
Wednesday, December 30, 2020

What To Wear On New Year's Eve ...

 I can't decide between caftan ... in case I eat too much Kale-and-Black-Eyed-Pea soup that I'm making as a traditional Southern New Year's Eve 'Good Luck' meal, or ... a simple leather jacket and hoop skirt, without the skirt.


  1. Hmmm... around here we
    opt for jammies.
    xoxo :-)

  2. Both would look stunning on you, Bob.

  3. Go with the caftan, you'll find it easier to sit down.

  4. Gold might suit you better

  5. I like that second guy's "look," but I'm not sure how comfortable (or practical) it is.

  6. I'll be wearing the second thanks goodness your luckily in SC.

  7. Sweats here unless we go out to walk the dog...jeans and coat and gloves, etc.
    P.S. My opinion: The "fashion" industry is not for real people.

  8. What? No skirt? The skirt IS the look.
    Is that Keiynan Lonsdale? ohhhh.


  9. Definitely the hoop skirt. Sexy and enforces six feet apart.

  10. @TDM
    Jammies??? I never!!! =)

    Thank you. :::blush:::

    True dat.

    I do look good in gold ...

    You're right. After a certain age, I should think about comfort.

    I could rock either look in SC ... perhaps a mid-dinner reveal???

    Sweats??? I always dress for dinner! =)

    For me the illusion of skirt is the look. And, yes, good eye, that is Keiynan Lonsdale.

  11. @Boots
    Good on you for reminding me to social distance!

  12. I like the caftan, but then again I'm kinda fat. It looks a bit too summery for the weather, though. At least the leather jacket makes up for the lack of skirt in the other one.

  13. Why wear anything at all? Share the magic that is you.

  14. Maybe you could wear the caftan over the hoop skirt?

  15. caftan! room and then some! easier to sit down too.

  16. One word Kale!! Really!! Maybe if you do something to it but I tried a fresh Kale salad once and it was like eating straw, sandpaper...You get the point. It was rough. The texture was all off. Enjoy!!

  17. @Deedles
    You make a very valid point. If only I could find a leather caftan ....

    I like the idea, but then I might spill hot food in my lap and it's a whole different kinda night!

    @Alan Scott
    You may be onto something.

    True, and I'm serving my Homemade Cornbread with my Black-Eyed Peas so I may need that extra room!.

  18. @VRCooper
    The Kale is cut into strips and cooks with the soup. It takes the place of collard greens. Seriosuly, it is good!

  19. Leather caftan?, oh Bobulah no! Cow tarp ain't the way to go, winter or no winter! Oh the sweat, the body funk, the all out discomfort....., sorry I kinda passed out for a moment.

  20. The leather hoopskirt with no skirt, and the leather pants. No jacket. You'll be too hot. Or for immediate access, the caftan. (I always spelled mine with a K. Yeah, I actually had one in the '70s.)

  21. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I definitely see you in the caftan. It drapes gracefully over a mature figure (think Liz Taylor's caftan years).

    Whatever you decide, please stay safe and accessorize with a mask and bottle of hand sanitizer and some Clorox wipes.

  22. @Deedles
    Sheesh, again you're right, but if I spilled the food would slide right off!!

    I need a pic of Kaftan Mitchell!

    The caftan is built for safety ...all those fabric folds.

  23. Sadly, no pic exists as far as I know (I actually thought about that last night when I commented). It was unbleached muslin, lightweight and really comfortable!


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