify a variety of voices and viewpoints: At the same time, we take seriously our larger public responsibility as citizens, and cannot support Senator Hawley after his role in what became a dangerous threat.”

True to form, Hawley whined about the cancellation on Twitter:

“This could not be more Orwellian. Simon & Schuster is canceling my contract because I was representing my constituents, leading a debate on the Senate floor on voter integrity, which they have now decided to redefine as sedition. Let me be clear, this is not just a contract dispute. It’s a direct assault on the First Amendment. Only approved speech can now be published. This is the Left looking to cancel everyone they don’t approve of. I will fight this cancel culture with everything I have. We’ll see you in court.”

Oh, Josh, you dumbass, Simon and Schuster can cancel any book deal they choose because they pick who they want to sell and who they don’t. And they don’t care to be associated with a seditionist.

It’s not them, it’s you.

Oh Anna, what have you wrought?

Vogue had planned to have Vice President … the first female … the first person of color .. Kamala Harris on the cover and that up there on the right is what they came up with. Kamala in front of some cheesy pink and green sheets like she was strolling through a Bed Bath and Beyond and stopped for a selfie.

Seriously, Anna. And yet that photo on the left is classy, elegant and Vice Presidential.

How did they not notice the difference?

As a result of the GOP aiding and abetting, and inciting a terror attack on this country, some of America's biggest companies are suspending donations to GOP Congress members who objected to the Electoral College's votes.

The list includes American Express, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Commerce Bank, Dow Chemical, Marriott, Airbnb, Amazon, AT&T, Comcast, Commerce Bank, Mastercard, and Verizon.

Some companies have opted to suspend donations to all politicians, regardless of whether or not they voted against upholding the Electoral College results; they include 3M, Bank of America, Charles Schwab, Citigroup, Coca-Cola, Deloitte, Facebook, Ford, Goldman Sachs, Google, Hallmark, Hilton, JPMorgan, Microsoft, Salesforce, Target, UPS, and Visa.

Many other companies have announced they would "review" their contributions in light of recent events but lacked the stronger stances taken by their corporate peers; they include CVS, Delta, ExxonMobil, FedEx and Walmart.

Good. Stop the money, stop the asshats.

I'm always on the lookout for a new mask. I bought this one, but I don’t think this is how you wear it.

What? Is this true? ReTHUGlican lawmakers—who were held captive by homegrown domestic terrorist just last week, are livid about the new metal detectors installed outside the House chamber after the attack. To be clear, these asshats, and ALL are GOP goose-steppers, are upset because they wanna bring their guns into the Capitol, and they include:

Steve Scalise, who was shot at a baseball game a few years back, who says the metal detectors were ”designed to impede lawmakers from voting.” Um, Steve? How does a metal detector stop you from voting unless you’re so f**king stupid you think it’s a voting machine?

Markwayne Mullin, who has also refused to wear a mask inside House Chambers, says he has a Constitutional right to carry a gun into the Capitol. Greg Steube denounced the "atrocities" that have happened in the Capitol lately, namely “the installation of metal detectors.”

Not the attack. Not the dead police officer. Metal detectors.

Seriously. After being attacked last week, when not one of these heroes used their guns to stop the attack—all it takes to stop a bad guy is a good guy with a gun, or so we’ve been told—these fools only care about their so-called right to carry.

Fuck them all.

Benjamin Freemantle is an artist, model, choreographer. Director, writer, and a principal dancer with the San Francisco ballet. He’s cute and nerdy and gives good face.

He looks good in clothes and dresses and in nothing at all.

Dirty or clean or lying nekkid on a blanket.

And anyone who can leap through the streets of San Francisco in their undies is all right with me. Just sayin’.


  1. Carlos can have a new career as a deli luncheon meat artiste!!! I know of none.

    Im so glad that many companies and Simon and Schuster are holding accountable these assholes. They will learn you cant get away with eveything you say and do against the country without consequences.

    I actually loved the Vogue cover...she looks relatable and hip. Plus Kamala and her people didn't have to approve if she didn't like it. And then there's the added bonus of being on the cover...not even in office yet....while Melania has yet to get a cover....trumps head blows again!!!!!!!!!

    I have several mask like that to represent my different moods. They often get looks.

  2. LOL Carlos. My husband buys the same cheese every week. The ballet dancer Benjamin Freemantle is gorgeous and multi talented. Thanks for introducing me to him.
    The tweet of the week,....perfect!

  3. Hahahahahaha, that Tweet of the Week!

  4. I like carlos' images and tuxedo's thinking.
    bwhahahahahaha, corporate $$$ fallout and the tweet.

  5. News Feed. Yum.

    Benjamin is very creative and I love his pics. Amazing stuff.

    Metal detectors. Maybe they are afraid their tin foil hats will set it off?

    New Mask... I would love to wear that on my face. (And I'm not talking about the mask.)

    There's an unfair advantage if some corps continue to give... favors are bought. We need election monies reform. Period. 5 bucks per person. Period.

    Poor Kamala. SMH. Whatever that is, it shouldn't happen to anyone.

    Hawley is such a fool. He thought he was going to raise his profile by pulling this crap. Well, S&S don't feel that sedition is a good way to sell books... get over it. This is the kind of cancel culture I can get behind, btw.

    Tux is one smart kitty.

    And Carlos! So cute. I love it.

    Thanks, as always. Enjoy this so much.

  6. I do so hope that isn't squashed mouse cheese Carlos has been buying for you

    As for metal detectors; do they carry on like that when they are going into a supermarket/bank/airport? I think not!

    Pink background or not Kamala Harris looks great' she has the most wonderful smile (like Michelle Obama) and both ladies outdo Mrs Pouty McPoutface (whose hobby is putting pics of herself in a scrapbook), on a scale of 1-10, by 100!

  7. Carlos moves me to happy tears, always. I can see the chicken. As for the other two, Bobulah beware of Chow chops and ground rat!
    At least Kamala is wearing clothes. The pantsuit kind of clashes with the background's frou-frou (I hope that's speld write) ambience, not to mention ugly colors. Sorry, Maddie. Love the shoes.
    Does that mask come in darker skin tones, and bigger? Asking for me.
    The tweet is on point.

  8. Fabulous post! I like your work.

  9. OMG Carlo's drawingggggsssss. Yes.
    Tuxedo, always right.
    As for Stomry, that statement is truer than anything. Also she funny as f*ck and super smart. And pretty.
    I'm still cackling every time I think about Hawley and his face when S&S dropped his traitorous ass. He had probably spent all that money he thought he was gonna make. They also said he has presidential ambitions. Good luck with that.
    Anna Wintour has never been too woke, for all the power that she has. My girlfriends were incensed over that print cover; they said it looked like a sale at Michael's and they propped Kamala in front of it. The online cover is much, much better.

    And that's a mask,huh? Well..

    Oh hai Ben.


  10. (Carlos) (Tuxedo)
    much chortling over Stormy Daniels tweet.
    xoxo :-)

  11. Carlos IS a great artiste. The drawings are wonderful. (Ok, something strange is going on with that pig but they're still wonderful.) Tuxedo, as always, knows what's what. Josh Hawley is an asshole. Wintour said Harris chose that casual outfit. However, someone else chose that hideous backdrop and the terrible lighting that washed out the skin tones. WHAT is dripping from that mask? I'm still appalled by Rethuglican behavior. Frightening times. Benjamin Freemantle... Um, can you define "nerd"? If that's nerd, I wish I had dated some. Nice to realize drumpf did have one good hire.

  12. @MM
    He might make some good money doing that!!
    I love Kamala but that backdrop on the cover looks so cheap, and the online version looks so much better. Maybe she needs a better publicity team?

    Carlos is really funny, and most of the time he doesn't even know it!!
    Benjamin is so bendy, no?

    Funny, cuz it's true,

    His little drawings are hysterical ... but that pig looks a little like Ozzo with a curly tail!

    Benjamin is quite the chameleon in these photos, and oh so pliable!
    I forgot about their foil hats!!!!
    I get where you're going about the masked man.
    And I agree that there needs to be limits, and no loopholes, on how much a person or a business can give.
    As for Kamala, I don't mind how she looks, it's that cheesy backdrop.
    Hawley will be remember for being a traitor. Run for office, little snowflake, run!
    And you're right about my two favorite men ... Tuxedo and Carlos!

    Luckily, it's real cheese.
    And you're right about Kamala.

    Carlos is so damned cute!
    Frou-frou is right.
    I will research the mask!

    Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for stopping by.

    Carlos cracks me up because he did them, but said nothing, and then I saw them and almost died!
    Josh Hawley deserves every smack he gets!
    I agree about that Kamala cover ... that backdrop is awful.

  13. @TDM
    Carlos has so many talents ...

    The pig, right? It seriously looks like Ozzo if Ozzo had a curly tail!
    Concise yet cogent re: Josh Hawley.
    It's the backdrop that's awful. Carlos should have drawn a rat on it so we'd know it's "cheese."
    It's the picture of Benjamin in the glasses where he gives me nerd life!

  14. The tweet is a perfect ending to your post. And the thought of them complaining about the metal detectors a week after what happened just blows my mind. I don't get it.

  15. I like the cheese!!

    The writing on the wall says the Republicans are going to lose horrendously next election cycle. Rather then deal with this ugly truth, they continue to act ignorantly selfish as a way of ignoring reality. Reality bites.

    I suspect Josh Hawly will soon be doing porn on Only Friends.

  16. So next time I query a book, I should just whine about it, I guess. No one told me that's how to get a book deal!

  17. Good one, as always

  18. @Michael
    The GOP is just so out of touch, complicit and hypocritical.

    I keep say "rat" and he informed me it's "mouse"

    Poor Josh, he hoped he could ride a book deal into the White House in 2024.

    Thank you sir.

  19. Aahh, I think your husband is wonderful!

  20. @Treaders
    Me, too!

  21. oh the humor; oh the pain.


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