
Saturday, January 02, 2021

I Ain't One ToGossip, But ...

Well, watch your children’s college applications because College Admissions Scam Criminal Lori Loughlin has done her time and is out of jail.

Sadly, because you know Lori was hoping for a mob of photographers, no one met her at the gate because the press is busy dragging another self-entitled delusional white bitch—see that story below—and Lori was met only by her chauffeur who took her to a private plane that whisked her back to her manse and staff.

Prison is hard for a bitch.

Lori will be on supervised release for two years and must complete 250 hours of community service. I hope they have her scrubbing toilets while wearing a generic ankle bracelet and orange jumpsuit.

On that same topic, her fellow College Admissions Scandal jailbird Felicity Huffman is out of jail and already back to work as an actress.

I think Lori will have a tougher time booking gigs since her image is wholesome Hallmark Aunt Becky and not prison bitch.


Now, howsabout about that other delusional one-percenter I hinted at: Hilaria Baldwin? There have been rumors for years that Hilaria was lying about her past, and now the story has come to light.

She has claimed to be Spanish, hence the Hilaria, and even rocked a Spanish accent, albeit one that went in and out like a dick in a porn film, but is she really an American girl lying? No one ever talked about the escándalo until now, after a Twitter thread appeared—and has since disappeared—accusing Hillary of a decades-long lie about her Spanish origins.

Hilaria’s CAA page, her IMDb bio and her Wikipedia page claim she was born in Mallorca and later moved to America, and she said in a podcast earlier this year:

“I moved here [to America] when I was 19 to go to NYU from… my family lives in Spain, they live in Mallorca.”

Hilaria was on the cover of Hola! Magazine where she was identified as Spanish in both the interview and its press release, and husband Alec Baldwin often calls her ‘Spanish’ online. She’s made many appearances in Latina magazines where she refers to Spain as her “home.”

And here’s more: there are videos of Hilaria on a talk shows, like Good Morning America, where she spoke with a Spanish accent, to a Today show cooking segment where she acted as though she could not remember the English word for “cucumber.”

How do you say in your country? Lying hypocrite?

Last fall, Hilaria pushed the fashion brand Zara on her podcast, saying in that on-and-off accent of hers, that  she has loved the label since “before I was in this country.’’

Trouble is, Hilaria’s real name is Hillary, according to an old MySpace page, friends from her past, and school records. She attended private school in Massachusetts, and in her senior yearbook is listed as Hillary Hayward-Thomas. It’s similar to what Rachel Dolezal—the white woman who claimed to be black—did only Hillary wanted to be Spanish.

Well, now Hillary is defending herself in a bonkers new Instagram video in which she has no Spanish accent at all and claims all of her lies about her background just a misunderstanding, and she never misrepresented herself. Bitch, your husband called you Spanish; your agent called you Spanish; you actually uttered the line:

“How do you say in English? ‘Cucumber’.”

Bitch, please. But she still claims she grew up in Boston and Spain, even though there is no evidence that she spent more than a couple of years vacationing in Spain, and then admitted she was born in Boston as Hillary and has no Spanish ancestry.

Seriously, why? Why? And why Alec played along is crazy, too. He took to social media to trash the Twitter user broke the story of Hillary’s lifelong lie in a bizarre Instagram rant where he compared the truth-teller to “used coasters with the rings on them and the stains on them.”

Huh? Is that Spanish for something? Even Ireland Baldwin, Alec’s daughter from his marriage to Kim Basinger, defended Hillary:

“It’s so pathetic that anyone would want to play detective and dig that deep into someone’s life they don’t know anything about, don’t know how they were raised, don’t know who they were actually raised by.”

Is that pathetic, Ireland, or is it pathetic to lie and pretend you’re Spanish when you aren’t? Take a seat, Karen.

Alec reappeared on social media, again, and once more dragged the Twitter sleuth, telling the world to “consider the source.” We did, Alec, and the “source” is your wife’s American birth certificate.



Finally, a movie I’m longing to see … Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum are set to star in a movie that sounds like a reboot with all new people of Romancing the Stone, but their film is called The Lost City of D. Sounds like a film where Sandra is on the hunt for Channing’s dick.

Funny, I’m on that same hunt and no one offered to have me star in a movie about it.



  1. Well, this is the first I've ever even heard of Hilaria Baldwin, Spanish or not.

  2. hilarious and alec - what a fucked up couple!
    hope no one ever gives ugly lori an acting job from this day forward.

  3. I've had 3 callbacks.

  4. Lori's doing 250 hours of what????

    You realize Bullock is edging up towards 60, don't you?

    Hillaria is Hillarious.

  5. The original name for cucumber was cowcumber; as for the rest of these vegetables I hold my tongue

  6. So that's how Alec did such a good job of playing that lying liar No. 45 on SNL. He drew his inspiration from his and his wife's ongoing subterfuge.

  7. "rest of these vegetables I hold my tongue"

    Almost spit coffee all over
    my screen!!
    xoxo :-)

  8. @Debra
    I'd heard of her, but didn't know she was such a blatant liar.

    Yes and Yes.

    Damn you! =)

    I love some Sandy, but Channing is a bit young for her. But then aging men in movies have always had decade's younger love interests so ....

    That officially became the funniest thing I've heard today! Thanks you!


  9. Seems it’s getting crowded in here as I’m on the hunt for Channing’s dick as well.

  10. @Helen
    Nailed it!!!

  11. "Accent going in and out like a dick in porn film"?!! My husband and I haven't stopped laughing since I read it out loud to him fifteen minutes ago! Only you could come up with that one!

  12. As Dorothy Parker said..." Their intelligence wouldn't fill a teaspoon."

    And im set to star with Channing in the sequel already....Jewel in My Nile!!!!!

  13. Agreeing with line ever! I always wondered about Hilarious’s name. Now it makes sense. Cucumber indeed!

  14. Do you reckon Alec will be doing a SNL sketch about Hilaria? Nah, I didn't think so!

  15. @Fearsome
    Aren't we all!!

    I do like to provide a service.

    Damn you!!! I sent him the script to Romancing My Stones!

    That was the worst lie ever. Cucumber? Bitch, please.

    I doubt it; he's funny but he doesn't have a real good sense of humor.

  16. I'm so sorry, Bob. They were looking for someone a bit more "mature." I'll put in a good word for you for the next opportunity.

  17. I have no idea who Hilaria Baldwin is, but that's quite a story! I've heard of people "reinventing" themselves, and she's certainly not the first person to do it, but most people don't lie about their past quite so extensively.

    Felicity Huffman owned up to her actions from the beginning, which I admired. Lori Loughlin fought the charges and I consider her less of a person for it. (And again, I'd barely heard of her -- at least I knew who Felicity Huffman was.)

  18. Is Hilaria friends with Malaria (Melanie)(Melonomia)? Or do they just use the same surgeon?

    Sandra is way too old to be fishing around for Channing's taint wanger. Though he looks full of botox in that damn photo. Never cared for him. She... I like, thought hit and miss. No desire to see movie.

    I wonder if Aunt Becky was the top or the bottom... bunk bed. What did you think I meant? Well, hopefully she got her salad good and tossed a couple of times. And I hope they at least took her phone away from her.

    Thanks for the gossip. You the best.


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